First - James you are not just my Hero but everyones! A trillion Thank You’s for all you do. The Magnitude of this is Enormous to say the least. ALL Hands on Deck! Everyone must scream from their rooftops, go door to door, tell the grocery clerk, the drycleaner, the softball coach and all the parents watching the game. Hand out flyers. W…
First - James you are not just my Hero but everyones! A trillion Thank You’s for all you do. The Magnitude of this is Enormous to say the least. ALL Hands on Deck! Everyone must scream from their rooftops, go door to door, tell the grocery clerk, the drycleaner, the softball coach and all the parents watching the game. Hand out flyers. We have to show that millions know what they are up to and we will fight this. Nothing is more important to every person in the world right now! EVERYBODY MUST REGISTER AND AT THE LEAST LISTEN but ideally Speak. MOMS FOR AMERICA ARE TOGETHER IN DALLAS THIS WEEKEND. I will be sure to make sure Kimberly talks about this and makes sure everyone understands what is at stake and that each and every person has a responsibility to inform everyone they know and be sure they know exactly what they need to do.
First - James you are not just my Hero but everyones! A trillion Thank You’s for all you do. The Magnitude of this is Enormous to say the least. ALL Hands on Deck! Everyone must scream from their rooftops, go door to door, tell the grocery clerk, the drycleaner, the softball coach and all the parents watching the game. Hand out flyers. We have to show that millions know what they are up to and we will fight this. Nothing is more important to every person in the world right now! EVERYBODY MUST REGISTER AND AT THE LEAST LISTEN but ideally Speak. MOMS FOR AMERICA ARE TOGETHER IN DALLAS THIS WEEKEND. I will be sure to make sure Kimberly talks about this and makes sure everyone understands what is at stake and that each and every person has a responsibility to inform everyone they know and be sure they know exactly what they need to do.