Pace is as honest as the Biden staff who say the border is secure. Complete lies. MTG is trying but was actually not forceful enough and does not acknowledge there was never a pandemic. Wonder about this new group Trump wants to use to replace the WHO. Will Bill Gates and GAVI run it.. Traitor Joe administration wrote the ammendments so I do not think he or Pace will be making sure our rights are protected. The amendments and Treaty are extremely dangerous power grabs.

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Regarding MTG: I don't think there was a pandemic, just a bad flu and probably poisons from the skies and spike protein shedding now, but glad to hear her say the WHO lied, gave stupid recommendations and that she feels America (and I hope the UK) will leave the WHO.

Regarding Ms Pace, don't believe she knows much about anything, or her words were pure BS to lull people.

Regarding Trump, I'm on the fence. He hasn't in any way, other than leaving the WHO during his term in office, which didn't do much good, as the States is right back in there, and it could well been that he was needed to be seen as the 'good cop'. Words are cheap, even I can afford them!

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Ms Pace is a liar!! Wants to blame it on the CCP who they also work with and for???? NO dont think so. Yes I agree with MTG, do I think she or congress will do anything about this? No I don't, she us bought and paid for!!!

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🙏🏼 James, there’s another Democide in the USA that’s been propagandandized for decades. USA’s ALWAYS abused citizens for whatever reason, and has been doing it with tens of millions of disabled (and not) people with chronic pain from incurable conditions since Bush 43’s Asa Hutchison had to save the DEA. In the early 2000’s, CBO wanted to get rid of it because it wasn’t doing it’s mission. Ending it would be the RESPONSIBLE thing to do, but…

WE CANT HAVE ANY UNELECTED ALPHABET MAFIA GANG END!! Instead, Asa decided to conflate ILLICIT DRUGS and RX OPIOIDS USED FOR LEGITIMATE MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. The War on People in Pain began in earnest. PLEASE TALK ABOUT THIS. Tens of thousands have committed SuicideDue2Pain because this pain never ever ends. I’ve got severe spinal pain but lost my long term opioid therapy (LTOT) of 14 years in 2019, when DEA got my Pain Management Specialist / Neurologist for doing his job. This continues and thousands of INNOCENT Drs. are in federal prison because of a DEA high on power and full of greed. He’s now in federal prison in WV at 88. His “crime” was prescribing legal FDA approved narcotics for documented incurable painful conditions. They’re the ONLY thing that gAve us any Quality of Life and the ability to function. It’s legal torture. I’m housebound, unable to drive so “adulting” is VERY difficult. I can’t make AND KEEP appointments. I can’t go to the dentist with my Dystonia making my body shake like the people who got the clot shot. It’s something I COULD control WITH MY LTOT. I cant control it, so I cant go to the dentist, etc. Many things we have to do as responsible adults but suffering from severe untreated chronic pain makes it impossible. It’s a Nuremberg Violation and needs to be talked about SERIOUSLY.

I pray that you see this and will speak for us. StanfordMed’s Sean Mackey and Beth Darnall are getting millions of taxpayer dollars to STUDY US AFTER LOSING OUR LIFESAVING MEDICATIONS. They’re on X but we CANT ask them about their “work” that’s DESTROYED OUR LIVES, or they WILL block you. The CURES Act took away our Right to Informed Consent so they could do this to us “legally.”





Thank you and God Bless!

Bev Minich

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Yes i agree with both of them, And i want to say Thank You to You sir! Sticking with this major issue that is an attack on all the people Globally and us here in the states! Seems like some of the people in congress are on the side of freedom... and the others need a little help and awareness from the people that pay there salary! Meaning more of we the people need to be in-lightened! And who holds the biggest Light! just a thought .... people these days are moved by what they see then what they read since most every person on this planet has there head stuck to a smart phone watching "shorts" videos. Try reaching out to Keven Sorbo he's a Aw-sum movie producer and loves his country and is a big follower of Jesus ! did i mention he's an aw-sum movie producer and one aw-sum person! Make a Short 15 min lime line film from the past 4 years hitting 4 major issues pulling from documentaries like (died suddenly to co-venim to selection code. 1000 mules!) to showing how young people would feel with out something as simple as taking there cell phone away , and the feeling of that being taken away maybe in a class room setting, to then seeing the freedom of life that has been taken from these shots! People need to understand what has been put in the clot shot and has been done and how shedding is so real! My whole family over 3 generations had the shot im only one that hasn't but i feel the effects of the shedding big time since i take care of my elder mom....sorry maybe its a dumb idea... anyways thank you for fighting the good fight , may god bless you, your family and all your work you do..... thk y m.s.j

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I very much appreciated the comments of Marjorie Taylor Green and former president Donald Trump.

Louie Pace, on the other hand was vague and did not actually answer the one question posed by MTG. How can anyone trust an organization like the WHO which chooses communism over democracy and representative forms of government??

The WHO does not represent people and does not protect people!

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I’m extremely disappointed to see you promoting empty words such as these, James. You know better.


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Ms. Greene clearly articulates the role of the WHO and its connection to the Chinese and Globalists. She expressed concern over personal health information being shared with the WHO - especially given all of the mandated shots and lockdowns.

Trump promises to Exit the WHO and I believe he will.

Ms. Pace danced around Ms. Greene's question and failed to answer with anything but political talking points.

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Ms Greene explains very clearly WHO's role in current and recent worldwide health disasters, exposing its connection to the CCP. She is connecting the dots. Completely backed by the way by the Breggin's Covid19 and the global predators book on how we got into the current imminent situation, which I read and which is extremely well documented. WHO is taking over completely our say and that of our national authorities regarding our health and our bodies, by accepting fraudulently these amendments.... If we let them. I am overjoyed that another representative is actually defending their voters' rights. Just like Andrew Bridgen in the UK. Good health, Peace and Happiness to these Courageous people! I live in France where a law was adopted last week which prohibits people to be critical about f.e. the vaccines or basically anything going against the official narrative.

Ms Pace is not answering the question on How can WHO adopt changes to its regulations when the proposals by its member states have not even been sent in, submitted, taken into account, discussed?? Mr Trump articulates very healthy resolutions in his very own style.

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Smack'em down miss Niki!

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Trump locked us down in the first place. Starting the scamdemic Harmacide.

No I don't believe a word these folks say. Show us the sovereignty, nevermind the bullocks

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Mostly agree on Trump, he had his chance, destroyed the country, elevated and followed the wrong advisors, did not drain the swamp - appointed swampers all over the place. MTG, OTOH, I have seen nothing but great things from, although my knowledge of her is fairly superficial. So far though, I LOVE her.

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MTG makes excellent points and it’s wonderful she has the courage to state them. Unfortunately, just recently there was a move to make any WHO treaty go through the treaty process in Congress, requiring two thirds vote. Unbelievably, it failed along party lines. This means there is HUGE support in Congress for the WHO, the UN and globalism even if they try and keep it hidden.

This site shows how people actually vote despite their rhetoric. Movements should be launched to educate poeple about their representatives in Congress vote for and whenever they sell them out, voting for things like the PREP act.



It appears Elise Stefanik is a plant - among many others. Beware.

Also, I came across this and wonder if it is true: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7NPITXCSHE Pascal Najadi’s father co-founded WEF with Klaus Schwab but quit in disgust and was subsequently assasinated. (no connection mentioned) The son is claiming governments have commited acts of democide (governments killing their own people) and brought charges against the president of Switzerland who was forced to resign. This seems pretty big to me, and maybe like a template for others to bring charges against the applicable government parties in their own countries.

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It is really a testament to how short human memory is and how easily it is controlled by simple manipulation of perceptions. The past lessons don’t matter, what matters is now. The actions don’t matter, it is always words what matter. As David Icke, but a few other notably James Corbett too, brilliantly point out Trump is another psyop leading his supporters and through that everybody else to a glorious failure. It has been like this throughout history and hats off to those who believe that something may change for better.

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Ms. Pace: a Communist and a lying sociopath, as well as responsible for initiating the changes to the IHR Amendments that will give our sovereignty away in the first place. Has anyone checked to see if she has a valid Oath of Office (as no one in the US Cabinet currently does)? MTG: Although always passionate, I think she was mistakenly rolling/confusing the IHR and Treaty into one, yes? Trump: says what his followers want to hear, but he is also beholden to the globalist agenda.

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The UN and the WHO are sisters...We must EXIT both. Years ago, many knew that the UN was taking advantage of America. It likes our money, we pay one third of its budget, but most of the member nations have no love for America. Everytime America brought up an issue to vote on...it was voted down. Why would America want to be in an organization that is draining our resources and does nothing for us? The Director of the WHO - Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has a very bad resume...What can America expect in the future, when dealing with a man who gained money, power and connections through terrorizing his own people in Ethiopia? Dealing with someone lwho is totally untrustworthy will not bode well for America. The WHO is connected to these worldwide bioweapon labs. This should be a major concern. The WHO warns of future pandemics, which are created by these dangerous enterprises, which never should have existed. Yet, the WHO is supportive of them; and promotes the injections of toxic matter into humans. The WHO has no connection to the word HEALTH. It's out to lower the population by murderous means and set itself up as a total dictator over the entire world.

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Amen, Amen, Amen...oh, and Amen.

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I believe that MTG meant every word she expressed regarding protecting the sovereignty of the American people. Also, I know Donald Trump will exit the WHO and the UN when he is elected to the presidency. I don’t trust the pandemic treaty and I don’t trust that the negotiating committee Ms. Pace sits on to protect the sovereignty of American people.

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We need to exit the WHO and the UN. After listening to Dr. Rima Laibow and Kerry Cassidy discuss the dangers of the UN, I realized that despite the obvious dangers of the WHO, the UN's may be just as bad if not worse. I

In fact, one reason for the intense ambiguity and the delays with the WHO could be to divert attention away for the UN. Therefore we need to become more aware of the UN's agenda, and exit them both.

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