The World Intellectual Property Organization adopted a treaty on Friday May 24, 2024 regarding genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge. Expect additional plot twists in the coming week.
I think these are connected since I actually attended a webinar which talked about whether the Pandemic Treaty was a success or failure.
They mentioned something along these lines (though they mentioned it under the Pandemic Accord) and cited the case of Henrietta Lacks, who was a woman who died of cervical cancer but had cells that would reproduce indefinitely (they're known as HeLa cells)
As for James Love's critical role in the battle for access to antiretroviral treatment in Africa and other parts of the global south, and its engagement with the UN (wiki) makes it possible to doubt its intentions, the controlled opponents are rampant everywhere. Not to mention that viruses have never been isolated, are antiretroviral has injured how many people?
Not knowing it, I do not judge it, a turnaround is always possible, but doubt is allowed.
Nuremberg 2.0 News May 25-31st - Countdown Week to the WHO Agreement Treaty. ALERT! Bird Flu Lockdowns Coming? W.H.O. Bird Flu Fearmongering Begins Before Election + Bird Flu Fact Checking by the Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0
This is a very well worded document that has a lot of loop holes allowing them to do as they please when they please, and another blatant attack on the indigenous community. Thankfully the Voice referendum failed here in Australia although the Australian 'government' has proven time again that they don't need our vote to implement. Come Lord Jesus, come!!
a temporary reprieve nothing the words of schwartzenegger THEY LL BE BACK....we must remain aware theres a petition at last chance to stop the treaty-the 3 million petition..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from any country in the world including yours...all platforms can and must be used but that said dont bother with gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress currently has over 2,399000 signatures it urgently needs many more
So it would appear the U.S. has yet to sign onto this treaty? Hmmm makes me wonder if they really do not like the idea of having to divulge the origin of lets say the covid bioweapon they unleashed on us?
For years the U.S. made out that bats from some cave somewhere or wet market was responsible for this bioweapon? They never said the vaccine was a genetic bioweapon exercise.
I can see why other countries signed onto this treaty quickly since they are fed up with the way our U.S. military bioweapons division has operated.
I do believe that big pharma is really our military in sheeps clothing. It also doesn't like to be truthful about anything let alone the origins of a virus they could have cooked up.
Did they send it to China for it to mysteriously leak out? I think they set China up for losing face pandemic with the world.
How in the world would any competent person deliberately contract with a Chinese government lab to do our bioweapons research? It makes zero sense unless the long game was to stage a phony leak. The lab was not even certified to deal with that level of highly dangerous virus in the first place.
So we really need to blame Fauci et al for that and I don't think he was that stupid but the guy who set up the fall for China. No wonder he has to have secret service detail to this day and til the day he dies which can't come soon enough for many.
Chinese must have figured out they were framed but impossible to prove so they kept quiet and then bought up all the masks and waited since they must have wondered if the U.S. would admit to being involved at all. But the U.S. propaganda media has successfully been able to make Americans believe we are teflon coated to any wrong doing. Or have they? I think people think this was so messed up no matter what NBC or _____ say about this.
Never understood why the media never went after Fauci and the military for contracting for an illegal activity in the first place. All we heard is China did this and China did that.
You will notice that China signed up very early on this treaty. They have a bone to pick with our neocons for sure. But rest assured the media will continue to beat the drums louder for Taiwan's safety and setting the public up for the next proxy war $$$$$. The deep state/military owns and runs the media by buying all those drug ads using their big pharma front.
So if your government pretty much does what it likes when it likes and cherry picks which treaties it will follow at the moment they have already signed, and no one is about to resort to enforcing them when the U.S. diverts ... what is the point of any of these treaties with the U.S.? Are these just polling mechanisms for the west and east to check the temperature of relations out there? Compliance? U.S. is big on compliance tracking. Heck that is why we need to have over 800 international military bases where China has like 2. This is how the neocons get compliance with their citizens and the world. We aren't the cops we are the enforcers of intimidation and paying off local politicians to comply with our military commerce at these bases.
The U.N. is a total waste of time when super powers like the U.S. and other just do whatever. We should be closing that down unless we actually do what we say we want to do. How many times have our top intelligence offices lied to the public and our legislative branches and most likely to our presidents? Too many times. Remember Kennedy and the Cuban crisis and how the CIA went ahead with the invasion after Kennedy said not to it? Yep.
With so many powerful people in D.C. making secret deals it is a pig trough for abuse at so many levels within our or actually deep state's country. It isn't ours anymore and hasn't been for a very long time. We like to think it is and they want us to think it is but it isn't. I think more and more people really get this now.
Maybe it will come to a civil war since nothing else seems to remotely work to reign in the abuses with deep state. I used to laugh at such a crazy idea but now I am not so sure. The compliance is getting tighter and tighter and I do think it will get worse before it will get better. I know they think they are smarter and have some strange way to justify their actions but any psychopath does this too. Just think of all the b.s. we had to put up with WMD or we don't know what we don't know Rumsfeld, why we had to be in Iraq when the attackers were from Saudi Arabia. The lies from President Johnson. Three are so many to cite but we all know that is how it has been working and keep your head down.
Lots of busy work to make out like we have a chance in hell in moving the needle on much of anything. There is way too much money and greed involved to allow that to happen. As long as they can keep the union together and get everyone to continue to buy into it enough to keep us funding the deep state's abuses, it will continue. It won't help with a change of leadership either. It may look like it as the newest spin but under it all the money and power will remain with the military. We had a military coup decades ago but we didn't realize it.
So many immigrants from communist countries have come here and warned us how bad things are here too. The U.S. reminds them of the country they fled and the squeezing has been slow and methodical with the way this country is moving with healthcare, telecom, internet, banking, media, insurance etc. They have been slowly frog boiling us. Oh and the climate change thing is now falling flat as another way to scare us to death and get COMPLIANCE. They will justify all the tracking and censoring and blame climate change for having to clamp down on the masses. It is just getting harder and harder to find the truth and soon it will be impossible with AI monitoring us all for COMPLIANCE. No one will dare speak up at all since no one anymore want to really fight for what little they have left now. That is why we have a voluntary military. It's not worth risking life and limb for the wealthy neocons.
Well I cannot speak to all this ... but clearly the issue is not the UN, the WHO & Co ... the issue is the criminals and the criminally negligent who got us into this mess ... namely our governments ... covertly controlled by the military industrial complex & Co.
Hence the real issue is not EXIT, DEFUND and DISBAND the WHO & Co.
The real issue is EXIT, DEFUND and DISBAND our governments!
Nah we would have chaos!
Democracy is the god we worship!
Democracy will save us - god bless democracy forever!
Most are still addicted to sucking on their Nanny State dummies regardless.
They cannot cope with the idea that Nanny is evil!
"Broadly, where a claimed invention in a patent application is based on genetic resources, each contracting party shall require applicants to disclose the country of origin or source of the genetic resources."
Does this mean that our DOD must share its patent information - possibly including "trade secrets" - with Tedros and the world?
The conversation between you and Noor Bin Ladin was unusually short , which I believe assisted my comprehension James .
Yes the pandemic treaty attempts are exposing what our government’s have been doing for years Then as you break it down and bring clarity the real agenda -which is big pharma’s business plan. The continuation of mass poisoning so that they can continue to provide more expensive “ treatments “ for the drawn out process of the death .
Blessings and appreciation from Sydney Australia…..where this process is alive and stark.
As you say, if the ultimate goal is massive depopulation, this would need to be slow for the massive investment in deadly infrastructure to be profitable for long.
Money cannot be the ultimate objective - the very rich have more than enough and plan to own everything when depopulation is achieved.
If the massive business plan is just spin, to get countries to invest in a health plan that is actually a death plan to covertly escalate massive depopulation, how long before the plan becomes obvious?
Surely there are limits to getting people to participate in their own extermination.
Perhaps not, if we are not actually living a lifestyle but a death-style, as many have observed may be the actual reality.
And here I see Slovakia signed too this Wipo treaty. Supposed the minister stated no on the pandemic treaty. But agrees too wipo treaty. Sounds hypocritical
I think these are connected since I actually attended a webinar which talked about whether the Pandemic Treaty was a success or failure.
They mentioned something along these lines (though they mentioned it under the Pandemic Accord) and cited the case of Henrietta Lacks, who was a woman who died of cervical cancer but had cells that would reproduce indefinitely (they're known as HeLa cells)
Packard talks about 'ties between the outcomes' of the negotiations INB/WGIHR/WIPO:
(from 0.35, at 1:04)
No wonder it is related, they adapt wonderfully.
As for James Love's critical role in the battle for access to antiretroviral treatment in Africa and other parts of the global south, and its engagement with the UN (wiki) makes it possible to doubt its intentions, the controlled opponents are rampant everywhere. Not to mention that viruses have never been isolated, are antiretroviral has injured how many people?
Not knowing it, I do not judge it, a turnaround is always possible, but doubt is allowed.
Nuremberg 2.0 News May 25-31st - Countdown Week to the WHO Agreement Treaty. ALERT! Bird Flu Lockdowns Coming? W.H.O. Bird Flu Fearmongering Begins Before Election + Bird Flu Fact Checking by the Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0
Thanks again, James for doing all the heavy lifting for us and for not becoming disheartened by the tangled web obfuscation.
This is a very well worded document that has a lot of loop holes allowing them to do as they please when they please, and another blatant attack on the indigenous community. Thankfully the Voice referendum failed here in Australia although the Australian 'government' has proven time again that they don't need our vote to implement. Come Lord Jesus, come!!
You get it! How awesome!
I do, thank you. Now to wake the rest up!!! Love your work James, thank you so much.
I didn't sign up to anything, and any act done in my name not done by me, is not my act...
a temporary reprieve nothing the words of schwartzenegger THEY LL BE BACK....we must remain aware theres a petition at last chance to stop the treaty-the 3 million petition..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from any country in the world including yours...all platforms can and must be used but that said dont bother with gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress currently has over 2,399000 signatures it urgently needs many more
So it would appear the U.S. has yet to sign onto this treaty? Hmmm makes me wonder if they really do not like the idea of having to divulge the origin of lets say the covid bioweapon they unleashed on us?
For years the U.S. made out that bats from some cave somewhere or wet market was responsible for this bioweapon? They never said the vaccine was a genetic bioweapon exercise.
I can see why other countries signed onto this treaty quickly since they are fed up with the way our U.S. military bioweapons division has operated.
I do believe that big pharma is really our military in sheeps clothing. It also doesn't like to be truthful about anything let alone the origins of a virus they could have cooked up.
Did they send it to China for it to mysteriously leak out? I think they set China up for losing face pandemic with the world.
How in the world would any competent person deliberately contract with a Chinese government lab to do our bioweapons research? It makes zero sense unless the long game was to stage a phony leak. The lab was not even certified to deal with that level of highly dangerous virus in the first place.
So we really need to blame Fauci et al for that and I don't think he was that stupid but the guy who set up the fall for China. No wonder he has to have secret service detail to this day and til the day he dies which can't come soon enough for many.
Chinese must have figured out they were framed but impossible to prove so they kept quiet and then bought up all the masks and waited since they must have wondered if the U.S. would admit to being involved at all. But the U.S. propaganda media has successfully been able to make Americans believe we are teflon coated to any wrong doing. Or have they? I think people think this was so messed up no matter what NBC or _____ say about this.
Never understood why the media never went after Fauci and the military for contracting for an illegal activity in the first place. All we heard is China did this and China did that.
You will notice that China signed up very early on this treaty. They have a bone to pick with our neocons for sure. But rest assured the media will continue to beat the drums louder for Taiwan's safety and setting the public up for the next proxy war $$$$$. The deep state/military owns and runs the media by buying all those drug ads using their big pharma front.
So if your government pretty much does what it likes when it likes and cherry picks which treaties it will follow at the moment they have already signed, and no one is about to resort to enforcing them when the U.S. diverts ... what is the point of any of these treaties with the U.S.? Are these just polling mechanisms for the west and east to check the temperature of relations out there? Compliance? U.S. is big on compliance tracking. Heck that is why we need to have over 800 international military bases where China has like 2. This is how the neocons get compliance with their citizens and the world. We aren't the cops we are the enforcers of intimidation and paying off local politicians to comply with our military commerce at these bases.
The U.N. is a total waste of time when super powers like the U.S. and other just do whatever. We should be closing that down unless we actually do what we say we want to do. How many times have our top intelligence offices lied to the public and our legislative branches and most likely to our presidents? Too many times. Remember Kennedy and the Cuban crisis and how the CIA went ahead with the invasion after Kennedy said not to it? Yep.
With so many powerful people in D.C. making secret deals it is a pig trough for abuse at so many levels within our or actually deep state's country. It isn't ours anymore and hasn't been for a very long time. We like to think it is and they want us to think it is but it isn't. I think more and more people really get this now.
Maybe it will come to a civil war since nothing else seems to remotely work to reign in the abuses with deep state. I used to laugh at such a crazy idea but now I am not so sure. The compliance is getting tighter and tighter and I do think it will get worse before it will get better. I know they think they are smarter and have some strange way to justify their actions but any psychopath does this too. Just think of all the b.s. we had to put up with WMD or we don't know what we don't know Rumsfeld, why we had to be in Iraq when the attackers were from Saudi Arabia. The lies from President Johnson. Three are so many to cite but we all know that is how it has been working and keep your head down.
Lots of busy work to make out like we have a chance in hell in moving the needle on much of anything. There is way too much money and greed involved to allow that to happen. As long as they can keep the union together and get everyone to continue to buy into it enough to keep us funding the deep state's abuses, it will continue. It won't help with a change of leadership either. It may look like it as the newest spin but under it all the money and power will remain with the military. We had a military coup decades ago but we didn't realize it.
So many immigrants from communist countries have come here and warned us how bad things are here too. The U.S. reminds them of the country they fled and the squeezing has been slow and methodical with the way this country is moving with healthcare, telecom, internet, banking, media, insurance etc. They have been slowly frog boiling us. Oh and the climate change thing is now falling flat as another way to scare us to death and get COMPLIANCE. They will justify all the tracking and censoring and blame climate change for having to clamp down on the masses. It is just getting harder and harder to find the truth and soon it will be impossible with AI monitoring us all for COMPLIANCE. No one will dare speak up at all since no one anymore want to really fight for what little they have left now. That is why we have a voluntary military. It's not worth risking life and limb for the wealthy neocons.
I haven't checked but, somehow I think all the old Colonials did sign up...
That's where it all started all those years ago, right!?
What was the agreement between the Religions of same when they met in Basel, Switzerland in 2018?
The plandemic started in 2019 (just 1 year later), right and all their "important" meetings are in Switzerland, right!? WEF present I assume..
All this could off course be a 'coincidence'... 'Shame' on me for not believing in such... 😱
Well I cannot speak to all this ... but clearly the issue is not the UN, the WHO & Co ... the issue is the criminals and the criminally negligent who got us into this mess ... namely our governments ... covertly controlled by the military industrial complex & Co.
Hence the real issue is not EXIT, DEFUND and DISBAND the WHO & Co.
The real issue is EXIT, DEFUND and DISBAND our governments!
Nah we would have chaos!
Democracy is the god we worship!
Democracy will save us - god bless democracy forever!
Most are still addicted to sucking on their Nanny State dummies regardless.
They cannot cope with the idea that Nanny is evil!
Well march on to tyranny then and taste the evil.
"Broadly, where a claimed invention in a patent application is based on genetic resources, each contracting party shall require applicants to disclose the country of origin or source of the genetic resources."
Does this mean that our DOD must share its patent information - possibly including "trade secrets" - with Tedros and the world?
The conversation between you and Noor Bin Ladin was unusually short , which I believe assisted my comprehension James .
Yes the pandemic treaty attempts are exposing what our government’s have been doing for years Then as you break it down and bring clarity the real agenda -which is big pharma’s business plan. The continuation of mass poisoning so that they can continue to provide more expensive “ treatments “ for the drawn out process of the death .
Blessings and appreciation from Sydney Australia…..where this process is alive and stark.
As you say, if the ultimate goal is massive depopulation, this would need to be slow for the massive investment in deadly infrastructure to be profitable for long.
Money cannot be the ultimate objective - the very rich have more than enough and plan to own everything when depopulation is achieved.
If the massive business plan is just spin, to get countries to invest in a health plan that is actually a death plan to covertly escalate massive depopulation, how long before the plan becomes obvious?
Surely there are limits to getting people to participate in their own extermination.
Perhaps not, if we are not actually living a lifestyle but a death-style, as many have observed may be the actual reality.
And here I see Slovakia signed too this Wipo treaty. Supposed the minister stated no on the pandemic treaty. But agrees too wipo treaty. Sounds hypocritical
Very unsettling!
How did they get all the WIP signatures in alphabetical order? They must have done a roll call? Quite interesting, all of it.
Looks like we all have a steep curve to learn another chess piece ... thank you for doing the teaching and discussing videos.