In the French speaking part of Europe, such information is really rare and I just released a petition about the Agreement, in French obviously, but it would be nice if some support could be obtained from you: https://www.leslignesbougent.org/petitions/linadmissible-accord-pandemie-de-loms-non-et-non-19852/

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I’m in zip code 46528. Where and to whom do I direct my comments?

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Let me guess… the WHO organization

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Deonne Kingsford

How do we get heard without a Video?

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How do I speak up. Who do Zi email or write to?

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Where do you live?

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As stated where are the reporters, tv channels who will step up and say wef will speak for the public by asking the public what do they think of want done regarding the who people who are willing to be brave enough

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We, the people have, since 30th November 2023, disregarded all instructions and opinions emanating from the, now obsolete and corrupt, World Health Organisation.

The unelected WHO is now irrelevant and has no influence on any matter regarding Human Health and wellbeing!

Many of us proud conspiracy theorists believe the current mRNA injections are not 'VACCINES', as described in pre-2020 unadulterated dictionaries. These mRNA injections are far more dangerous than most previous genuine 'vaccines' administered over the previous 100 years.

'NO LIABILITY' tells you all you need to know about how much confidence Big Pharma have in these killer meds!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer by avoiding corrupted WHO and the complicit medical crowd!

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No weapon formed against us shall prosper , all these fools have no fear of God they don't think that they will pay or be punished for they're cocky pride and stupidity. Thanks to James Roguski we all have knowledge of these greedy corrupt retards scheme . To put it in my own words Jesus is coming back to smash they're face in with a rock , you cannot hide from that wrath of the Lamb .

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Live Free or Die!

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hey substack, why don't you take your piece of shit platform and shove it!!! you are no different than google, the book of faces, twatter....GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU KEEP HIDING BOTH MY PROFILE AND MY COMMENTS. FUCK YOU

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a myriad of downloadable videos, pdf files, links, RSS feeds. Get tor from torproject.org and use it to access the following: share far and wide, this is humanity's last battle!!


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fuck you, you suck, no we will not comply

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these people have chosen themselves to be an authority - they do NOT have authority over any of us. Somehow they have brainwashed people into thinking they have to obey them, we don't, and any government carrying out their orders needs to be ignored, outed, asked to pay back the money we have paid in taxes which they have wasted on wars, conferences, world travel in private jets etc - governments are out to DESTROY us, they are put in place by the psychopaths that want to KILL us. If we carry on behaving as slaves, then we ARE slaves.

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I do not agree the WHO agreement

In SA we have a Constitutional Right, so WHO can not force it down on us

PRAY that these evil plans do not go through

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here is what it looks like in the law--the proposed N.Ireland Health bill IMPLEMENTS the WHO IHR amendments and removes ALL your rights--see para 61,76,77, 172,179 and 102 ++


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