James, with much respect I urge you to re-examine one statement, and if the many, clear objections (ie raised by Midwestern Doctor, and others, including Dr Richard Fleming), can't be adequately explained, to please omit this statement, even for strategic reasons -
"The virus that has been named SARS-COV-2 has never been properly isola…
James, with much respect I urge you to re-examine one statement, and if the many, clear objections (ie raised by Midwestern Doctor, and others, including Dr Richard Fleming), can't be adequately explained, to please omit this statement, even for strategic reasons -
"The virus that has been named SARS-COV-2 has never been properly isolated. No one has provided actual evidence of its existence, even though hundreds of Freedom of Information Act requests for such evidence have been submitted."
Please see these clear points, that mention the FOIA requests, from others who also understand that those in charge are lying criminals. (And a Midwestern Doctor did give the perspective that this virus doesn't exist fair consideration.)
****"For example, Christine Massey’s claim to fame (and her username) is that she filed FOIA requests that proved the CDC and other governmental agencies have never isolated SARS-CoV-2 and thus cannot prove it exists, thereby proving SARS-CoV-2 is a hoax. However, if you read through her FOIA requests it becomes clear that she used a very unique definition of what it means to isolate and purify a virus that no one else in the virology field uses (because it does not make sense), so as a result, no records matching her stipulations existed. If an argument like that were to be used in court, it would immediately result in the dismissal of the case.
Going forward, one of the most important things our movement can do is agree on effective strategies for addressing our common goals in the immediate future, while ensuring the same issues don’t emerge again a few years down the road after the public forgets what has happened. I hope this was helpful for providing insights in this regard. Please watch the video at the start; it is the most important part of this article. Thank you for reading this and sharing it with those who can benefit from hearing this message."
The video shared is from Dr Richard Fleming, who is so much deeper in the understanding of this lab-altered virus, and the trail of where it came from, than those who claim it does not exist. Dr Fleming wants as much as you do there to be serious accountability for crimes against humanity.
Those who created this through gain of function have committed treason. If we're also saying it doesn't exist ... that sabotages everything else. Perhaps it is not a virus in the sense of what viruses always have been. But, really, Dr Fleming is more knowledgeable about what this thing is than those who say it doesn't exist and point to the FOIA request and challenges to prove something according to impossible circles.
Please - DO elucidate, Ellen - what HAVE 'viruses' ALWAYS been?
Answer: MISPERCEIVED - and, TRAGICALLY so; 'AGONIZED' by environmental insults, POISONING (as the very word itself MEANS 'poisoner'.....)
Additionally, if you can contextualize for me WHY they (like MOST other PROTEIN-based, but CRYSTALLINE-structured biologics) produce up to a full VOLT of piezoelectric charge (EXTREMELY critical consideration to causing 'disease-states', mutagenetic conditions, functional disregulation) although a RHETORICAL query as I already know, that would be ESPECIALLY appreciated.....
Hi Hamish, I think Dr. Zach Bush's work could explain better than I what viruses have always been. I think Dr. Richard Fleming could explain better than I (and better than Dr's Cowan, Kaufman, Bailey, Massey), what this particular not-natural-virus is.
Thanks, Ellen - appreciate your graciousness; APOLOGIZE for my lack of it and yes, am quite familiar with Zach's model, as well as Stefan, Tom & Andrew's (communicated for a time with Tom's assistant, actually) - my prevailing concern - and reason for forceful comment in reply, is that we've let these creatures dictate the narrative for a century and a half (if NOT longer) from Pasteur's intellectual dishonesty, to Rockerfeller's (AND noxious 'Flexner Report') of which EXTERNALIZED 'viruses', are a CRUCIAL piece.....feeling IS, needs to be an ACTUAL alternative when those who BEGIN to ask the REALLY big, [re]DEFINING questions, DO.....
James, with much respect I urge you to re-examine one statement, and if the many, clear objections (ie raised by Midwestern Doctor, and others, including Dr Richard Fleming), can't be adequately explained, to please omit this statement, even for strategic reasons -
"The virus that has been named SARS-COV-2 has never been properly isolated. No one has provided actual evidence of its existence, even though hundreds of Freedom of Information Act requests for such evidence have been submitted."
Please see these clear points, that mention the FOIA requests, from others who also understand that those in charge are lying criminals. (And a Midwestern Doctor did give the perspective that this virus doesn't exist fair consideration.)
https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/where-did-covid-19-come-from-and -
****"For example, Christine Massey’s claim to fame (and her username) is that she filed FOIA requests that proved the CDC and other governmental agencies have never isolated SARS-CoV-2 and thus cannot prove it exists, thereby proving SARS-CoV-2 is a hoax. However, if you read through her FOIA requests it becomes clear that she used a very unique definition of what it means to isolate and purify a virus that no one else in the virology field uses (because it does not make sense), so as a result, no records matching her stipulations existed. If an argument like that were to be used in court, it would immediately result in the dismissal of the case.
Going forward, one of the most important things our movement can do is agree on effective strategies for addressing our common goals in the immediate future, while ensuring the same issues don’t emerge again a few years down the road after the public forgets what has happened. I hope this was helpful for providing insights in this regard. Please watch the video at the start; it is the most important part of this article. Thank you for reading this and sharing it with those who can benefit from hearing this message."
The video shared is from Dr Richard Fleming, who is so much deeper in the understanding of this lab-altered virus, and the trail of where it came from, than those who claim it does not exist. Dr Fleming wants as much as you do there to be serious accountability for crimes against humanity.
https://rumble.com/v1g40kl-10letters.org-campaign.html - If any governments can come to their senses and investigate / prosecute, that will not be helped by conflicting messages.
Those who created this through gain of function have committed treason. If we're also saying it doesn't exist ... that sabotages everything else. Perhaps it is not a virus in the sense of what viruses always have been. But, really, Dr Fleming is more knowledgeable about what this thing is than those who say it doesn't exist and point to the FOIA request and challenges to prove something according to impossible circles.
Please - DO elucidate, Ellen - what HAVE 'viruses' ALWAYS been?
Answer: MISPERCEIVED - and, TRAGICALLY so; 'AGONIZED' by environmental insults, POISONING (as the very word itself MEANS 'poisoner'.....)
Additionally, if you can contextualize for me WHY they (like MOST other PROTEIN-based, but CRYSTALLINE-structured biologics) produce up to a full VOLT of piezoelectric charge (EXTREMELY critical consideration to causing 'disease-states', mutagenetic conditions, functional disregulation) although a RHETORICAL query as I already know, that would be ESPECIALLY appreciated.....
You dropped your rock.
.....'dropped my rock'? Not sure I understand, James......
A Braveheart reference. Based on your screen name. See the scene where William and Hamish meet again as adults.
AYE, lad - NIUW ae gaetcha! LOL
Hi Hamish, I think Dr. Zach Bush's work could explain better than I what viruses have always been. I think Dr. Richard Fleming could explain better than I (and better than Dr's Cowan, Kaufman, Bailey, Massey), what this particular not-natural-virus is.
Thanks, Ellen - appreciate your graciousness; APOLOGIZE for my lack of it and yes, am quite familiar with Zach's model, as well as Stefan, Tom & Andrew's (communicated for a time with Tom's assistant, actually) - my prevailing concern - and reason for forceful comment in reply, is that we've let these creatures dictate the narrative for a century and a half (if NOT longer) from Pasteur's intellectual dishonesty, to Rockerfeller's (AND noxious 'Flexner Report') of which EXTERNALIZED 'viruses', are a CRUCIAL piece.....feeling IS, needs to be an ACTUAL alternative when those who BEGIN to ask the REALLY big, [re]DEFINING questions, DO.....
Thank you for this detailed comment. Your point is very well-stated and of the utmost importance.