Do you even know what you are saying, our US Government is a subcontractor only and a corporation ... We the employers can fire their asses right now, with our own Dejure government, by the people and for the people called our American Assemblies and the United States of America.
Do you even know what you are saying, our US Government is a subcontractor only and a corporation ... We the employers can fire their asses right now, with our own Dejure government, by the people and for the people called our American Assemblies and the United States of America.
You are buying in to propaganda. Try firing them with your Dejure government and let me know how it works out for you. Why haven't you already done it. I prefer the rightful remedy spelled out by our founders.....Nullification. Refusal to comply.
Do you even know what you are saying, our US Government is a subcontractor only and a corporation ... We the employers can fire their asses right now, with our own Dejure government, by the people and for the people called our American Assemblies and the United States of America.
You are buying in to propaganda. Try firing them with your Dejure government and let me know how it works out for you. Why haven't you already done it. I prefer the rightful remedy spelled out by our founders.....Nullification. Refusal to comply.