I asked myself ,,,"why am I doing this "and could not stop...couldnt change the words or yelling.

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1/2you have too..we can't let it live we have to destroy every circuit.,,am I wrong. ?? I know the controlling power of these devices, yelling fight with my daughter.. my intellect took over and

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1/2..We reached insanity long ago, when we invited the Technocrats and Nazies in ,, infectious ideology..Kim too. ,,,yuvall harriri. wants to be god,,,like Kim fat boy, they want to live a 1000 years or at least 145. We used to get a respite from mans tyranny when they died sometimes... I'm glad Stalin, Pinochet, Mao etc. are all dead and glad this next batch will be as well. they want to brainwash the kids to accept them as gods ...Only now we know who. Tri level commission and the others they'll expect it . I'm sure Pinochet must of lived in prison. .Everyone can be reached. They know it and so do we. This is the most dangerous thing ever invented... stamped completely out..

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superb work thank you James

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No one in their right mind will ever take another Vaccine!

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One should not forget the fact that bacterium "Vibrio cholera (O139)", bacterium "yersinia pestis", bacterium "shigella disenteriae serotype 1" and virus "Alphavirus venezuelan" are mentioned in the WHO's document titled "Pathogens prioritization: a scientific framework for epidemic and pandemic research preparedness" in the Table 4!

If you take a look at the rightmost column of the Table 4, you can see that the note "(Pandemic risk)" is mentioned for the following pathogens:- "Vibrio cholera (O139)" (the bacterium that is related to the cholera disease)- "Yersinia pestis" (the bacterium that is related to the plague disease)- "Shigella disenteriae serotype 1"- "Alphavirus venezuelan"

Source:See page 12/38 on the following link:



On February 20, 2025, the WHO published the report titled "Multi-country cholera outbreak, external situation report 23 -20 February 2025".Here's a quote from the WHO's web page:"Conflict, mass displacement, disasters from natural hazards, and climate change have intensified outbreaks, particularly in rural and flood-affected areas, where poor infrastructure and limited healthcare access delay treatment. These cross-border factors have made cholera outbreaks increasingly complex and harder to control."



In the report titled "Multi-country outbreak of cholera External Situation Report n. 23, published 20 February 2025", they said that "Several challenges complicate the response to the global spread and surge of cholera".



Meanwhile, the "scientists" are already talking about the new vaccines and therapeutics for cholera, vaccines for shigella, vaccines for plague and vaccines for the Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus!

See the following articles:

1."Preparation and evaluation of chitosan nanoparticles containing CtxB antigen against Vibrio cholera"



2. "Nanoparticles-based technologies for cholera detection and therapy"



3. "Manganese-Based Nanoparticle Vaccine for Combating Fatal Bacterial Pneumonia"



4. "Mutated and bacteriophage T4 nanoparticle arrayed F1-V immunogens from Yersinia pestis as next generation plague vaccines"



5. "A single-dose F1-based mRNA-LNP vaccine provides protection against the lethal plague bacterium"



6. "A multi-epitope protein vaccine encapsulated in alginate nanoparticles as a candidate vaccine against Shigella sonnei"



7. "Designing a multi-epitope vaccine against Shigella dysenteriae using immuno-informatics approach"



8. "Facile synthesis of multi-faceted, biomimetic and cross-protective nanoparticle-based vaccines for drug-resistant Shigella: a flexible platform technology"



9. "The Shigella Vaccines Pipeline"

Among other vaccines, the following vaccines are mentioned in "Table 3" of that article:

- S4V-EPA by LimmaTech

- SF2a-TT15 by Pasteur Institute

- InvaplexAR-DETOX by WRAIR

- altSonflex1-2-3 by GVGH (GSK)



10. "Self-Amplifying RNA Vaccines for Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Induce Robust Protective Immunogenicity in Mice"



11. Clinical trial NCT06002503 titled "Safety, Reactogenicity and Immunogenicity of a Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis DNA Vaccine Candidate Administered by Jet Injection"

Here are a few quotes from the clinicaltrials webpage:

"The goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the safety and reactogenicity of a VEE DNA Vaccine candidate delivered by either intramuscular or intradermal jet injection."

"Study Completion (Estimated)





Did you know that the term "virus X" was mentioned already in 1949?

Check out the article "DDT poisoning and elusive virus X; a new cause for gastro-enteritis" from 1949!!!

Here's the link to the article:


Interesting, isn't it?

So, could the history repeat itself or could the elites repeat their scenarios?

In 2023, the WHO published the document titled "Operational manual on indoor residual spraying: control of vectors of malaria, Aedes-borne diseases, Chagas disease, leishmaniases and lymphatic filariasis".



Here are a few quotes from that document:

Quote 1:

"2.3.1 Sound management of insecticides and environmental impact assessments

All insecticides pose inherent risks and their safe use requires establishment of an insecticide management system with regular M&E checks built in (see section 5)."

Quote 2:

" AIs

Insecticidal AIs currently used for IRS fall into six insecticide classes, which are grouped according to four modes of action based on their primary target site in the vector. As of July 2023, IRS products prequalified by WHO include five of the six classes (with no organochlorine product prequalified) (18). Examples of AIs contained in prequalified IRS products are listed below.

• Sodium channel modulators

o Pyrethroids: alpha-cypermethrin, deltamethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, etofenprox, bifenthrin

o Organochlorines: no prequalified products available

• Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors

o Organophosphates: pirimiphos-methyl

o Carbamates: bendiocarb

• Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor competitive modulators

o Neonicotinoids: clothianidin

• GABA-gated chloride channel allosteric modulators

o Meta-diamides: broflanilide

There may be IRS products in current use or that have been used in the past that contain AIs not listed above (e.g. the organochlorine dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), the organophosphate malathion, the carbamate propoxur). However, there are no IRS products with these AIs currently prequalified by WHO, which means that no product has been assessed by WHO for its efficacy, safety and quality, and no inspection of manufacturing sites has been conducted."

Quote 3:

"In some areas, the use of DDT may be warranted. The decision to use DDT for malaria vector control needs to be based on a detailed analysis that considers all other potential options for vector control and provides clear reasoning for choosing DDT over the other options. WHO considers DDT to be a last resort, not a first choice. If DDT is selected, it should be used under strict control measures and only for the intended purpose. Its use requires that the conditions set by the Stockholm Convention be met, including additional reporting (see section 3.3.5).

Effective use and safe storage of DDT rely on compliance with well established and well enforced rules and regulations, in accordance with national guidelines and following the WHO technical guidance provided in this manual. Where DDT is deployed, it is essential for adequate resources and technical support to be in place to ensure the sound management of this persistent organic pollutant."



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amazing how they just make thigns up!

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Check out this picture:


What’s your opinion?

This picture is actually a screenshot of the World Bank's document titled "World - COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Project (English)"If you take a look at page 6, you can see that they say "Expected Program Closing Date31-Mar-2025"! Here's the link to the original document:


So, if the "convid" program is supposed to close in March 2025, when could the elites start the next "program" (plandemic)? Could they start the next plandemic after the war in Ukraine ends?

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What about rabbies vaxs? I guess they already are mARN type. Even before plandemic.

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Any insight into RFK progress?

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I hope the Australians told the government and big pharma to shove their jabs up their arse!

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Sorry, nope, most got transfected, went back for more boosters and posted each one proudly on FB LOL.

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But the ones I hang out with are pretty reluctant to be transfected, for sure! Pity about the UniParty-Greens alliance with a stranglehold...factories going up, and even my old university has been cutting down trees to build a new transfection research facility (of course they don't call it that). We're in a pickle.

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Thx. I always say, listen to the ones who actually live there.

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Thanks James. Well when you consider they are building these facilities in Australia and Canada you can see their citizens are being targeted for the depopulation agenda. These 2 countries along with China were the worst when it came for forcing their citizens to take the COVID jab so it makes sense they would build these facilities in those 2 countries. There is only one way to stop it and put them out of business and that is for the people to stand up and refuse to take their poison into their bodies BUT sadly most people are sheep today and will do as they are told so they can go to a concert, fly on a plane, attend sporting events but this time it will be much worse they will not allow people to work or even buy food unless they take the shot and that is when the people either rise up or face their death like cowards. I would rather die fighting than be a victim of their evil.

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I think even if people won't line up to be transfected, they will use "biosecurity emergency" BS to mandate them going into domestic animals and livestock. The military-industrial-biosecurity mafia have spun the yarn (some probably even believe it!) to our useful idiot politicians, eg, in Australia, that the factories need to be up and running and churning out these products for their "expected" pandemics and BioW/lab-leak releases.

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Tbh he had that opportunity with the first ban, then changed it to cov vax only.. kept the quarantine

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Who are all these participants for these so called clinical trials and where do they come from? It's curious as to the many so called vaccines in clinical trials, maybe they are trialled on animals? Very suspicious of how, where, etc this is all being done.......transparency is warranted.

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I don't think there are any people in these trials. It is all made up. Or at max the participants are very few and again they lie about the number and the results.

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There were people in the trial. I believe a couple of people died and I listened to an interview on Del Bigtree with one of the mothers who was injured. She was a professional and could no longer work and could hardly take care of her young children. They paid her a small sum of money and told her to leave. Her story was heart breaking. Dr. Naomi Wolf thru FOIA was able to access the Phizer documents and put them into book form. That has been around for a while and there are now two books. They are about $30 each. They were going to cover it up for 75 years so that is all you need to know. They were working on this for years and every time they tested with animals they died. It ruins your innate immune system and as a result every time you encounter the corona virus in the wild you will have issues. My brother in law has been sick so many times have lost count. This last flu shot season he decided no more vaccines. Our elderly neighbor has heart issues and said no more and have so many stories of injured people. A good friend had two strokes and was fortunate bc the damage was minimal and her life style hasn't changed at all. People in their fifties and sixties have died and it will continue. Bioweapons have been around for a very long time way back to World War 1, so shouldn't be surprised. The surprise is the world wide coordinated event that is very disconcerting to say the least. When you know people want you injured or dead in your own country that is not helpful on any level.

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Agree. It's also strangely serendipitous that after what must take many months, maybe even a year, to recruit, vett, register, and complete the legal paperwork for participants - somehow, right in time for the trial, they manage to manifest the very disease being studied.

"Only 12 participants in the intervention arm got shingles/measles/Covid/whatever/ compared to 18 participants in the placebo arm".

How does that even happen??

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Technocracy is complete madness. This is what happens when what is best for society is decided by a bunch of ‘experts‘ who know best.

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