(iii) measures to accelerate the process of licensing and approving pandemic response products for emergency use in a timely manner, including the sharing of regulatory dossiers.

That is the "letters of marque" that the greedy, insatiable pharma plotter Bill Gates needs to exploit his sinister and poisonous mRNA method, and, at the same time, achieve the bio-terrorist purposes of the conspirators behind him.

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I am also concerned about all these plans about the "next pandemic"

As the WHO is busy preparing for the next pandemic, I wrote some ideas about how those who believe in medical freedom should prepare. https://nachman.substack.com/p/preparing-for-the-next-pandemic.

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Another Con for the Sheep to follow. It's called Educate yourself and do-diligence in your Research People! Governments, Health System, MSM, Courts, Universities, School Education are all being paid off by Rothschild's, the Elite Organizations, Big Pharma, Gates and Tech Corporations, Corrupt Banking

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Heck, even the conservatives politicians are shackled with fear of the radical left.

And the left are servants of the globalists, it’s not very hard to see the players on the chessboard.

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I thought the ‘+’ represents MAP’s (Minor Attracted People), right?

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Any idea on how to alert these countries to this? Is there anything we can do?

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Dear James

I think your audio is good and clear and stays well within the bounds of fact. However I have concerns about the written section on "pharmakeia". My personal feeling is that references to the Holy Spirit , lakes of fire etc will have a negative effect in our efforts to inform/ wake up people about what's going on. I have found generally peoples' eyes latch onto anything which enables them to throw what I present to them in the crazy conspiracy theorist/ religious mad hatter basket. With all due respect, I think this piece plays straight into their hands.

And really, not ALL drugs are bad in ALL cases. I personally have almost zero use for them, but as a veterinary surgeon with 40 years experience I can attest to the fact that at times, in wise and thoughtful hands, and when NOT driven by profit, they have their essential place.

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The only saving grace you have, in my book is you made it through acadumbia prior to Big Pharma figuring out the same formula of extortion for poison used on people nets comparable profit when inflicted on their pets. Should some one become overly superstitious blinding them to the nuance I believe Jim intended, perhaps this bit of information will be helpful? ‘PHARMAKEIA (Pharmaceia) was the Naiad-nymph of a poisonous spring near the river Ilissos of Athens (southern Greece). She was a playmate of the maiden Oreithyia who was abducted from her spring by the north-wind Boreas. (C4/BCE)’ At least, according to Plato quoting Socrates.

Perhaps, you would be so kind as to settle an ongoing debate for me regarding vaccination against rabies? First, what is the difference I formulation between the initial injection and the booster shot? Which one is the 1 year, 3 year or 5 year formulation? Also, what is the effective dose per pound? That is how much is required to provide protection for a Tea Cup Poodle at 3 months of age versus a full grown Middle Asian Arvcharka? Thanks so much! No doubt states which require annual vaccination for licensure of dogs ensure they’ll be brought in for that annual check up, huh?

Finally, I have healed 6 animals from venomous snake bites - 5 dogs and a goat as well as a dachshund from Distemper all with large doses of Vitamin C, soap and water, Tincture of Iodine and white table sugar in equal parts with a small amount of the animal’s urine, topically. The last victim suffered 4 bites, one proximal to his eye, one at the corner of his mouth, one below his chin and one to his throat, superior to sternohyoid attachment from a very large Water Moccasin. Vitamin C absolutely impedes the inflammation process. It is also helpful in reducing inflammation but at this point in my experience, I honestly believe, copious amounts of Vitamin C given IV immediately following envenomation, there would would be little to no swelling or tissue death… antivenin is what $5000.00 a pop and works well when the patient isn’t allergic. There are healers who are using this opportunity to completely overthrow the current disease system… please look into it? I

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BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO! my friend. This is one of your best. Right to the point and as usual factually based.

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Thanks Karen - That means a lot coming from you! I really appreciate it.

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We must all reject all Mandates, Laws, Conditions WHO Treaties, and other falsified evidence of the need for DEADLY mRNA Experiments upon humans as they have proven to be USELESS and prove frequently dangerous.

I refuse to be used as an EXPERIMENT, particularly after realising the numbers of Injuries and DEATHS that are directly due to the Covid injections (ridiculously called VACCINES)!

We all know that IVERMECTIN had to be made to 'disappear' from public view in order to "prove" to the CDC/FDA that no alternative 'CURES' existed for novel viruses. So, the 'ESTABLISHMENT', financially motivated by Big Pharma, denigrated IVM & other long proven SAFE medicines as either 'non-existent', 'dangerous' or only 'for ANIMAL USE'. The CDC & FDA both went along with the SCAM and gave the speedily concocted, ineffective but dangerous injectable solutions (called "vaccines") an Emergency Use Approval (EUA). The rest is History.

The vax didn't work, millions died POST VAX and Pfizer made trillions$$$.

The same occurred way back in 12976 for Swine Flu when just a few US citizens died from the disease. Big Pharma negotiated a YEMPORARY release from LIABILITY and a, anti-Swine Flu vax was launched. After 50+ plus US Citizens died after accepting the EXPERIMENTAL VAX, the Trial was terminated.

This time the POST VAX DEATH TOLL runs into MILLIONS and there's no stopping the carnage!

We all know that IVERMECTIN had to 'disappear' from public view in order to "prove" that no alternative 'CURES' existed for novel viruses. So, the 'ESTABLISHMENT', financially motivated by Big Pharma, denigrated IVM & other long proven SAFE medicines as either 'non- existent', 'dangerous' or only 'for ANIMAL USE'. The CDC & FDA then went along with the SCAM and gave the speedily concocted injectable solutions (called "vaccines") an Emergency Use Approval (EUA). The rest is History.

Again, the Covid vax didn't work, millions died POST VAX and Pfizer made trillions$$$.

We all know that IVERMECTIN had be made to 'disappear' from public view in order to "prove" that no alternative 'CURES' existed for novel viruses. So, the 'ESTABLISHMENT', financially motivated by Big Pharma, denigrated IVM & other long proven SAFE medicines as either 'non- existent', 'dangerous' or only 'for ANIMAL USE'. The CDC & FDA then went along with the SCAM and gave the speedily concocted injectable solutions (called "vaccines") an Emergency Use Approval (EUA). The rest is History.

The vax didn't work, millions are dying POST VAX and Pfizer are making trillions$$$.

Reintroduce LIABILITY, Pfizer (et al) will be BANKRUPTED and life will return to normality. Just Common Sense!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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It is strange and wrong in my view that James has more concern for the third world, where there has been little death jab uptake as compared with the forced injection of his own Western countries. Only Chile and Costa Rica have shown death rates on par with the US and Europe. This is an attack on everyone, not just the third world.

Why do you have no concern for your own peoples, James?

I also find the inclusion of abortion with child sacrifice another slap in the face of women. First trimester abortions are safe and necessary for women to exist in world of male violence, rape and misogyny.

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Do you understand colonization? It is the practice of taking the resources of the indigenous people usually using their labor, for next to nothing, then processing that same resource and selling it back to those people for outrageous prices. It’s not just land grabbing or extending influence.

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I didn't read it that way. If you recall, I believe Africa was the only country to pushback on the IHR. So this seems to me a ploy to give them lots of money so there is no more pushback. You are correct, third world countries benefited form first world greed this time. Thank God for that! Hopefully, they see that as well and will continue pushing back and continue using the remedies that have mostly worked for them for generations keeping these monsters far away from them.

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Heather, you wrote:

"So this seems to me a ploy to give them lots of money so there is no more pushback."

- I agree. But I believe that there is more going on than just that.

You also wrote:

"Hopefully, they see that as well and will continue pushing back and continue using the remedies that have mostly worked for them for generations keeping these monsters far away from them."

I wish I could agree but, unfortunately, I believe that the delegates to the WHO are NOT of that mindset. I think that they can and will be easily coerced into supporting the calls for "equity" which, in my mind, translates into a wholesale invasion of pharmaceutical production being shifted to their developing countries at the expense of the health of their people.

They continue to seem to believe that drugs and vaccines are good and that they were shortchanged in the worldwide distribution of the COVID-19 jabs. They really do seem to believe that they will be improving the health of their people by building more pharmaceutical production facilities within their own borders. They are likely to be plunged into massive debt in order to accomplish the "obligations" they agree to in either the "WHO CA+" or the amendments to the IHR. The vast majority of the people around the world have no idea that this is happening. Their silence, even though it may be due to a lack of awareness, is seen by the "powers that be" as implicit consent.

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I agree there is definitely more to it and thank you for your informed opinion!

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He's pointing out that these rules are being used to target them.

Where did he show more or less concern for a certain group?

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I am merely presenting an analysis of a document. Calling into question my concern clearly ignores my life's work.

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Is the audio only available on iphones? I'm using the latest android version and it says it's an unsupported element for this version.

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That's a bummer! I have an Android and the audio works okay. The audio is literally just me reading the article verbatim, so I guess you didn't miss too much. I don't know why it is not supported. Do you have the Substack app?

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Yes, that's in the app. Thanks for replying. It isn't a big problem for me.

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Thank you James for this important information. You are a truly optimal role model. 🙏

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James - Have you seen this yet!


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I couldn’t sing my way out of a wet paper bag - I’m not dissin - just noting, their voices aren’t actually all that great and they don’t nail the harmonies and it’s satire… silly… but I’m covered in chills and a few tears fell. Thanks for sharing. Sometimes, I forget how wounded we all are.

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Yup - understand 💔

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ooh that is great! Shared xx

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I have now! Thanks. I added it to my music collection.

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“The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-First Century is a 2004 book by Thomas P.M. Barnett. In it he outlined a global strategy which is so cold and cruel it made my hair stand on end when I read it. Barnett described the world in a simplistic binary fashion. He said that the correct way to view the world was not as nations with borders but as two distinct regions, the GAP and the CORE.

If we live in the GAP we have two choices: Die or migrate.

If we live in the CORE we have NO choices: We accept immigration, poverty and debt.

If we view global events through that lens, we can easily see why certain places in the Gap are stressed with colour revolutions, wars or sanctions and others left to rot in poverty or smashed to a pulp by extreme weather. We can see how the Core is being deliberately over-stressed with out-of-control immigration and constantly increasing debt.

The map and further info can be found secluded within this episode of my latest novel:


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Frances, your synopsis of Barnett's paradigm is spot on. Have you seen the video of him outlining the program to a military or think tank audience? (I can't recall exactly who he was addressing, as it's been probably 15 years since I viewed it). The way he delivers his prescription is so matter-of-fact, cold and chilling that I get creeped out just thinking about it. That he's just a middle management wonk devising such schemes and handing them over to lower level wonks on behalf of his masters is even more chilling, as it points to the completely soulless, heartless, and calculated manner in which they approach the operation of the world they believe they have the right to control.

Their current program is the Great Reset, and it seems to me that it's going perfectly to plan.

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If you read the link I provided above (Khan Kilkennys Brain Itch) you will see the Gap + Core map I purloined from the Pentagon. In small writing immediately beneath you find a link to my research paper published 5/6 years ago on Hive.blog. Within that are several links to Barnett's talks given to the military et al. Also links to his website and books.

I agree that he is a creepy guy with an even creepier mission. He is still at it btw.... he sickens me with his attitude, but they all do....


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Wow. That's interesting. Thanks!

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NO WAY. total overreach of power. Evil. Emailing our state reps now. Thank you, James 🙏🏻

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True. All but 100 State Senators and Reps voted to investigate 2020 evidence of fraud.

384 senators and reps may be removed from office soon! SCOTUS decision due today, 11/22!


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State Reps are part of the problem.

The Swamp Must Be Drained.

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True. All but 100 State Senators and Reps voted to investigate evidence of 2020 election fraud. 384 senators and reps may be removed from office soon! SCOTUS decision due today, 11/22!https://rumble.com/v1wbwre-11212022-affirmation-scotus-case-brunson-shares-insight-libs-triggered-news.html

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Thank you for all you do. Your in dept timely research and the preparation of information presented to us all. Shared.

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