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May 22, 2022
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.....HIM, them AND their 5,000 mercenary THUGS? As much as INEVITABLE one-party rule depresses the HELL out of me, MY damned state's D's are SO invested in his dehumanizing GARBAGE - calling for WIDESCALE public EXCORIATION to TRASH their 2022 campaigns.....

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Who will they use to control us uncompliant masses? WHO /shanghai trained mercenaries?

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Dr Naomi Wolf, an historian and child of the first holocaust, says the Biden administration is bringing in young foreign men across the border and they will be hired to hold you down and inject you with death. Hope that helps. ;)

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James, Karen Bracken just posted (https://karenbracken.substack.com/p/sunday-05-22-22-urgent-ihr-announcement) about 12 of the 13 IHR amendments being withdrawn. This is spectacular news!! Do you have any more details and links with more info about this?

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Even tracking at my best finds you everywhere first.. wondering if you sleep at all! :~)

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Sleep? What the heck is that? I may do some of that in June.

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Ditto 😆

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We will be putting out more info today. James has a great Substack created with info.

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Haha, before you responded, I asked him if he had more details :-)

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.....AT the PRONOUNCED risk of appearing SPOILED, really WANT to know WHAT that THIRTEENTH is.....

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It is the amendment to Article 59 of the IHR which reduced time for countries to file rejection or compliance to future IHR amendments from 18 months to 6 months and to change the implementation schedule from 24 months to 12 months.

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......EXACTLY the one I was HOPING it WOULD be - THANKS for letting me know so soon, Karen!

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Thank you. Saw it going around on telegram, but nobody had more information. I questioned it as in real or fake as i have so much distrust in information these days.

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New favorite the "K" is silent!

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"New favorite the "K" is silent!"


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.....not sure if YOU'RE responsible for the Monkees riff Jim, but - IMMEDIATELY thought of the TITLE to Micky's autobiog (BIG fan of the 'PREfab Four's stuff myself!) when this IDIOCY got REAL: 'They Made a MONKEE Out Of Me' (and, how VERY perfect that what I'll call the 'SHINES' clown, is DRESSED for SHAKESPEARE.....)

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Dr. Malone was on Steve Bannon Saturday and warned against the small pox vaccine they are stock piling. This will be the next forced shot and he said it is dangerous.

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All vaccines have always been dangerous. Malone should be saying that but he does not.

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During the Better Way Conference (Day 1) Malone said he does not agree with the current vaccine schedule. He believes we give too many vaccinations. I agree no vaccine is good and I also agree he won't say this but he is moving on this issue and I hold out hope but there are enough others that agree no vaccine is good. This was the very powerful discussion Del Bigtree had with Malone and Geert Vanden Bossche on Day 1. Del is on our side. It was a very passionate discussion that I believe Del won.

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I won't be satisfied until WHO becomes a dirty page in a dog-eared history book chronicling the demise of totalitarianism.

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......WELL-said, Frances!

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I have a feeling if you jail that monkee posse, terrorist bio attacks will dwindle

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James, you may be interested in this "follow-the-money" article by Whitney Webb 20 May 2022:

Monkeypox Fears May Rescue Endangered Corporations https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/05/investigative-reports/monkeypox-fears-may-rescue-endangered-corporations/

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Money pox.....yep they want more money in their pockets.

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Another fraud perpetrated by virus theory.

When you want to ignore the real cause of a disease, just point to another virus or germ.

Polio, nah it's not pesticides, it's a virus

Smallpox, nah it's not sanitation, it's a virus

And so on, rinse, repeat


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If you do a Google or DDG search for “moneypox” (no “k”) there are several headlines using that term. Is this deliberate? Is the media revealing an undisclosed agenda —-ie, is CASH (money) about to be banned worldwide due to the spread of Monkeypox via fomites? The elimination of CASH is part of the Davos Man Agenda. https://www.businesstoday.in/latest/world/story/moneypox-in-us-rare-case-of-viral-illness-detected-in-texas-resident-301627-2021-07-17

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Great summary! Thank you for the laugh from all the pictures:) Will link your article to my short post soon:)

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For this one we need to get ahead of the curve in order to flatten it! We cannot afford to wait two weeks.

They are now treating us like monkeys.

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1. How do we know?

2. Where are the proofs for these "cases"?

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I’d be very interested to know which members of Congress have recently purchased Bavarian-Nordic stock.

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Which ones? We need to expose them.

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