"100-day Vaccine designs"? Have we forgotten that the last lot of 'injections' were developed at "warp speed"? That the vaccine manufacturers were working "at the speed of science"? Have all 'injections' not yet been sufficiently discredited? People had better seriously adjust their thinking caps and realise the dangerous game of semantics being foisted on us! And thank you James, for your labour of love for your fellow human beings.

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Dear James, I tried putting your warning on facebook, but they would not let me. Please give me another film I can put on X instead. I am so afraid for Canada, because Trudeau is a monster trying to kill us all. Quickly send me another film of how people here can sign the right pitition to get out FAST!!!!

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The noise is just that noise. They don't want us to make any sense of it and make it as confusing as possible so we just shrug it off and keeping paying taxes and move on to the next news cycle. They treat us like cattle. Best they don't know what is in store for them since the deep state really stepped into this time. If our government was complicit in creating the covid pandemic military bioweapons exercise, exactly how compliant will the world be when they create the next pandemic? Not very. Do I risk using my own complex immune system to deal with virus or should I let some diabolical drug company use me as a lab rat again? Hmmmm. Either one may kill me but I rather depend on millions of years of adaptations to viruses my immune system has than some half baked dna changing vaccine some half wit came up in a lab recently. My immune system is way smarter than some sell out immunologist from stockholder company that only is interested in profits as priority. My immune system has skin the game where as stockholders don't give a fuck about me. The deep state really didn't think that far ahead on any of this. They back the industrial military bioweapons sector now since I am sure there are big kick backs to the government. Even Fauci got kickbacks with owning patents for this stuff. But no one goes to jail. How is that possible? Only in America we abuse the citizens legally where as Russia just does it illegally and very transparent about it all. We hide the abuses in legalize is all. The same results in the end. Honestly no one will listen next time. The west has lost all credibility with the masses. They can ignore all those they harmed and killed during the covid pandemic all they want, but the luster with it all has been diminished significantly. The west looks so guilty now. No one will trust not only the U.S. and western governments but they sure won't trust any phony WHO propped up puppet organization the west has used as a diversion. Who was the imbecile that thought this would be the long game with the world? Those guys need to be institutionalized or better yet put in prison and all their wealth taken away and paid to those who have been harmed by the pandemic. The communist countries already get this but it took a huge miss step with industrial military complex's greed to stage covid pandemic to awaken the masses on the deep state corruption with the west. So really there are no good guys out there today. There is bad and there is bad ass is all. I think the west had now moved from the column of bad to bad ass with the world. Yes the rest of the world smiles and nods their heads in compliance but I am sure behind closed doors they don't trust us even more now. That is not good news at all. We spend 850 billion a year for 800ish military bases around the world each year to get compliance but we are spread thin just the same. Only psychopaths would believe that works. What I want to know is what communist countries are going to take full advantage of this new awaking of the masses around the world after the covid scam the west pulled?

Now if I were like a bad player out there . . . I would be offering help for all those who had been harmed by the west with their joint military pandemic exercise on the masses. I would be publishing proof of the harm the vaccines caused. I would be pointing a fuck you finger this way. I could make myself out as the savior of the poor harmed innocents. The pandemic was just an exercise on how a bioweapon war would play out. We were the crash dummies for this exercise. We just didn't know it yet. How do I come to that conclusion? Well the fact that the west has been ignoring all those who were harmed. It is like they have the monkey disease where we don't see it, we don't hear it and we certainly don't speak it. We lock up data files for 75 yrs thinking the less they know about how the world was harmed the better. How is that possible our government is just blind and mute and have not stepped up help for all those harmed? It is so telling. The silence is deafening really. So many citizens today get this and quietly tell each other to stay safe today in the U.S. and the west. The people get how bad this is now. They keep their heads down and their ears open. They do not want to be a target from the sleazy west. Instead the west is quick to send patriot missiles to Ukraine and Israel to the tune of tens of billions but they set up a phony VAERS reporting for all those harmed by the U.S. bioweapons covid exercise. The long covid and long vaxx is just ignored really. No billions are coming their way. They rather pay off student loans to the tens of billions for votes even though those covid shots are harming and killing the younger ones who took the vaccines at a much higher rate. We are involved with countless proxy wars that put us further and further in debt. I do think the deep state is just setting up when Trump takes over since Biden's chances of winning are fading. But they will leave Trump with such an econmic mess with debt that he will be doggy paddling the whole 4 yrs to keep his head above the sewage the deep state has created. Stay busy with the debt to keep his nose out of the deep state's operations. Trump will just be another figure head who will do what he is told and be closely monitored again. Decades ago the U.S. set up so many undercover operations like the airline in the U.S. that actually moved spies and info around the world. The airline was a cover for U.S. intelligence operations. We were messing around in so many nations for our own benefit not for the benefit of it's citizens. The deep state accepts that some need to bite the dust for the greater good or rather profit. We made deals with so many despots this way. We made deals with many devils. We have zero moral compass. I think if you want to be part of any U.S. security agency you have to be on the spectrum of psychopath to understand your opponent and to follow orders no matter how sleazy they are or who they harm. Plus psychopaths have a huge tendency to think they are smarter than anyone else and that certainly has been the U.S. in a nutshell now hasn't it. It is the slimy legacy it leaves that they can't quite remove. Like the Cat in the Hat where the cat can't clean up the spots and the team he sends in to clean it just cause the spots to get all over everything and it just gets worse. Our sleazy spots now cover so many who had been murdered, killed or harmed from the covid exercise that not even our government can deal with the mess our top psychopaths caused. It really is the biggest fuck up ever! You can count on the U.S. do it better than anyone else. We have a knack for that can do attitude. Not even Putin or Xi can come close to what we do to our own people. We make Xi surveillance look like child's play or the way Putin pushes doctors off of buildings or poisons people who don't agree. Nope they are amateurs to what we did. We will poison the majority of the west population with franken vaccines, have them pay thru the nose for them for decades and we will have them clamoring to get those poisonous shots too! How easy does it get?

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I am concerned that individual countries will act in unison to adhere to their fulfillment of the emergency and pandemic preparedness agreement. I had come across this document on a federal Canadian government website. It is so clear that the federal government does things and tells things on a need to know basis. It is super frustrating.

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These individual countries you are concerned about would not be cause for concern but your RE EDUCATION!.

They are all INCORPORATED business pretending to be Governments. Their names are found on the global corporations list at Dunn and Bradstree.

Please dig deeper to be concerned about your own knowledge base instead if falling for this circus of profiteering fraudulent government globally. We do not consent to the WHO the WEF or any other 3 letter agencies pretending to serve the people of different lawfulpeoples s governments globally.

We fire them all and take back control and jurisdiction from these usurper of our sovereign power.

We are living men and women which is a status that they have tried to trafik into the land of the dead. We do not consent and we hold them liable for damages.

They must immediately withdraw and make amends to We the people.

They have been NOTICED and they have 48 hours to respond or be held liable for crimes against humanity.

Cease and desist is a command that we the people of America now demand immediately fro. The WHO, The WEF, The International Bank of Settlements, the European Union, the Council of 30, The Council of 12, The Vatican, The City of London, Washington DC., and any affiliated corporations, you are all dissolved and held liable for your crimes.

We the people have spoken and we shall have justice now.

In truth,

Rebecca J Roberts Living woman, American

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I met with MP to discuss the treaty, he was very confident about it, I then started to discuss clauses in it - he clearly had NOT read it, he didn't know about Tedros, or gates funding it, just told by his masters to support it. Dangerous times.

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Listened to Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity today WHO highlights the corruption. This section mentions the WHO and WHO they employ:

'Before the US government put a pause on gain a function research so yeah we got grandfathered in and by the way they were actually promoted and funded by the NIH so okay all right,

carrying on this is another one of those participants in the lab origin meeting just connect a DOT for you this is Jeremy Farrar you can see his name all through these emails back in the day helping to cover it up but you might be interested to know that since stepping down is director of the Welcome Trust to become oh he's Chief scientist at the WHO now oh very good oh that's good good

place good place for a coverup artist to to go this is just you feeling how these threads are beginning to knit together I hope so and by the way Jeremy Ferrar at the time uh retweeting a piece written by Hotz so the co-conspirators you know they all retweet each other's nonsense that's what's been happening here ignore the conspiracy theory scientists.'

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Political has-beens like former PM Gordon Brown are being wheeled out to rally support for the WHO


There were over 1,300 comments in this Telegraph article, overwhelmingly hostile to the globalists.

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Will listen to the interview.

'Dr Chris Fearne, the current President of the World Health Assembly is set to be replaced before the Assembly’s forthcoming gathering this May'

'A quote from the Internal Audit Report to the World Health Organisation’s 2023 Finance Report stated in paragraph 62, page 20, “Although the number of allegations rose across nearly all thematic areas, most reports received relate to abusive conduct, including harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination (223) followed by sexual misconduct, including sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (172), and financial misconduct, including fraud, corruption and recruitment irregularities (168).'


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"The agreement also states that the World Health Organization has no power “to mandate or otherwise impose any requirements that parties take specific actions"

In which case why is the document littered with dozens of references which can only be read as coercive, if not mandatory in its language. For example check out the number of times member states "shall" implement one or another of the WHO policies listed.

Being entirely unelected and unaccountable to any parliament or assembly the WHO has no authority whatsoever to impose its "shalls" on any citizen.

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Some of the versions have undermined our freedom and sovereignty. Why would anyone want to make an agreement or treaty with such an organization even if the suppression of sovereignty or freedom were removed, the WHO still only recommends the shots which contain bioweapons for the purpose of controlling us. Therefore, we must nullify any legislation which contains anything about One Health, vaccine mandates and pandemics. Nullify anything on the state and on the federal levels and abolish the WHO & UN. That would be decentralization.

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Control you more like destroy more lives because they’d didn’t make their quota last time that want to Take 90% of the population out

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No discussion need it we don’t comply not now not ever offer our body nobody touches us ever again we know how many generations we have lost even the youngest didn’t have a chance to take their first breath they are criminal and belong in Quantanomo bay

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God Bless You James!

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