MISinformed Consent
The CDC is either astonishingly incompetent, or they have been blatantly lying to the American Public.
This article is a guest blog by Michael Briskin.
Yes, the CDC Did Perpetuate an Overt Falsehood to Get Americans to Take the Johnson & Johnson Jabs.
From the very beginning of 2020, We the People have been actively MISinformed about nearly every aspect of the disease commonly referred to as “COVID-19.”
As bad as it is to assure the American public of something before doing the studies first (such as informing everyone an exceedingly novel drug mechanism is “safe” without any long-term human testing), it is far worse to state something that is incontestably known to be false at the time.
The mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) “vaccines” have received the lion’s share of the attention during the COVID era, in large part because those are the vaccines the majority of Americans received.
However, roughly 17 million people received the Johnson & Johnson jabs. These injections, along with the AstraZeneca vaccines used abroad, are known as adenoviral vectors that were designed to deliver their injected DNA into the nucleus of human cells.
For many months, the CDC claimed that the COVID-19 “vaccines” provided “immunity.” Once it became clear that the “vaccines” were neither preventing disease nor stopping transmission, the CDC merely changed the definition of the word “vaccine.”
For at least 8 months (April to December 2021), the CDC website provided CLEARLY inaccurate information to the general public. The CDC told the American Public that the DNA injected via the Johnson & Johnson “vaccine” did NOT enter the nucleus of cells. They definitely should have known better.
Below is a screenshot from the CDC website from April 15, 2021:
There are at least two pieces of MISinformation, DISinformation and/or MALinformation (MDM) within the highlighted areas above that were spread by the CDC for many months in 2021.
CDC MISinformation #1:
The first inaccurate claim from the screenshot above:
“All COVID-19 vaccines work with the body’s natural defenses to safely develop immunity to disease.”
This claim was quietly removed after 5pm on July 8, 2021 because it was demonstrably UNTRUE. However, that didn't stop the government and the media from continuing to push the narrative of “safe and effective”.
Then, on September 2, 2021, the CDC changed the definition of the word “vaccine” to remove the claim that vaccines provide immunity.
OLD DEFINITION (Up to and including September 1, 2021): “Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.”
NEW DEFINITION (September 2, 2021 and thereafter): “Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”
Rather than honestly address the fact that the COVID-19 “vaccines” were not effective in preventing the disease or its transmission, the CDC decided to change the definition of the word “vaccine”.
In the past, vaccines provided “immunity.” Now “vaccines” merely stimulate an “immune response.”
Yes. That is a big difference.
CDC MISinformation #2:
The inaccurate claim:
“the material never enters the nucleus of the cell.”
This claim was finally changed (on December 16, 2021) to…
“Viral vector COVID-19 vaccines deliver genetic material to the cell nucleus”
From April 15, 2021 to December 15, 2021, the CDC was CLEARLY spreading disinformation regarding the way the Johnson and Johnson injectables were DESIGNED to work. The “vaccine” was designed so that the injected DNA would enter the nucleus of the cell. To say otherwise was blatantly false.
Readers can decide for themselves whether the CDC was spreading MISinformation, DISinformation or MALinformation.
• Misinformation: Unintended or accidental mistakes such as inaccurate captions, dates, statistics, translations, or when satirical contents are taken seriously by the consumers of information. Take note that although the information are false, they are not created with the intention of causing harm
• Disinformation: Fabricated or intentionally manipulated and construed contents and messages, including purposely created conspiracy theories or rumors. These false information are deliberately and maliciously created to harm a person, social group, organization, or country.
• Malinformation: Deliberate publication of private information for personal or private interest, as well as the deliberate manipulation of genuine content. Take note that these are not false information but instead, are real information based on reality, but are used and disseminated to harm others.
Regardless of the reader’s opinion, the information presented by the CDC claiming that the injected DNA did not enter the nucleus of the cell was and is FALSE. Many other sources clearly stated otherwise.
On December 29, 2020, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) published the following:
On February 25, 2021, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia published the following:
On March 1, 2021, JAMA Network published a graphic that clearly showed how the “vaccine” was DESIGNED to deliver the DNA into the nucleus.
SOURCE: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2777172
On March 17, 2021, the American Society for Microbiology reported:
On July 1, 2021, PBS News Hour published a video in which they clearly stated:
“Once injected, the vaccine delivers this modified DNA into the nucleus of immune cells and nearby muscle cells”
At some point before October 18, 2021, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia published a detailed video that clearly showed how DNA from the injections were delivered into the nucleus.
Despite the clarity of the published information above, and the obviousness of the design of the Johnson & Johnson product, the grossly negligent CDC maintained their MISinformation, DISinformation, and MALinformation campaign until December 15, 2021:
December 16, 2021 was a very fateful day in the saga of the viral vector vaccines. On that day the CDC issued its official panel recommendation of preference for mRNA vaccines over J&J, effectively ending Johnson & Johnson’s vaccination campaign in America.
The CDC finally corrected their inaccurate information within 24 hours of recommended against using the Johnson & Johnson injections.
In short, millions of people who received the J&J shot prior to December 16, 2021 did so with the publicly issued assurance from the CDC that no genetic material would enter the nucleus of their cells. This was scientifically known to be false the entire time.
Misinforming the general population about nuclear penetration for 8 months is about as awful a violation of informed consent as can be imagined. One can hardly imagine a more invasive drug mechanism about which to falsely proselytize the public.
The CDC recommended Pfizer, Moderna vaccines over J&J shots for adults due to rare blood clot cases:
The CDC recommended people not get J&J vaccine if Pfizer, Moderna are available
Here is what the CDC website says now:
That’s right. The CDC only bothered to correct the brazen falsehood in the exact 24 hour period in which it became too late to matter. In other words, they revealed the truth about the mechanism of action only at the exact time they decided to stop promoting the Johnson & Johnson “vaccine.”
The CDC clearly MISinformed the public for many months, saying that entry of DNA into the nucleus didn’t happen.
They only stopped MISinforming the public at a point when it no longer mattered.
I’m not a lawyer, and I can’t say whether a lawsuit will come of this. However, I can say that if there ever is one, it could potentially bring somewhere in the ballpark of 17 million plaintiffs along with it.
Michael Briskin’s original article is below…
P.S. They lied about the mRNA injections too…

James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
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All support is deeply appreciated.
Murdering maniacs!!!!!!!!!
The Medical Mafia in Action - Offering Isotropic Humanicide Services Worldwide
ABIM = Association of Barbarians for Inquisition in Medicine
ACOG = American Consortium of Obstructionists in Gynecopathy
ACOOG = American Consortium of Obstructionists and Obscurantists in Gynecopathy
AHA = Assisted Humanicide Association
AMA = American Murder Association
CDC = Center for Death and Corruption
DIC = Drugs Industrial Complex
DHS = Defense for Humanicide Services
FDA = Fraud and Death Association
HHS = Holistic Humanicide Services
MD = Most Deplored
NIAID = Novel Inquisition for Allergic and Infectious Dogmas
NIH = Nihilism In Healthcare
NSFW = Not Safe For Work
WEF = World Enslavement Foundation
WHO = World Homicide Organization
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