Interactive Dialogues
The "Pandemic Agreement" has NOT been defeated. The negotiations continue and will resume September 9-20, 2024. The recordings of recent "Interactive Dialogs" are now available.
On September 3-4, 2024 the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body held four sessions that they called “Interactive Dialogues” in which they discussed various aspects of the proposed “Pandemic Agreement.”
Article 12 (Pathogen Access and Benefits Sharing System - PABS)
Legal architecture of the proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement.
Complimentarity and coherence between the proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement and the International Health Rebulations as amended at WHA77.
Article 4 (Pandemic prevention and surveillance) and Article 5 (One Health Approach for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response)
Watch the recordings of the “Interactive Dialogs”:
James Roguski
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
it wasnt that long ago that many were saying the pandemic treaty was dead in the water my my how wrong they were it dawns on me that theres a very real possibility that weve been infiltrated by those who support the treaty and have been spreading false in formation in order to throw us off of the scent after whats happened in the last 4 plus years it wouldnt surprise me one little bit granted some may have been genuinely mistaken to sum up what i really mean I SMELL A BLOODY BIG RAT AND IT STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN.....folks theres still time to at least try to turn things round .....the first step will be to go to and scroll through till you find a petition ..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..its a worldwide petition which can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from ANY country in the world including yours.....but be warned dont bother with you tube/twitter/gestapo book who will undoubtedly try to throttle it to death by suppressing it they are clearly scared to death of the public finding out and waking up currently has over 130000 signatures it urgently needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and most impoortantly by resharing it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same no its not impossible it only becomes impossible if people do nothing
Hi All,
You may all be aware of this article already but here it is 🙏🏽: