New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith has scheduled a press conference (February 5, 2024) to discuss the "Pandemic Treaty." What questions would you like to ask the participants at this press conference?
Please watch this video and share it far and wide…
To my readers:
Congressman Chris Smith’s Press Conference WAS HELD AT 3pm Eastern on Monday, February 5, 2024.
The press conference actually raised more questions than it answered.
If YOU have any questions that YOU would like to ask, please post YOUR questions in the comment section below.
Please scroll down to see the current list of questions.
Please watch the recording of the press conference below…
Representative Chris Smith has spoken out against the WHO negotiations in the past…
On the Biden Administration’s plans to surrender U.S. sovereignty to the World Health Organization
Smith announces congressional hearing on Biden’s push to cede US sovereignty to World Health Organization through so-called pandemic treaty
Representative Chris Smith(NJ) addressed this issue nearly a year ago…
The people listed below are scheduled to participate in the press conference.
Given the unmitigated disaster of the first trial of globally centralized response to pandemics which resulted in a collateral body count of millions dead, and trillions of dollars dumped into the why would anyone want to follow the WHO Titanic to the bottom?
Do the participants in this press conference wish to exit the World Health Organization, or do they wish to strengthen and attempt to control it?
Why have neither of the two Congressmen co-sponsored H.R. 79, the WHO Withdrawal Act?
Why have neither of the two Congressmen co-sponsored H.R. 6645, the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act.
Why have neither of the two Congressmen co-sponsored H.R.343, the No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act?
Why have neither of the two Congressmen co-sponsored H.R.1425, the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act?
Why did neither of the two Congressmen raise objections to amendments that were fraudulently adopted by the 75th World Health Assembly in May 2022? (To be fair, not one single member of Congress or the Senate said a single word in opposition to the 2022 amendments.)
Are any of the participants going to do anything about the illegitimate submission, the non-existent “vote” and the fraudulent adoption of amendments to 5 articles of the International Health Regulations that the Biden administration submitted at the 75th World Health Assembly in May 2022? DETAILS
Are any of the participants going to comment on the fact that Iran was wise enough to reject Biden’s 2022 amendments?
Are any of the participants going to speak up about the fact that the WGIHR has missed the January 27, 2024 deadline to submit amendments four months in advance of the 77th World Health Assembly in May 2024 and are openly conspiring to violate Article 55, AGAIN? DETAILS
Are any of the participants going to stand up for the rule of law and #EnforceArticle55 ?
Are any of the participants going to stand in opposition to the largely secret WGIHR meetings that are being held the week of February 5-9, 2024 in Geneva? DETAILS
Are any of the participants going to speak up regarding the fact that the Biden administration failed to properly confirm a representative to the Executive Board meeting of the WHO, so UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL have represented the United States at the last two meetings of the Executive Board. DETAILS
Are any of the participants going to speak up regarding the fact that none of the people involved in the WGIHR negotiations have been lawfully delegated the authority to be participating in these negotiations?
Are any of the participants supportive of completely removing the mRNA injectables from the marketplace?
Congressman Chris Smith stated that he was going to hold committee meetings regarding the “Pandemic Treaty” in March 2023, but it seems that no such hearings were ever held. Why not?
Can any of the participants speak to the issue of the protection of individual sovereignty in health care decisions - "my body, my choice" and how that right will be maintained over any mandates or requirements the WHO might try to impose should this get adopted? Question from: Michelle Whittaker
Why should human rights ever be "necessary" to abuse; Question from: LawyerLisa
Censorship has been misused to justify policies that turn out to be horrific. Why is misinformation, disinformation and censorship part of any self respecting democracy? Question from: LawyerLisa
If the WHO “cocked up” the first go, why should we reward that with any treaty or more power? Please instead withdraw from the WHO and defund the WHO? Question from : LawyerLisa
Given the close relationship of GAVI and pharma to the WHO there is a conflict of interest to have these stakeholders hold policies that are not reviewable or accountable. This is a recipe for economic ruin of tax payers, cutting corners on non-decree safety and efficacy. Why would we set up relationships we are bound and beholden to that have an obvious anti-trust issue and conflict of interest and are likely not in citizens interest? Question from: LawyerLisa
Given Tedros relationship with Xi in Ethiopia prior to his appointment to the WHO, why would we enter agreements that bind us? Question from: LawyerLisa
Given Tedros’s and the TIGRAY Ethiopian government’s repressions of journalists, imprisonment of political prisoners, murdering of protesters, etc. in Ethiopia prior to his appointment, shouldn't his status as a possible war criminal justify his prosecution rather than making citizens subject to the powers that he can wield (and did wield) in an abusive fashion in the past? Question from: LawyerLisa
Why are unelected persons such as Bill Gates, who have called for population control, also involved in the manufacturing of vaccines that are killings people? How is this even possible? Question from: Jacoby Linus
Do any of our politicians realize if the WHO takes over there will be no need for them and they will lose their jobs? Question from: Linda Watts
Our founding fathers clearly stated the federal government was given extremely limited powers while the states were given indefinite powers. The General Welfare Clause or the Supremacy Clause or any other clause in the US Constitution does not extend their enumerated powers beyond Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. All such international agreements or treaties that are outside of those enumerated powers and that are mandated by the US federal government on the American people must be deemed null and void by the state AND by the people of the state. Our founders also made it clear that when the federal government stepped into our lane of authority the rightful remedy, the duty is Nullification. Do the Congressmen understand that health is NOT an enumerated power? CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE Question from: Karen Bracken
I would like to know, how people I did not elect (backed by pharma and more) are allowed to dictate what is put into my body as a “vaccine” and what I am to use as a remedy? Question from: Meg
VIOLATION #1: The World Health Organization violated Section 2 of Article 55 if the International Health Regulations when it submitted an important health document without the required 4 months notice.
VIOLATION #2: The World Health Assembly failed to conduct a vote regarding the amendments to the International Health Regulations but claimed to have done so.
POTENTIAL VIOLATION #3: The Working group for Amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR) has been conducting a series of secret meetings in their effort to "propose a package of targeted amendments, for consideration by the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly but have missed the required deadline of January 27, 2024, however they are still conducting secret meetings with the intent of proposing amendments to the 77th World Health Assembly.
I humbly request you look into these blatant violations of international law by the World Health Organization. The track record of the WHO is abysmal at best and have given the citizens of this planet numerous reasons to distrust anything they do. If they can't follow international law how can anyone trust their recommendations? Question from: Rod Hans
With so much double speak on the table, why should we trust them? Has everyone consented to this? Do they ‘ask’ or just ‘do’ without our consent? Do we agree these changes are severe in their meaning? Do they have our best interests with such a background of shareholder interests that really amount to product sales? Do they warrant our confidence? Question from Tess
Considering that no international treaty is in fact legally binding and enforceable, why do you need any treaty (Pandemic or IHR) instead of cooperation as needed? Question from: Prof. Fred Nazar
You must obtain the consent of 2/3 of the Senate. Why are modifications to the IHR presumed to be approved by default by the sheer passing of a deadline? Question from: Prof. Fred Nazar
Why would you sign a treaty where the most important terms are not scientifically defined in order to have objective, measurable, comparable and provable terms and outcomes: "death","pandemic", "epidemic", "herd immunity", "immunization", "vaccine", "asymptomatic", "health equity", "sexual and reproductive health and rights", "climate deaths", "climate health", etc.? Question from: Prof. Fred Nazar
In the treaty, which clause prevents the culling of millions of hens and chickens as required by the WHO due to the mild avian flu? CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS Question from: Prof. Fred Nazar
In the treaty, which clause prevents using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique for diagnostics, considering that the inventor and 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Kary Mullis, said it wasn't fit for that? Question from: Prof. Fred Nazar
In the treaty, which clause prevents mixing the climate change ideology with health issues? Question from: Prof. Fred Nazar
Congressmen, will you work to see that the WHO’s proposed amendments to the IHR and the “Pandemic Agreement” are overwhelmingly rejected? Question from: jean public
Why has there been no accountability for WHO’s mistakes in promoting an experimental mRNA “so called vaccine,” that killed in excess of 600,000 in the USA from the injection itself and 17,000,000 people worldwide? Question from: Gary Hazard
Why is the WHO ignoring the tens of thousands of people worldwide who have suffered injury from this experimental, nRNA, “so called vaccine?” Question from: Gary Hazard
Why doesn’t the WHO convene a forum of information exchange for all sides of this issue to uncover the truth? This is commonly done in scientific and engineering communities. What is the WHO afraid of? Question from: Gary Hazard
Why should the United States be a part of a global organization that is deaf and dismissive and has NEVER addressed the extraordinary numbers of adverse vaccine effects and vaccine related deaths? Question from: Jacoby Linus
The WHO clearly is following another agenda besides health of the human population. The health departments of advanced nations generally already had well supported pandemic contingency plans in place based on good science and decades of experience. In "lockstep," those plans were disregarded with the advent of the COVID-19 and instead protocols from the WHO were implemented that were the exact opposite of EVERY SINGLE effective and time-honored pandemic response strategy. Time has proved that everything the WHO promoted was completely ineffective and wrong and has directly led to the deaths of millions of people and permanent injuries of millions more. The LAST THING we should be doing is supporting such a spectacularly failed organization. WHAT is currently being done to extract us from the WHO, cut off all funding to it, and categorically reject any and all involvement with it or any of its incompetent policies? Question from: Faith
Why is there a need for this treaty? Why is there a need for a World Health Organisation? Why does the WHO even exist? Question by: Person
How many Senators and House Representatives were invited to participate in this press conference? Who was invited but failed to attend? Question by: Richard P
What is being done to prevent another lab-grown virus from being developed and unleashed? If nothing is being done, then why not? Question from Arch R. via email
Have any criminal referrals been made regarding SARS-Cov-2? If the answer is no, then why not? Question from Arch R. via email
How well did the WHO do regarding the information they gave the world about the covid "pandemic? What did they publicly put forth that was accurate and how much was inaccurate (i.e. monkeypox)? What regulations did they thrust upon the world for various governments to follow that were based on accurate science and unbiased studies? Why don't they admit their mistakes? Questions from Virginia M Beck
Why would responsible people want someone like Ghebreyesus to have any input at all into their health, especially international health? Why would responsible people tolerate the continued leadership of someone with Ghebreyesus' credentials and track record? Under the circumstances, why would responsible people tolerate the continued existence of the WHO? Question from Seeds
Are you going to stand up and fight against Agenda 2030? Will you stand up and vote to get us out of the UN? Question from: Pat bahrle
Given the failure of the media to cover this issue, will the Congressmen take the initiative to inform their constituents about this issue? How would they do this What do the Congressmen plan to do to stop the censorship of true information from the internet? Question from dj
Congressmen, we know that legislators are intelligent people. We also know that your inaction and silence regarding suppression of COVID-19 treatment, massive COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths, and the WHO treaty and IHR are NOT due to a lack of facts and evidence presented to them. So unless our legislators are all sociopathic murderers, the most logical explanation for their inaction and silence (if not blatant lying) is that nefarious leverage is being used against them, or they’re outright being blackmailed. What can the people of America do to encourage our nefariously pressured, or blackmailed, legislators to stand up against the powers that have strangled them, and do the right thing by joining the resistance. You know that we would greet your defection with open arms, applause, and admiration, right? Question from: Obcwcvh
How do the America First legislators intend to move forward with getting America out of the United Nations? Question from: Irina
Although the “Proposal for Negotiating Text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement” touts “pandemic prevention, nowhere is gain-of function research, experiments that would make pathogens more transmissible or deadly,” mentioned. Why is gain-of function research not mentioned once in this treaty? Question from: Kiki
We the people did not elect the delegates to the World Health Assembly, nor did we ask them to tell us what is best for us. Why do they think that they know best for everyone else? Who are these delegates? Who died and put them in charge of the world? Question from: Jackie Klakken
The argument that the law is in place to prevent frivolous lawsuits is a lie. It's to guarantee profiteering. The biowarfare will end if pharmaceutical companies are help liable for vaccine injury and death. Why doesn't the legislature change the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (Vaccine Court) laws to facilitate holding them responsible? Question from: Daniel Brown
Will you oppose in the most vigorous manor ANY effort in the House and Senate to adopt ANY guidelines, restrictions, or mandates by the WHO, and will you also work with the NJ legislators to ensure the same opposition at the state level? Question from: Michelle O’Reilly
How much is it going to cost American taxpayers? Question from: Jon
Are you working to rescind the exemption from liability for vax producers since they DELIBERATELY withheld the results of their testing? Question from: Huapakechi
Will Congressman Smith be addressing the information that has been withheld from us by the FDA and CDC regarding the risks and adverse events associated with COVID-19 shots, and then fact that their total lack of transparency will increase exponentially with the WHO treaty? Question from: Kathy Stanzione
Has there been an effort by anyone in Congress to establish an informational hub for the massive amount of vital information confirming the facts of this planned, manipulated, and unleashed, criminal genocide against the world population? Question from: Trishia
Congressmen, We do not need more Gain of Function facilities to create more diseases that in nature, would never meet to ever exist. What steps have been taken to remove our country from the criminal organization WHO and why are we still funding this criminal organization full of unelected sociopaths who’s only goals is to produce more genocide for profit? Question from: B. O’Brien
What legislation are you supporting or proposing that will BAN all public and private U.S. institutions and businesses from requiring their employees and the general public follow only those health protocols that are suggested unilaterally by unelected International institutions who claim to speak for all scientists worldwide? Question from: Ava Mahieu
Why isn't the WHO being held to task for not honoring Article 55 of the International Health Regulations? Question from: KD
If the WHO's whole paradigm of what causes serious health issues is based on pure falsehoods, how does giving more funding and support to the WHO better the health of individuals in the world? Question from: ProclaimItFromTheRooftops
Are any of the participants in this press conference willing be an outspoken critic or whistleblower of any institution that may use the guidelines, principles, or laws made up by the WHO? Question from: ProclaimItFromTheRooftops
What is the advantage you seek by removing the decision making from elected officials which represent the wishes of the people? Question via email from: Belinda K.
The so called COVID-19 vaccines are neither safe nor effective. Infection and transmission of COVID-19 are not mitigated in those who have been vaccinated. These mRNA injections compromise our immune system via antibody enhancement, immune escape and immune refocusing. If and when a vaccinated individual is infected with future virus variants, their immune system will not be able to handle it. There are conflicts of interest in the individuals making policy decisions. Will Congressman Smith support an investigation into the FDA and CDC approval and the addition of the so called COVID-19 vaccine to the children's vaccine schedules? Question via email from: Catherine K.
67. Why did Representative Brad Wenstrup (OH) fail to ask Loyce Pace any of the questions listed HERE during the December 13, 2023 hearing of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic?
Representative Brad Wenstrup (OH) is retiring and will not be seeking re-election.
Testimony of Loyce Pace, M.P.H
Testimony of Dr. John Nkengasong
James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
Submit any questions that you might have for the participants at this upcoming press conference and I will do everything in my power to pass along your questions to them.
James you told us to ask questions.
Do you think that Covid was a man made virus?
Do you think lockdowns, lockstep, incentives for protocols that caused deaths, and mandating with a vaccine not ,vaccine that has intellectual property protection that no one knows what is in it being coerced into our bodies under treat of unemployment a Nuremberg code violation ?
Was creating a class of people to discriminate against as the unvaccinated were refused life saving transplants, or even the use of off label treatments that would have prevented millions of deaths a violation of the genocide law?
Were those laws broken in the biggest racketeering theft of wealth in history that was a RICO Act violation?
Did the perpetrators of this crime make their underlings sign non disclosure agreement, and agree to protocols, lockdown,lockstep, and mandating to receive the emergency funding necessary to survive the equivalent of a mafia protection racket tactic?
Are these crimes exactly what the RICO Act was created for?
What about Trump's EOs on crimes against humanity could they be used to seize the assets of those at the top of this pyramid of corruption.