it wasnt that long ago that many were saying the pandemic treaty was dead in the water my my how wrong they were it dawns on me that theres a very real possibility that weve been infiltrated by those who support the treaty and have been spreading false in formation in order to throw us off of the scent after whats happened in the last 4 plus years it wouldnt surprise me one little bit granted some may have been genuinely mistaken to sum up what i really mean I SMELL A BLOODY BIG RAT AND IT STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN.....folks theres still time to at least try to turn things round .....the first step will be to go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find a petition ..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..its a worldwide petition which can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from ANY country in the world including yours.....but be warned dont bother with you tube/twitter/gestapo book who will undoubtedly try to throttle it to death by suppressing it they are clearly scared to death of the public finding out and waking up FACT..it currently has over 130000 signatures it urgently needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and most impoortantly by resharing it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same no its not impossible it only becomes impossible if people do nothing

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What the fuck do they think, they want to force u to take vaccines and tell u what to put in your body like an animal…clearly they need u to get it in you and the needle or a patch is the best way

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These mental douche bags better quit signing ppl up for their slave bs! The ppl already won't comply. SOmeone with a big pair need to arrest these maggot bastards!!!

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Much thanks James. I've followed your guidance and written to my US reps but they are a joke. They won't even discuss these treaties. It's easy to see they are sellouts. None of them will open their mouths for the people, they are cowards. Is there any other thing we can do?

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It's all about CONTROL and killing us off. The WHO needs to be abolished and if our federal '3-lettered departments' don't quit following these bogus organizations, we need to tell everyone we know to stop getting these horrible jabs. Also, I'm letting everyone know that the WHO just found no cancer with cell phones! I can tell you that should sink them!

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We, the people have cancelled the unelected and corrupt World Health Organisation and declared them unfit for purpose and therefore of no interest or impact regarding Human Health matters!


Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without illicit intervention by rogue organisations like Gates's WHO!

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Break The Silence: UN Notice and Declaration on Public Participation

Serve this notice & declaration on the UN, your government representative to the UN, & your government. Demand that your voice is heard BEFORE the exclusive 'Summit of The Future' 21-23 Sept 2024

Shabnam Palesa Mohamed


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Thanks James. Why is it so hard to get ppl seeing the truth? The WHO and UN have proven they are no longer serving the public and all this too and fro to settle legal structure on issuing pandemic emergencies is a patently obvious LIE. Why do delegates continue in the charade? Why can't they see the lies? Pre-2020 we hardly have mention of pandemics. Now these ba@$tards keep using the same language to try and indoctrinate & gaslight us into the normality of pandemics that we need to be 'prepared' for, this is a LIE. I will never accept that any virus warrants this kind of excess use of bureaucratic enforcement & loss of freedoms.

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Sep 5Liked by James Roguski

Thankyou James Roguski. a well respected citizens journalist

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Thanks Grampa et al. First follow the money. These self appointed, unelected criminals are driven by blind greed. What do they fear? 1) Free speech and they promote their puppets to block democratic organisations that expose their lies, deception and murderous plans. 2) identifying and sharing real truth and honesty. 3) Honest people who research beyond the illegal and unbelievable misinformation the Globalists promote. 4) no intelligent person can believe that their poisons are “SAFE AND EFFECTIVE”. If they were safe why would anyone be dying? If they were effective why must any deluded patient need to keep on taking these poisons?

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What America doesn't need is laws that grant more power to the government. While we need ways to inform the public on true medical crisis that will endanger the health of many. We have seen the true knee-jerk actions made that have done more harm than good. Are my comments a stretch of facts? I won't try to convince you. We have had too much influence by media that informs us with information that has doubtful worth. With so much information available, how does one choose what is true? I look at the sources of the data. I find I segregate sources that I found truthful and state facts they are. the other is I make lists of people that produce data unembellished and without their opinions. people with education that uses their degrees to research and inform. I compare research papers when we have data from two or more sources that have similar findings that have no contact between them I find that I will trust this more. data published from research labs from different countries are noted. I make notes when data are similar. when I question data, which is often I will catalog the data and keep it so I can go back to see if anything changes. Yes it takes effort and time. Time that most people dont have. Why? because it now takes two incomes to support a family with any comfort. take modest vacations and have things that other families have. I growing up we had a family of 4 plus. the plus were anyone that needed a place to live or even a meal. My Dad was a ditch digger for Wayne county drain commission. his yearly income was almost 5,000 dollars a single income. We had no phone, no TV, no carpets, no hot water tank, no central heat or air conditioners. Yes, we were poor. What I had was a mother who was involved in the parent teacher association. We had 50 kids in each class. we also had order in the classroom. I was lucky because I had parents that wouldn't let me say I can't. as a result I went on to have my business as a contractor. even with a good income, we lived at a middle income level. Now retired I have the time to serch for the truth. it is out there if you look long enough. Look for it, I know it takes time and effort. Trust nothing you hear and only half what you see. Are there any trustworthy politicians? I wont answer that. I look at what they have to gain, that is all--------------------I, Grampa

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if these loons had their way, we'd all be plugged into an 'Internet of Bodies,' part of some medical technocratic hivemind


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Look a little bit closer...you'll find that we already are.😑

IoB is so last decade! The darling of the technocracy- its all about the IoN (Internet of Nanotechnology), the public has just mainstreamed the concept of "microplastics" in their bodies and environment, they will "frog in a pot" the public for another 3yrs, before "nanotechnology", "nanoparticulates", "nanopathology" become all the buzz phrases, which allows them cover the excess mortality numbers- because climate change and "nanopollution".😉🤔🤨😑🤦‍♀️

#dontletthemforget #knowthetech #gaslightingthenewnorm #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wewillnotforgive #mistakeshaveNOTbeenmade #rightonschedule #getlocalised #reclaimurlocalpower

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It does seem like maybe we'll have to have our faces pushed INTO the sh_t before we'll be able to understand what's being done/planned for/to us.

People are still SURPRISED that masks are not only ineffective to stop disease, but also that they are HARMFUL... It's maddening to be one of those who understands the Thing That's Going On.

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Sep 4Liked by James Roguski

Yes, thank you James. What are we to do with members of the public that still play into their games, saying so and so tested positive for Covid? This just happened again today. Even if I would say you can’t be tested for Covid, the tests are fake, they would respond with a blank stare like I’m the crazy one.

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See my comment just above... Much akin to yours.

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