If you watch this, it becomes clear the permanent pandemic plan has been with us for the last 20 years https://rumble.com/v5887x7-maria-zeee-and-dr.-laibow-on-infowars-documents-reveal-forced-vaccines-in-n.html

There is a plan for 500 fresh mrna injfections under the UN 2 plan so that you can't travel anywhere unless you are poisoned with dubious nano. Does everyone in the USA want to stay there forever? Please take the actions at preventgenocide2030.org so you have places in the world you can occasionally go to without requiring being injfection assaulted.

Look at the way globalist pockets are trying to persuade the public that they all need to take injfection assaults just to live https://informedchoice.substack.com/p/peter-hotez-shill-for-pharma-calls

When there is no scientific evidence that mrnas decrease infection, hospitalization and death. Infact, there is growing evidence of the dangers to human health by taking mrna injfections. https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/what-are-the-pros-and-cons-of-each

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Nope not going to happen..just say NO

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Chapter I. Introduction

Article 1. Use of terms

For the purposes of the WHO Pandemic Agreement:

(d) [[“pandemic-related health products” [means [safe, effective, quality and affordable]

Counting the words for health products:

9x Vaccines

9x diagnostics

3x medicines

3x other health technologies

2x protective equipment

1x medical devices

1x decontamination products

1x assistive products

1x antidotes

1x cell- and genebased therapies

19x pandemic emergencies

This clearly shows what is intended

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"It doesn't matter if it's the jab mandates (premature death either immediate or delayed), taxes (theft), shutting down farms (starvation) or the trans agenda (extinction)... it's all government backed and government funded with your money. Stop protesting each separate agenda designed to destroy everything you need to survive and start protesting government in general. And for the love of God stop believing that you'd be worse off with all your money and all your freedoms. Snap out of the mind control and trauma bonding with your big brother abusers. It's getting embarrassing..."

- Jason Christoff -

well said, would they the people (99%) understand these words, we'd get our homelands cleared out in a day. you all who read or write here understand it, you are not meant. I don't go to elections because I know that no decent person can make it into our political spheres. there is no decent man or woman there, for how long now... no alternative government raises its voice. but without a leader we all can be put out one by one - one lives in the US, one in the UK, one in Australia, so far from each other. will the communities we've built protect us and all that we need to survive? I've joined 2 such communities here were I live and I doubt not that they'll keep to their own interests when it really comes to it, not to mine. they promise spiritual support in any case ;-) they'll not let me starve I believe but they won't risk their own security for me. that's it. I need more than that. where can that more be found?

James gives here a link to the Resist Song, it's incredibly good, it says: when we have God on our side we don't need to fear anything. in the Bible it is said that the King will come to us in the end and set all that went amiss aright again. if we believed he could be our new Leader, we'd start to follow his Law, such as "do not lie" or "treat your next as you would like to be treated yourself". just imagine that more people would do this and not go to elect a new "government"! this would result in more sound ethics and sanity. a true Government that truly works.

any other ideas concerning our government?

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Victoria, Australia (bird flu pandemic testing ground?)

MSM breaking news: "numerous strains of avian flu detected, thousands of chickens being slaughtered, millions of birds in quarantine, urgent fight to keep it contained. Restricted movement of people and poultry, using the same testing methods used during covid. Apparently spread by wild ducks. Supermarkets limiting egg sales. Government invested $2 million dollars".

Is this getting people ready for when it crosses over to humans?

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I agree, it is all manmade. Tests are fraudulent. If birds are sick it is because of chemicals in their food and anything else they add. Another money making scheme for the globalists when they produce a bird flu vaccine.

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And also chem trails, weather modification chemicals and whatever else the wild birds are flying through, they do not have bird flu either.

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that I thought too: slaughter is nothing pleasant, without being used to do or see it ... difficult to make somebody do it or look at it as if it would be something not uncommon... a necessary evil. but how do you make them get used to anything? when I was a child, I couldn´t stand the look of cauliflower. then I get used to it by eating it again and again after I realised it´s healthy food and tastes better scalloped, I found a reason to do it and I got used to it. now I eat it without any unpleasant thought.

such familiarisation goes easier when you start with little and encrease it gradually, as for example erase an insect species, then birds, then cattle and then ...

don´t know any longer what it was that triggered the same thought as yours in me, I don´t watch tv and read no newspaper and I live in Europe.

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We are all living in a medical metaverse.

The robust, natural state of being has gone.

Many meetings ALL AT ONCE:

- November 21, 2024, the PREZODE General Assembly.

The event will be held in Brussels, Belgium, as a hybrid format from 1 pm to 4 pm (CET+1).

(PREZODE (= Preventing ZOonotic Disease Emergence) is an innovative international initiative with the ambition to understand the risks of emergence of zoonotic infectious diseases, to develop and implement innovative methods to improve prevention, early detection, and resilience in order to ensure rapid response to the risks of emerging infectious diseases of animal origin.)




- WORLD HEALTH SUMMIT 2024: Held from October 13-15, 2024, in Berlin, Germany.


and indeed:

SUMMIT OF THE FUTURE: 20-23 September.


There will be the MEDTECH CONFERENCE, October 15 - 17 in Toronto.


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We do NOT need a "pandemic treaty." What we NEED, is government agencies who quit making bio-weapons in labs all over the world and releasing them on an unsuspecting public, for the express purpose of killing American citizens!

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The pandemic treaty is a way to sell the vaccine. However, if individuals around the world know that the "effectiveness" of the vaccine as claimed by pharmaceutical companies, the FDA, and the CDC is a lie, most people will not get vaccinated even if the treaty is established. Mr. James Roguski has a great influence on the general public. I would like the general public to know this.

There is a big problem here [the difference between the relative effectiveness rate RRR and the absolute effectiveness rate ARR].

Sarscov1 in Asia from 2002 to 2004 was highly fatal (the exact number is not known, but it is 30 to 50% of infections).

As a result, the host died soon after the Sarscov1 virus, and the spread of infection was small.

On the other hand, Virology believes that if it is highly infectious, it will not spread by killing the host, so its lethality is low.

In fact, the 2020 Phase I clinical trial report from Pfizer, which is full of fraud, shows that the Sarscov2 non-infection rate is 99.962% for vaccinated people and 99.246% for unvaccinated people, meaning that the difference in infection due to vaccination is only 7 people per 1,000.

This means that 993 people out of 1,000 will be the same whether they are vaccinated or not.

It also shows that even if everyone is unvaccinated, 8 people per 1,000 will be infected. I am not a doctor but just a former mechanical engineer, but I noticed this early on and did not get vaccinated.

Many doctors (and of course amateurs) do not understand the difference between absolute efficacy rate ARR and relative efficacy rate RRR (efficacy rate as spoken of by FDA, CDC, and Pharmas).

For example, suppose there are 1 million people and 1,000 people are infected if none of them are vaccinated. If 1 million people are vaccinated and the number of infected people is reduced to 100, the relative effectiveness rate RRR will be 90%.

However, even if everyone is not vaccinated, 999,000 people will not be infected in the first place, so the absolute effectiveness rate ARR will be abt. 0.1%.

This is the effectiveness rate that is meaningful to individuals.

The ARR is the average probability that an individual will not develop infection if they are vaccinated. It is never the RRR.

There is a definitional formula in the basics of medicine.

RRR≡(Number of people who developed symptoms in placebo - Number of people who developed symptoms in vaccinated) / Number of people who developed symptoms in placebo * 100 [%]

ARR≡ [1 - {1 - Number of people who developed symptoms in placebo / Total number of people who developed symptoms in placebo} / {1 - Number of people who developed symptoms in vaccinated / Total number of people who developed symptoms}] * 100 [%]

Calculation site https://bestpractice.bmj.com/info/toolkit/learn-ebm/how-to-calculate-risk/

Of course, there are side effects, so if a large number of people who would not have been infected are vaccinated, even people who would not have experienced side effects in the first place will suffer from side effects.

In some cases, people who would not have been infected and would not have died will die from side effects.

However, doctors and public health authorities who appear on TV also promote the relative effectiveness rate RRR,

and continue to mislead people into thinking that the probability that an individual can avoid infection is RRR.

The reason for this can only be either a lack of knowledge or indirectly receiving money from pharmaceutical companies to intentionally sell in large quantities.

Below are the results of my numerical calculations based on some clinical trial documents.

Pfizer's BNT162b2 ARR = 0.716%, RRR = 95% (but this is clearly a gene therapy drug)

SK-Zooster (Shingrix) (shingles) ARR = 0.9%, RRR 94.2%

Meiji Replicon (Sarscov2) ARR = 0.5%, RRR = 95.5% (also a gene therapy drug)

Sequirus Flucelvax® Quad (for infulenzaA,B) ARR = 17.5%, RRR = 51.9%

However, Placebo was administered meningococcal ACWY-vax instead of saline

In short, it was a fraudulent clinical trial, and all it says is that Flucelvax is more effective against

influenza than ACWY-vax.

GSK's Arexvy (RSV) ARR = 0.26%, RRR = 82.5%

Moderna's mRNA-1345 (RSV) ARR = 0.53%, RRR = 68.4% (also a gene therapy drug)

Gardasil: HPV uninfected: ARR = 0.7%, RRR ≒ 50%

Gardasil: HPV already infected: ARR = 3.07%, RRR ≒ 70%

Gardasil contains the neurotoxin ALuminum at 416±75μg/dose


However, it is known that administering a vaccine for a disease when you are infected can actually be harmful.

In the case of Gardasil, you should be tested to see if you are already infected or not before administering it.

But the authorities have not made this mandatory and I feel they are malicious.

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They will never end until what's left of the world's population is safely camped within the Gates of Gulagville.

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"If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized … If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance — you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.”

– Ian Watson-

“Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.”

-Michael Ellner-

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AMEN! Couldn't have said it better, myself!

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I am Canadian. I see how Canada 🇨🇦 will adopt aspects of a pandemic and emergency without the World Health Organization. Is their anything that can be done to eliminate this level of decit. The problem is governments are prepared to follow this agenda at any cost.

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be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org..your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 milion petition..its a worldwidepetition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world..it currently has over 2,510000 signatures

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Thanks James for your dedication and persistence. It defies logic that this so called “pandemic treaty” could not be contrary to the constitution of any sane government. When our constitution says effectively that not even a comma an be changed without a referendum. Yet these criminals pretend the entire legal structure of a country can be overridden without a mention to those people most affected .

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all the amendmends to our constitutions are not more valid than the amendments to the IHR which they bullied through on 1st June. any amendmends of the public law made without the consent or the knowledge of the public or in spite of the public protests and petitions, in spite of the people´s will, are null and void. they are only binding for those who doesn´t know better.

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I gotta print a bunch of copies clearly stating what they're doing (as outlined here) maybe with a headline such as: 'Do you want another plandemic but this under international control and all your god given & constitutional rights stripped away'?

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