What is the central email address to send a written comment? I am not sure I can send to all those on the list given by James and I don’t know how to pick from his list?

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He said to divide into two lists and put the addresses in the BCC. to oga.rsvp@hhs.gov Subject: Written Comment Re: Stakeholder Listening Session on public health emergencies preparedness and response negotiations It was all in there, just a lot of pieces to read through. One or two powerpoint slides would have been much clearer and with bullet points. At least we don't have to put in our mailing addresses.

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There are 2 parts to this problem; for our part it is as the commenters, the other part are the readers of our comments! No matter how deeply we delve and how cogent our objections, the readers are motivated by pay, prestige, position, perfidy etc, to ignore all arguments. The only effective response is massive civil disobedience; have this Serfs Charter fail by non-compliance; it has worked in the past! Steve Friedman, West Kelowna.

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Sorry to say but I gave up finding our how to post a comment and to whom

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RSVP'd today to speak at April 11th "Listening Session" Thanks for the reminder as this got away from me.

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James, you've done a great job at putting together the info on America should not sign this pandemic treaty or whatever it's called, but a lousy one in telling us how to submit our comments. There's so much info here and in your post on 4/4/24 and I can't find the link to submit my comments. If you're telling us to send emails to the various folks you listed in your other posting, then I don't see how that is going to have any impact since those are personal emails and not part of a public hearing process. I have a million things going on in life and I'd love to take a half hour to create and submit a comment but I simply give up here and need to move along. For future initiatives, you need to put a section in your posting entitled: HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR COMMENT. Bold the font and create a section using the underline key above and below the entire page so you separate it from everything else. Thanks for listening and I hope your efforts pay off.

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Also write up a sample comment so people can see exactly what to write. I might just use a comment that I put on the site the other day. It's only one or two sentences.

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The reason I voted to leave the European Union was because the leaders of that Cabal were unelected and therefore I could not trust their judgement. It is the same with handing over any authority to the unelected WHO. This goes for the United Nations and the world economic forum. They are all globalist and have no concerns for the people only themselves.

Recently it has come to light that the European Union are only puppets of the globalists. I feel vindicated in my judgement and my vote to leave the European Union.

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Isn’t there some kind of petition than can be signed that would reach more of a global audience? For example in change.org

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I am against World Health Organisation and International treaties that will take away the rights of a person to informed choice. As a citizen, I make responsible choices and give trust that others will also do so.

In my view, the unelected status of those running international organisations does not permit them to exercise control and does not give them rights to dictate what is truth.

Stress was caused by the recent unnecessary and ill conceived worldwide measures. A "pandemic" was proclaimed, based on the definition that a "novel" virus capable of fast transmission could constitute a pandemic. This definition was not acceptable in my view and the associated stress was significantly detrimental to wellbeing. The definition of pandemic was lacking, as demonstrated by the low infection fatality rate of this virus.

Our bodies have evolved over millions of years and dealt with the recent "novel" virus relatively well.

I understand that interventions that have been used, as a consequence of the "pandemic", were not welcome unless citizens were paid to stay at home. The interventions have resulted in further net consequences that were totally unacceptable. My own choice would be not to live in an over regulated world, where the fear spread in itself is damaging.

Science is evolving and genetics are being studied. We are not yet at the point where enough is understood that our reliance on natural immunity can be discarded. In my current view the use of genetically based vaccines that were not fully tested was criminal in the circumstances. I understand many have suffered serious side effects from the vaccines and that excess deaths remain of great concern though the virus is no longer a problem. There has not been proper use of power.

We are all entitled to think, feel and act according to our own informed choice. To live in a world that is controlled by those who do not exercise good judgement but abuse power, would not be my choice. The new arrangements would put too much power in the hands of a few and the potential liability for wrongdoing is too great.

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When I click on manage subscription it says you can’t do it in the app.

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I am completely against this 'treaty' and the people who are pushing it. I fear, however, that the voice of the people means nothing in our country or the world for that matter. We are being run by the elites who seem to think that they are entitled. They are not.

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Someone said that Britain wasn't legally "in" signed up" to the WHO/UN since 1946. do you know if that's true? And how many other countries are not?

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Is there any other countries not legally "in"? the WHO?UN.

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More comments for the WHO shredder. The stakeholders and subject matter experts are all going to agree with whatever tyranny the WHO decides they want to force everyone else to submit to. The office of global affairs is like all others...bought and paid for.

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YOU are a stakeholder. Make your objections known to them in clear language.

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Stakeholder is a One World Order word &:I refuse their lingo.

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Whatever WHO will say or do there will be a very large proportion of world population, the same one that didn’t get the poisonous jabs, that will not comply or take any notice…governments that will try to impose the WHO treaty are in for a big fight. It will never work in their favour!

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That is not enough: we need to get rid FOREVER of the lie-manufacturing enslaving complex: confiscate and dissolve Microsoft, GAVI, BMGF, FB/Meta, Instagram, X, Ebay, Moderna, Pfizer, BionTech, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, GSK - i.e. we must get rid of the DoD, the Pentagon, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Space Force: MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO GOVERNMENTS TO ABUSE OF HUMANITY TO DRIVE IT TO WAR FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANY CARTEL OF USELESS EATERS LIKE THE WEF.

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absolutely. We are talking about the wrong thing, it is not about amendments or which amendments - it is about getting rid of the crooked criminal WHO!! They will be delighted that everyone is focussing on the amendments rather than taking them and our governments to court for murder!

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Most humans in my orbit - well I think they are humans - they look like humans- see no real problems with the WHO's administration of covid.

Yes some mistakes were made, by national and state governments, but the WHO is not responsible.

As to useless PCR tests, and millions of tragic, unnecessary deaths, injuries and illnesses - that is just conspiracy theory.

Talk about the dangers of IHR and an international health care treaty, and you might as well be talking about fishing rules on the ice in Alaska in winter - not entirely relevant.

If you persist, you are a fear mongering, pesky, if not deranged, conspiracy theorist.

If you send an informative email, you are the reason for laws against spreading disinformation.

So I should cease and desist?


I should continue to take every opportunity to shine the light into the darkness, because light always defeats darkness regardless, and every little bit of light shared has a significant impact, even if it appears to have no human impact at the time.

However, I would really like to take out, or take over the MSM.

To enable human beings to rediscover their real, individual identity, and begin to engage in real intelligent discussion of real facts, instead of just swallowing canned fact food, lacking intellectual, moral, emotional and spiritual nourishment.

Bit ambitious Pinky.

One can always hope.

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This is the reaction I run into when I try to inform people. Even the Congress representatives say that we are a sovereign nation and this has no baring on us!

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Yes - very discouraging I know.

I am convinced that most politicians are just simply not on the page.

They may be goodies mostly, but they are so ignorant of the facts, that they are incapable of competent, responsible leadership.

They are the enablers, that man the Vader ship and the administration of tyranny.

However, reportedly there are wide awake and very competent politicians, who are actively opposing the advance of tyranny in many places.

Tennessee in the US for instance, is apparently a very pro-active freedom state.

Solo politicians everywhere, standing up for national and individual sovereignty, need as much support as we can give them.

I recently watched a good politician asking for honesty and transparency on a critical issue, in a Western "democratic" parliament - shocking - many other politicians seemed to regard his simple request as unrealistic and it was simply negated and shelved.

This is not democracy.

I think we just have to do all we can at the grass roots level, even starting with only just a few, and link up with and support good politicians as much as we can.

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Scary that so many think WHO is a healthy option for employing mass tyranny.

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Spot on comment.

I just do not understand.

How can so many people be so blind and apparently intellectually deficient?

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A hugh thanks from Europe as well!!!

Unfortunately, your first two hyperlinks already are dead ('this page cannot be found'), and the 2nd show up the WHO homepage.

Can you please insert (once again) the documents you specifically had tried to refer to?

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Thank you so much. That is what I get for copying the links directly from the government website and not double checking them. My bad. I believe that I have fixed the links. I really appreciate the correction. Unfortunately, now people will go to the links that do not provide up to date information and will be exposed to government propaganda.

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These fools seem to not understand, No!

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