This is the problem with systems they get too big and easily corrupted. We need Memo of Understanding or MOU in place quickly. Especially if the large globalist institutions are attempting to do a soft coup of our community organisations without needing a treaty. Beat them to the punch at grassroots level. Examine the work of Maggie Braun on Kiclei (Kicking the International Council Out of Local Environmental Initiatives) on substack Gather 2030. https://shorturl.at/HuXrB

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Thank you James, for your close observations on the antics of the infamous WHO. It is truly appreciated

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We need consensus to Abolish The Federal Reserve : they are a Private For Profit Banking cartel owned by Rothschild banksters. Get rid of poison GMO Food -- the banksters who own blackrock and vanguard are doing this-- they own almost ALL of America. Only with God can these murderers be stopped. The “deep state” is bigger than you can fathom. Pray 🙏🏻

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I would love to see all of these elected so called important groups be dispanned,get back to nature not pharma , thank you for all you do

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Lets not replace the old system with a new system .It will exclude us again from decision making ,just like the old one . Let our conscience be our new system to guide us . James is not guiding us ,he is waking up many of the sleep walkers to finally guide them self ,by informing them .

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I'm not buying it. This is all part of the script.

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I agree with you: Before the Australian Government went full jackboot on the vaccine mandates a couple years back, they said they wouldn't bother to enforce the matter.

We should maintain full pressure as well as continue a push to exit the WHO

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Any system exists mainly for itself and not the people it supposedly serves. What would you propose as a "new " system ?

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Dr Rima Truth Reports Substack 14 mins ago

It is not prohibited in the US and the letter that is there to send to Congress is specifically for people in the US.

If you click on the "Country" tab, you will see a drop down menu and there are many letters and actions there.

It is hard for me to imagine that in a country where asserting one's will on the net is risky and prohibited, it is safer and more allowable to send a physical letter signed by the individual. I guess I need more information to understand what you are asking for.

mia's reply

It is however simple, all the exchanges emails, phone etc. are under surveillance, the fear is immense in some countries, I understand that it is difficult to imagine. Ok, I will try to organize it differently for this people.

It would be interesting to know how many citizens around the world have filled the oneclickpolitics on the site PreventGenocide2030.org, there is no visibility as to its effectiveness in terms of mass.

We need about 25% of the population.

Can you inform us about the number of shipments either by country (to know the extent of participation, or in total? The fight is far from over, they will never stop if we do not block them permanently and quickly.

Thanks in advance.

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I think we should have an idea of the number engaged in this process, the disadvantage of the Internet is that we have none of how much we are ready for action.

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👍 there is hope. Thank you for all the great work

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Dear James,

In the name of the entire planet earth, there is not enough thanks that are deserved here!

Much love from Switzerland


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Incredible work James. Thank you 🙏

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Here's a must read for everyone if you haven't done so already. An archived interview of Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a DC and government involved Jew, by Walter White Jr. Shortly thereafter Rosenthal was murdered in a PLO (or possibly Mossad agents posing as PLO) terrorist attack in Istanbul, Turkey on August 11. 1976. Very revealing. If Americans only knew.


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You must be a Zionist. They call people names a great deal. I did more research on this "interview" after the posting and though it rings very true in light of current history, its interviewer seems unreliable and something of a racist and into white supremacy. It also appears to me Zionist led Israel is racist and supremist as well. I also have experience with ADL and the Zionist bent to change history to their liking by editing and removing content they don't like, plus their pathological lying makes anything they say hard to believe. I own a 4th edition book they sliced out a review and the 3rd appendix and many of the historical references to Jews and usury. The book had been archived in its earlier edition and that's how I found out what had been done to it. Point a finger and two point back at you. "Stupid" just calls names because they can't argue a point.

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To elaborate, the tone of the article you linked is 'stupid'! Israel is invalid, agreed... but on-topic, all religion is stupid! Quote the useful poetry all you want - religion is a moron, and apostacy isn't a thing! Teh Jews did not kill 'Jesus' as he never existed! Jews just disagree with Universal Christian (Catholics) on who the messiah is gonna be... contemporary Christians still buy the Roman psy-op. of 'Christ', while Jews await their Mashiach - you're all drunk on one giant egregore - religion!

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Superbugg G ,even if you don't believe in religion ,you are still a sinner ,if you don't follow the covid religion and not believing that the weather and climate is constantly changing ,naturally and not by driving a ICE . VEHICLE .

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Hail mother motor, hail piston rotor, hail wheel! (XTC)

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Thanks again James. Good for now.

I’m interested in getting something new built.


Christine NZ

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I don't need to build something new ,I will use my old brain I used for 88 years .it served me well so far . Anyone with a defective brain can order a new one from Amazone .

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