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Aug 19, 2022Edited
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Oh, please don't mistake my subtle sarcasm for a lack of clear focus on exposing evil wherever it may be slithering about.

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Murdering maniacs!!!!!!!!!

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The Medical Mafia in Action - Offering Isotropic Humanicide Services Worldwide


ABIM = Association of Barbarians for Inquisition in Medicine

ACOG = American Consortium of Obstructionists in Gynecopathy

ACOOG = American Consortium of Obstructionists and Obscurantists in Gynecopathy

AHA = Assisted Humanicide Association

AMA = American Murder Association

CDC = Center for Death and Corruption

DIC = Drugs Industrial Complex

DHS = Defense for Humanicide Services

FDA = Fraud and Death Association

HHS = Holistic Humanicide Services

MD = Most Deplored

NIAID = Novel Inquisition for Allergic and Infectious Dogmas

NIH = Nihilism In Healthcare

NSFW = Not Safe For Work

WEF = World Enslavement Foundation

WHO = World Homicide Organization

Dr. Red Pill Fact Checker:

 At Murderna, we’re proud of our guinea pigs:


 At Schizer, we care about your kids:


 Glendale Adventist Hospital


 These people deserve the credit for the deaths of nearly a million Americans


 An open letter to Christi Grimm, Inspector General of the HHS


 NIH Scientists Pocketed $350 Million in Royalties — Agency Won’t Say How Much Went to Fauci


 70% of Americans are on at least one prescription drug.

 The sicker America is, the richer the Drugs Industrial Complex (DIC)

 No curing is allowed, ever. Treating symptoms assures recurring revenues.

 Natural healing methods are relegated to Quackery.

 An Empire of Lies, Corruption, Degeneracy, and Death run by a Covidian Cult.

 The Federal Government Finally Admitted Corruption Crafted the COVID-19 Response


 The New Rules of Medicine


 The Smallpox Pandemic Response was Eerily Similar to COVID


 New UK government data shows the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save


 Why Do Doctors Close Their Eyes to Medical Injuries


 Harmaceuticals are intrinsically toxic


 Survey shows over 500,000 killed by the COVID vaccines so far


 COVID Policies & Actions by Governments – Scientific Frauds of the Century


 We declare government and medical agencies must be held accountable!


 Ontario LTC Residents Were Denied Essential Supplements by the “Emergency Holding of Medications” Orders


 Ten different surveys all show the vaccines are not "safe and effective" -- not even close


 Meet Marsha Gee, a former top ICU nurse at UCSD who is today one of the most COVID-vaccine-injured people on Earth. 78 side effects from a Safe and Effective Quackcine.


 Deaths Following C-19 Vaccination – NZDSOS (New Zealand)


 VA Denies Coverage for Air Force Veteran With Malignant Brain Tumor


 Planned Worldwide Infanticides


 Biden Administration Makes Available 10 Million Doses of COVID Vaccine for Kids Under 5 — Before FDA Authorizes Shot


 'Blow-up Pandemic Mortuary' Set up in 2019 - UK


 EXCLUSIVE: Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures


 Graphene COVID Kill Shots: Let the Evidence Speak for Itself


 Dr. Ryan Cole: COVID Vaccines Are Producing Unusual And Surprising Numbers Of Cancers


 A Major News Network has Finally Explored the Link Between Mass Shootings and SSRIs


 “Medical freedom has been hijacked by hospitals, big pharma, insurance companies, and the federal agencies,”


 Remdesivir - The silent killer that took my husband, with Nada Kovacevic


 Ivermectin saves lives; but the so-called covid "vaccines" are deadly. This is criminal.


 FDA Colluded With Moderna to Bypass COVID Vaccine Safety Standards, Documents Reveal


 "The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia (2015)


 Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. (2012)


 Should you get any vaccines? The data shows the more you vax, the sicker you are (10X!).


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The CDC is astonishingly incompetent AND they have been blatantly lying to to the American Public.

Vaccines do NOT stimulate an immune response to disease! Never have. Never will! The germ theory is a theory; a marketing ploy for most of pharma and ALL of the vax industry. Viruses have NEVER been proven to exist. NEVER. ZERO vaccines have ever been proven safe or effective. ZERO. EVER.

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CDC and FDA are evidently intentionally incompetent. Walensky is a bad doctor. Marion F. Gruber and Phil Krause were forced to resign for their relative competence in the agency.

Marks has admitted even he feels their service is not acceptable. They are definitely incompetent. Intentionally made incompetent.

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Considering the revolving door they have and their posing as the executive branch, while changing their story all the time, they are just about as reliable as a "scientist":


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Brilliant capture, sir!

However, I'd like to point out that it's impossible for the govt to issue "malinformation", as malinformation is defined (as I understand it) as "information that is true, but would cause people to lose confidence in the govt narrative." It's one of those words like "racism" which by its definition can only flow in one direction.

But this should not be cause for worry! There is plenty enough "misinformation" (erroneous but presented in good faith) and "disinformation" (erroneous, and presented consciously & dishonestly) to keep us all plenty busy.

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Okay! I stand corrected, and not just because of my prosthetic insoles! 😉 Seriously, that's a good clarification and I'll operate with it, too, from now on.

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The powers that be would like to redefine the terms to suit their evil desires. They fail to realize that THEY have broken the law as domestic terrorists.

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Thank you James!!

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I cannot help but see Walensky in my mind when she started crying (there’s a video of it out there). ALL ACTING! And she was suppose to be authority, having everything under control.

“With friends like this (Walensky), who needs enemies?” What a piece of work…

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Thank you for so clearly stating this for us. You and your work here are very appreciated.

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Crimes against humanity.

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Thank you, this is very important, step by step on how we are lied to. Only time will tell us WHY?

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My bet is on lies.

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The CDC is drowning in the incompetency they created around themselves that supports their agency.

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Well, they're not incompetent, so that leaves jail or the gallows.

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