Oh, that’s coming and they know it.

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These plonkers are literally 'having a laugh' they've learnt nothing from the past more than to continue where their ancestry left off aiming for Profit by means of 'sitting on their fat ars*s doing zero. The dreams are huge which takes enslaving the entire world. Those that have been indoctrinated to join with the belief they will NOT be eliminated eventually plodders along calling what they do work. Those (which are many) that do nothing are just so afraid of what is inevitable if they do NOTHING ... they do nothing or pretend they see NOT or, believe the lies to be true. Thank you James! Chat soon!

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I hope in the stats showing covid deaths they didn't include UK, here they clearly stated 'died within 28 days of having a positive covid test', NOT died of covid - and we know the PCR tests are NOT diagnostic of a disease.

So africa politicians have seen proof of how easily people fell for the hoax and how many millionaires and billionaires were made and want to be part of it.

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Absolutely the high income group don't want to share their wealth, but they also don't want to share the actual technology on how these things are made- because, well, that would tell us what we've been poisoned with, wouldn't it?

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It’s a veritable slap in the face to see how they try to carry on - as if the rest of us have no clue. It’s appalling, disgusting, and quite honestly, offensive. I’m highly insulted and ashamed that those have the gall to refer to themselves as members of the human race. They’re members alright: of the evil which exists and they manipulate for gaining wealth, power, control.

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It is ONLY about the extermination of MOST of humanity AND the complete enslavement of the survivors, i.e., barcoded & catalogued property living in stack and pack prison cities with no power, and eating BUGS. But Schwab says we'll be "happy" this way;-)

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Ok, the meds showed up today.

12 mg. of IVM

300 mg. of Fenben

to start.

If anyone can shed more light, I would be grateful. My scan was horrid. Lung, chest, neck. Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Third round with this bully and the bully is pulling out all the stops. A trial is being put together with Keytruda and another; can’t remember the name. Timing is about six weeks before first infusion. Gunna need some direction here if it’s out there. I need to show regression before the first infusion. My goal is to not trial if possible. More of our meds, swim the English Channel or whatever; I’m in!!!

Thanks for reading

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Oh, diet is handled…..

No sugar from any source…..

The diet is hard, but leaving my wife is harder…..

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A virtue-signaling friend proudly refused her second mRNA booster because she wanted to wait until all of Africa had at least the first 2 jabs. I suggested that Africa would be better off if just left alone.

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Would someone please enlighten me.

Third world countries, still bleeding from empirical exploitation, want to surrender all power to the WHO, to secure an "equal stake" in the health/wealth power pie.

The WHO is so good, that it will never exploit nations?

Third world nations have no concerns about surrendering their national and personal sovereignty to the WHO, because once "equity principles" are established, everyone will get a fair share of the health/wealth pie.

Never worked in the past.

Why would it work now?

Something definitely not making sense here.

What exactly is in the weed, third world nations are high on?

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I've seen vids with Gates snickering while saying he will test his vaccinations in Africa. He has been using Africa and India to do so. Until India kicked Bill and Melinda Foundation's out for harming so many children, but still he has said "the mothers bringing their children for vaccines" again with a snicker. I've wondered who his audience's were and whether according to his audience he presented differently. Also Africa was one of the countries requesting covid vax. I started sharing these snickering Gates vids and saw them removed. I think the country was/is not knowledgeable overall and thinks they were being refused a much needed commodity to save their children. The Jab.

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The DFC (International Development Finance Corporation) is a new federal government agency. They take LOTS of our tax dollars and send to other low-middle income countries. Supposedly we are all global now. I'm not a global citizen, I'm an American Citizen! You should read up on all the $$$ going to these programs, that we, American citizens are paying for. The DFC paid for the distribution of covid SHOTS throughout the world. I cringe at the word "Equity."

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They are just moving the cash out of the country. They are doing this as fast as they can. This should be a sign to all that they believe the country is going down so they want to take our money with them.

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The answer is not $, James, because the $ is soon just paper, because it is not backed by gold and will soon be worthless. It is clearly democide [mass murder].

They own almost everything, and you almost nothing. Now they want to get rid, not only of you, but also get rid of the poor with darker skin, who could not afford to buy their own death sentence.

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A disgusting pile of crap in the world , posing (very poorly) as human beings. The poorest, lowest level scum on the planet imo and mine is not the only one.

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Another brilliant reveal. These 249 are outed, they are genocidal criminals and their fuse is lit.

Keeping the spotlight on them is critical while renegade credentialed physicians and researchers educate the clueless many whose numbers are dwindling as mistrust has never been higher.

We cannot avoid chaos, but we already have chaos...

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Follow the damn money is right.

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