Time is of the essence. Please take action immediately. Send this information to your government representatives and encourage them to sign Representative Chris Smith's letter to Tedros Ghebreyesus.
Usually there is a link for us to forward letters to our govt officials. Do we copy the whole article, then send to our Senators? Or if there is a link, can someone send it to me? Thank you!
I'm sorry I can't provide a link on the fly but people are saying that states, provinces, municipalities are all passing laws to give them the rights that the WHO is purporting to exert on the global populations. So maybe this is a way to suck all our energy into begging them to stop the WHO when the WHO is not really the problem? IMO we should all be working at the local level right now, in earnest.
I do feel guilty that I now see the reality, for years I thought I was clued up and cynical, but duped like so many. The marketing and brainwashing of convenient, quick, safe is so obscene, that people have been led to it by propaganda, marketing, brainwashing until it is too late and it has become accepted is heartbreaking. Even down to the lockdowns, WHAT?? all small businesses danger to your health, but go to a supermarket is absolutely fine. It shut down independents, all planned. I. as many, but too few, did shout from day one, THIS IS NONSENSE, THEY ARE CLOSING US DOWN , THEY ARE STRENGTHENING THE BIG CORPORATIONS.
I still believe that it is not too late if we all just see reality and stop obeying. There is a shift that I can't see what is behind it at the moment - schwab, royals in uk, sunak all moving to backstage, this is either because they are escaping, or have been instructed from above that a change of Generals is timely.
I sent to my Senators but to my Congresswoman I asked her to have an aide call Chris Smith to get the full letter to sign as she only allows 2,000 characters to be sent by email.
Thanks James, have forwarded to my Aussie MP and asked him to sign the letter. A stay of execution at this point is better than nothing. I hope if voting is delayed, more people will start demanding our govts withdraw from WHO entirely. It's desires are tyranical in nature. In a battle there must be a priority order and WHO is number one priority at present.
Dear C W Thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts regarding the World Health Organization (WHO). Understanding your views helps me to better represent Florida in the United States Senate, and I appreciate the opportunity to respond.
The WHO is supposed to be the world’s leading global health organization whose job is to alert the world of emerging health crises and to coordinate response measures. While the WHO’s frontline workers do incredible work, there are serious concerns regarding the WHO’s current leadership and its ability to remain independent from foreign influence. For the first year of the COVID-19 outbreak, the WHO, under the leadership of Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, peddled the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) lies and misled the global community about the transmissibility of the virus and the severity of disease it caused. When pushed to act by the international community, the WHO did not do enough to ensure that Beijing allowed an independent, international investigation into the origins of COVID-19. Instead, it went forward with a meaningless “joint study” that was prohibited from even considering the possibility of a laboratory-associated origin. These failures have resulted in a pandemic that has tragically impacted the entire world, led to the deaths of more than one million Americans, and will leave us unprepared to respond effectively to future pandemics, particularly those originating from China.
In its efforts to appease Beijing, the WHO’s actions have repeatedly undermined global health security and the safety of the world, and this is not just limited to its failure to hold the CCP accountable for the COVID-19 pandemic. The WHO has also kept Taiwan from receiving critical information about the virus and specifically excludes Taiwan from the World Health Assembly, despite its world renowned expertise in public health. Despite Taiwan’s contributions to global health and its success in combatting the virus within its own borders, the WHO continues to place China’s political agenda over the health of the global community.
Rather than holding the WHO accountable and demanding critical reforms, President Joe Biden has instead rejoined the WHO and reinstated American taxpayer contributions without setting conditions on the WHO for implementing critical reforms. I disagree with this approach. Rather than negotiate from a position of strength, President Biden gave away our leverage and is now proposing reforms that do little to prevent the CCP’s further abuse of WHO regulations and will give anti-American voices in the WHO a platform to politicize public health in ways that could harm the United States.
It is critical that we ensure that U.S. taxpayer dollars are being used responsibly and that any organization that accepts U.S. monetary support is able to do its job independently of the CCP or any other malign actor. As such, in my role on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, I will continue to review U.S. funding to international organizations and ensure that hard-earned taxpayer dollars are being spent prudently and effectively. Currently, the WHO falls short of these standards, and I therefore will continue to oppose funding to it until reforms are made. I will also continue to press for a thorough and independent international investigation into the WHO’s actions, including its unacceptably slow decision-making on whether to declare a global pandemic and whether the CCP has compromised the integrity of the organization.
We need international organizations to function without influence or pressure from malign actors. If the WHO cannot return to its mission, all responsible international actors should come together to consider what is needed to respond to emerging pandemics.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve you as your United States Senator. As a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee for State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, I will keep your thoughts in mind as I consider these issues and continue working to ensure America remains a safe and prosperous nation.
It seems that the timing of the UK government's announcement re. the surprise decision to have an early election on July 4th - and the fact that parliament will be prorogued tomorrow (24th May) has created an uncertain situation concerning the issues of the WHO Treaty and IHR revisions. They are unlikely to be discussed or agreed by parliament! Is this a deliberate ploy that will see the UK sign-up without debate I wonder??? If this is the case, the outgoing conservative government will have proved themselves to be a despicable, treacherous government.
Write a letter to the Devil?... yeah, sure! That's gonna work, right?
Demanding that the W.H.O. 'play by the rules' is the epitome of folly and sheer delusion. I'm trying to be polite here by avoiding words that might offend, like idiotic? Other expressions stating the futility of expecting Evil to produce Good also come to mind like, dancing with the Devil, domesticating a rattlesnake, pissing into the wind, beating a dead horse and the list goes on. It's all just a waste of precious resources and here's why...
Likewise, other states are following their lead. And if your state legislators and other officials haven't done what these guys are doing, then THAT'S where YOU need to get busy. JUST NEUTER THE W.H.O. and ALL other international organization like them AT THE STATE LEVEL... JUST REFUSE TO PLAY THEIR GAME!
Let them pass their rules, treaties, agreements and institute whatever polities they want. THE MIGHTY W.H.O. IS DEAD IN THE WATER! Which means anything you do to engage with (accommodate) them is... well, go read my list at the beginning.
And if your argument is that the citizens of states traveling abroad whose states have not passed similar measures to Louisiana not being protected... well then, I can't think of a better reason or stronger incentive for those states to get on board with this strategy NOW!
"But William... you don't understand. We're gonna sue the W.H.O.!"
Oh!.. really? Have you thought that one out?
Those who promote suing the W.H.O. fail to understand basic fundamentals of the process; The first being that only those who are equal parties under the law to which they submit have standing in that particular court whether it be local, state, federal on international. By recognizing (empowering) that venue of law one becomes legally obligated to abide by the court's authority and whatever judgments they impose upon you as a recognized (self-acknowledged) equal party to the process. Are you willing to do that? What if the judgment handed down is not in your favor? Are you willing to live with whatever demands and constraints an (overwhelmingly likely) evil judge may demand of you?
Understand, your national (corporate U.S.) and international (W.H.O.) beasts are doing their best to KILL YOU. They are one and the same; hideously and inextricably joined at the head AS ONE and are totally united in their single-most agenda which is to 'kill, steal and destroy' ALL of mankind. READ THE NEW TESTAMENT and WAKE UP!!
If you want to be free of the stranglehold of international entanglements, JUST REFUSE TO PLAY THEIR GAME. Why is that so difficult for some folks to understand. I just don't get it!
Come out from among them and be ye separate. (II Corinthians 6:17) And it's just that simple. JUST WALK AWAY!
Stop trying to reform, redeem, rehabilitate or negotiate with the Devil... YOU CAN'T DO IT!
William Raymond: pastor & ambassador at Law for the Christ
As this action is worldwide, please find in the following the translation into Spanish (I hope it helps):
Hay que exigir a la OMS que respete el Estado de Derecho
Este esfuerzo es mundial.
Esta llamada INMEDIATA a la acción se dirige a todos los cargos electos para animarles a firmar la carta que el Representante de los Estados Unidos Chris Smith hará llegar directamente a Tedros Ghebreyesus antes de la 77ª Asamblea Mundial de la Salud que se celebrará del 27 de mayo al 1 de junio de 2024.
Esta carta es para que la firmen solamente cargos electos.
El congresista Chris Smith es el miembro de mayor rango de la Comisión de Asuntos Exteriores de la Cámara de Representantes, y también el Presidente de la Subcomisión de Asuntos Exteriores de la Cámara de Representantes sobre Salud Mundial, Derechos Humanos Mundiales y Organizaciones Internacionales.
Liderada por el congresista estadounidense Chris Smith, esta iniciativa hace un llamamiento a los cargos electos de todo el mundo para que exijan a la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) que cancele o retrase el Acuerdo sobre la Pandemia y las enmiendas al Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (RSI).
Esta acción es crucial debido al incumplimiento por parte de la OMS del requisito de notificación de cuatro meses establecido en el artículo 55(2) del RSI y otras normas de la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud.
La siguiente carta se entregará al Director General de la OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus:
Organización Mundial de la Salud
A la atención de Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Office of the Director General
Avenue Appia 20
1211 Geneva, Suiza
Estimado Dr. Tedros,
Director General de la Organización Mundial de la Salud,
Le escribimos para expresarle nuestra profunda preocupación por la gestión de la OMS de las
enmiendas al Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (RSI) y la redacción del tratado sobre la pandemia.
En su calidad de Director General de la OMS, usted representa los ideales de las Naciones Unidas,
entre ellos «crear condiciones bajo las cuales puedan mantenerse la justicia y el respeto a las
obligaciones emanadas de los tratados y de otras fuentes del derecho internacional».[1] La búsqueda
mundial de la paz y los derechos humanos está anclada en el Estado de derecho y, de hecho, sin Estado
de derecho prevalecen la tiranía y la opresión.
Por tanto, es imperativo que usted mismo respete los tratados y las leyes internacionales vigentes.
El artículo 55(2) del RSI exige que el texto de cualquier propuesta de enmienda se comunique al menos
cuatro meses antes de la Asamblea de la Salud en la que se vaya a considerar.[2] Pretender que la
difusión de un borrador inicial en febrero de 2023 cumple este requisito, a pesar de que las
negociaciones seguían en curso, es absurdo. Igualmente irrazonable es la afirmación de que este
requisito sólo se aplica al Director General y a los Estados miembros, y no al grupo de trabajo
designado por ellos, cuando el artículo no hace tal distinción. Ambos argumentos muestran un flagrante
desprecio tanto del espíritu como de la letra de la ley.[3]
Los artículos 8, 10, 11 y 15 del Reglamento Interno de la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud (AMS)
también prohíben los acuerdos apresurados sin la debida diligencia[4]. Además, se ha violado
flagrantemente el requisito del artículo 14 de divulgar plenamente todas las obligaciones, incluidas las
financieras, y se han aplazado detalles cruciales hasta un futuro[5], lo que básicamente obliga a los
Estados miembros a firmar un cheque en blanco.
Además, la adopción precipitada de múltiples instrumentos con requisitos técnicos, administrativos y
financieros que se solapan conducirá inevitablemente a la confusión y podría socavar gravemente losesfuerzos sanitarios mundiales en el futuro. Esto subraya la necesidad crítica de cumplir el requisito
mínimo de cuatro meses.
Además de las preocupaciones sobre el calendario y la notificación, la legitimidad de cualquier acuerdo
depende fundamentalmente de su adhesión a los siguientes principios fundamentales del Estado de
1. Proceso de votación válido: Una votación nominal auténtica con una mayoría de dos
tercios presentes debe estar documentada y disponible para su verificación.[6] Sin esta
prueba cualquier «acuerdo» es nulo.[7]
2. Redacción clara y definitiva: Los términos de cualquier acuerdo deben definirse
explícitamente en el propio documento. Es inaceptable utilizar una redacción abierta que
deje las decisiones cruciales en manos de comités que no rindan cuentas.[8]
3. Negociaciones dirigidas por los miembros: El papel de la organización debe consistir
únicamente en facilitar los debates, no en dictar los resultados. Las negociaciones deben
ser transparentes e inclusivas, adaptándose a las capacidades de todas las delegaciones,
especialmente las de los países más pequeños. Las negociaciones ad hoc y concurrentes
sin la debida notificación o traducción violan los principios del derecho internacional.
Utilizar posibles pandemias como pretexto para violar los principios de la buena gobernanza
erosiona la confianza y socava la cooperación internacional cuando más se necesita.
Proceder a la adopción de nuevas enmiendas al RSI o al tratado sobre pandemias propuesto en la
próxima 77ª Asamblea Mundial de la Salud sería contrario a la ley. En caso de proceder, cualquier
acuerdo resultante sería inmediatamente nulo. Por el contrario, seguir estos principios básicos de buen
gobierno demostrará el compromiso de la OMS con la salud mundial y el Estado de derecho.
Thank you Mr. Roguski for posting this and the site. I have sent my letter to my elected officials and have posted it below (in parenthesis) in case someone else wanted/needed some sort of template. I did include a copy of Congressman Smith's letter but didn't here for obvious reasons. I hope we can get this done for the sake of all of us who are still human. God bless.
(Hello. I will make this short and direct.
I do not want myself, my family nor my friends and co-veterans who live in this free nation to be suddenly placed under the heel of an evil tyrant who's only endeavor is to depopulate as many lives as necessary. I and many others whose lives are in the crosshairs call it murder for that is simply a more specific term for it and I did not see your name on the list of elected officials who signed the Elected Officials Letter to be sent to Dr. Tedros Adhanom ,Ghebreyesus Director-General of the World Health Organization concerning the WHO’s handling of amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the drafting of the pandemic treaty.
U.S. Congressman Chris Smith is leading an initiative calling on elected officials worldwide to demand the World Health Organization (WHO) either cancel or delay the Pandemic Agreement and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). He believes this action is crucial due to the WHO’s failure to meet the four-month notification requirement of Article 55(2) of the IHR and other World Health Assembly rules and I and many others AGREE WITH HIM. I am sending this to you because I and others concerned, did not see your name on the letter as we DID see many elected officials, if not all, from Alabama who are concerned about the U.S.'s social welfare concerning the safety of our country which is made up of our citizenry, not illegal immigrants who have no respect for our laws and neither does this IHR by the WHO.
So in closing, if you do not really value your position nor pride yourself of your few accomplishments then don't bother being involved in raising a standard against this foreign tyrant by joining with us and U.S. Congressman Chris Smith in this endeavor to put the WHO back in its rightful place, the garbage, because by not standing against evil you and others like you will not have a position much longer anyway.
The writing is already on the wall for those with wisdom to see and understand it. Below is a copy of his letter and this is the URL where to find it: https://reviewthewho.org/)
Usually there is a link for us to forward letters to our govt officials. Do we copy the whole article, then send to our Senators? Or if there is a link, can someone send it to me? Thank you!
I'm sorry I can't provide a link on the fly but people are saying that states, provinces, municipalities are all passing laws to give them the rights that the WHO is purporting to exert on the global populations. So maybe this is a way to suck all our energy into begging them to stop the WHO when the WHO is not really the problem? IMO we should all be working at the local level right now, in earnest.
I do feel guilty that I now see the reality, for years I thought I was clued up and cynical, but duped like so many. The marketing and brainwashing of convenient, quick, safe is so obscene, that people have been led to it by propaganda, marketing, brainwashing until it is too late and it has become accepted is heartbreaking. Even down to the lockdowns, WHAT?? all small businesses danger to your health, but go to a supermarket is absolutely fine. It shut down independents, all planned. I. as many, but too few, did shout from day one, THIS IS NONSENSE, THEY ARE CLOSING US DOWN , THEY ARE STRENGTHENING THE BIG CORPORATIONS.
I still believe that it is not too late if we all just see reality and stop obeying. There is a shift that I can't see what is behind it at the moment - schwab, royals in uk, sunak all moving to backstage, this is either because they are escaping, or have been instructed from above that a change of Generals is timely.
I've followed James for 2-3 years on this.
It's here now and they most likely will still push it through.
The AWAKENING and EXPOSURE is massive so they know it.
4 MPS in CHINADA signed it.
I sent to my Senators but to my Congresswoman I asked her to have an aide call Chris Smith to get the full letter to sign as she only allows 2,000 characters to be sent by email.
Thanks James, have forwarded to my Aussie MP and asked him to sign the letter. A stay of execution at this point is better than nothing. I hope if voting is delayed, more people will start demanding our govts withdraw from WHO entirely. It's desires are tyranical in nature. In a battle there must be a priority order and WHO is number one priority at present.
Dear C W Thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts regarding the World Health Organization (WHO). Understanding your views helps me to better represent Florida in the United States Senate, and I appreciate the opportunity to respond.
The WHO is supposed to be the world’s leading global health organization whose job is to alert the world of emerging health crises and to coordinate response measures. While the WHO’s frontline workers do incredible work, there are serious concerns regarding the WHO’s current leadership and its ability to remain independent from foreign influence. For the first year of the COVID-19 outbreak, the WHO, under the leadership of Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, peddled the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) lies and misled the global community about the transmissibility of the virus and the severity of disease it caused. When pushed to act by the international community, the WHO did not do enough to ensure that Beijing allowed an independent, international investigation into the origins of COVID-19. Instead, it went forward with a meaningless “joint study” that was prohibited from even considering the possibility of a laboratory-associated origin. These failures have resulted in a pandemic that has tragically impacted the entire world, led to the deaths of more than one million Americans, and will leave us unprepared to respond effectively to future pandemics, particularly those originating from China.
In its efforts to appease Beijing, the WHO’s actions have repeatedly undermined global health security and the safety of the world, and this is not just limited to its failure to hold the CCP accountable for the COVID-19 pandemic. The WHO has also kept Taiwan from receiving critical information about the virus and specifically excludes Taiwan from the World Health Assembly, despite its world renowned expertise in public health. Despite Taiwan’s contributions to global health and its success in combatting the virus within its own borders, the WHO continues to place China’s political agenda over the health of the global community.
Rather than holding the WHO accountable and demanding critical reforms, President Joe Biden has instead rejoined the WHO and reinstated American taxpayer contributions without setting conditions on the WHO for implementing critical reforms. I disagree with this approach. Rather than negotiate from a position of strength, President Biden gave away our leverage and is now proposing reforms that do little to prevent the CCP’s further abuse of WHO regulations and will give anti-American voices in the WHO a platform to politicize public health in ways that could harm the United States.
It is critical that we ensure that U.S. taxpayer dollars are being used responsibly and that any organization that accepts U.S. monetary support is able to do its job independently of the CCP or any other malign actor. As such, in my role on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, I will continue to review U.S. funding to international organizations and ensure that hard-earned taxpayer dollars are being spent prudently and effectively. Currently, the WHO falls short of these standards, and I therefore will continue to oppose funding to it until reforms are made. I will also continue to press for a thorough and independent international investigation into the WHO’s actions, including its unacceptably slow decision-making on whether to declare a global pandemic and whether the CCP has compromised the integrity of the organization.
We need international organizations to function without influence or pressure from malign actors. If the WHO cannot return to its mission, all responsible international actors should come together to consider what is needed to respond to emerging pandemics.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve you as your United States Senator. As a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee for State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, I will keep your thoughts in mind as I consider these issues and continue working to ensure America remains a safe and prosperous nation.
Senator Marco Rubio
24 Republican governors sent a letter to Biden opposing the documents. Yes!!
It seems that the timing of the UK government's announcement re. the surprise decision to have an early election on July 4th - and the fact that parliament will be prorogued tomorrow (24th May) has created an uncertain situation concerning the issues of the WHO Treaty and IHR revisions. They are unlikely to be discussed or agreed by parliament! Is this a deliberate ploy that will see the UK sign-up without debate I wonder??? If this is the case, the outgoing conservative government will have proved themselves to be a despicable, treacherous government.
Write a letter to the Devil?... yeah, sure! That's gonna work, right?
Demanding that the W.H.O. 'play by the rules' is the epitome of folly and sheer delusion. I'm trying to be polite here by avoiding words that might offend, like idiotic? Other expressions stating the futility of expecting Evil to produce Good also come to mind like, dancing with the Devil, domesticating a rattlesnake, pissing into the wind, beating a dead horse and the list goes on. It's all just a waste of precious resources and here's why...
Likewise, other states are following their lead. And if your state legislators and other officials haven't done what these guys are doing, then THAT'S where YOU need to get busy. JUST NEUTER THE W.H.O. and ALL other international organization like them AT THE STATE LEVEL... JUST REFUSE TO PLAY THEIR GAME!
Let them pass their rules, treaties, agreements and institute whatever polities they want. THE MIGHTY W.H.O. IS DEAD IN THE WATER! Which means anything you do to engage with (accommodate) them is... well, go read my list at the beginning.
And if your argument is that the citizens of states traveling abroad whose states have not passed similar measures to Louisiana not being protected... well then, I can't think of a better reason or stronger incentive for those states to get on board with this strategy NOW!
"But William... you don't understand. We're gonna sue the W.H.O.!"
Oh!.. really? Have you thought that one out?
Those who promote suing the W.H.O. fail to understand basic fundamentals of the process; The first being that only those who are equal parties under the law to which they submit have standing in that particular court whether it be local, state, federal on international. By recognizing (empowering) that venue of law one becomes legally obligated to abide by the court's authority and whatever judgments they impose upon you as a recognized (self-acknowledged) equal party to the process. Are you willing to do that? What if the judgment handed down is not in your favor? Are you willing to live with whatever demands and constraints an (overwhelmingly likely) evil judge may demand of you?
Understand, your national (corporate U.S.) and international (W.H.O.) beasts are doing their best to KILL YOU. They are one and the same; hideously and inextricably joined at the head AS ONE and are totally united in their single-most agenda which is to 'kill, steal and destroy' ALL of mankind. READ THE NEW TESTAMENT and WAKE UP!!
If you want to be free of the stranglehold of international entanglements, JUST REFUSE TO PLAY THEIR GAME. Why is that so difficult for some folks to understand. I just don't get it!
Come out from among them and be ye separate. (II Corinthians 6:17) And it's just that simple. JUST WALK AWAY!
Stop trying to reform, redeem, rehabilitate or negotiate with the Devil... YOU CAN'T DO IT!
William Raymond: pastor & ambassador at Law for the Christ
it is comical, we are asking a regime of terror, murder, rape, to obey the rules..........
As this action is worldwide, please find in the following the translation into Spanish (I hope it helps):
Hay que exigir a la OMS que respete el Estado de Derecho
Este esfuerzo es mundial.
Esta llamada INMEDIATA a la acción se dirige a todos los cargos electos para animarles a firmar la carta que el Representante de los Estados Unidos Chris Smith hará llegar directamente a Tedros Ghebreyesus antes de la 77ª Asamblea Mundial de la Salud que se celebrará del 27 de mayo al 1 de junio de 2024.
Esta carta es para que la firmen solamente cargos electos.
El congresista Chris Smith es el miembro de mayor rango de la Comisión de Asuntos Exteriores de la Cámara de Representantes, y también el Presidente de la Subcomisión de Asuntos Exteriores de la Cámara de Representantes sobre Salud Mundial, Derechos Humanos Mundiales y Organizaciones Internacionales.
Liderada por el congresista estadounidense Chris Smith, esta iniciativa hace un llamamiento a los cargos electos de todo el mundo para que exijan a la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) que cancele o retrase el Acuerdo sobre la Pandemia y las enmiendas al Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (RSI).
Esta acción es crucial debido al incumplimiento por parte de la OMS del requisito de notificación de cuatro meses establecido en el artículo 55(2) del RSI y otras normas de la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud.
La siguiente carta se entregará al Director General de la OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus:
Organización Mundial de la Salud
A la atención de Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Office of the Director General
Avenue Appia 20
1211 Geneva, Suiza
Estimado Dr. Tedros,
Director General de la Organización Mundial de la Salud,
Le escribimos para expresarle nuestra profunda preocupación por la gestión de la OMS de las
enmiendas al Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (RSI) y la redacción del tratado sobre la pandemia.
En su calidad de Director General de la OMS, usted representa los ideales de las Naciones Unidas,
entre ellos «crear condiciones bajo las cuales puedan mantenerse la justicia y el respeto a las
obligaciones emanadas de los tratados y de otras fuentes del derecho internacional».[1] La búsqueda
mundial de la paz y los derechos humanos está anclada en el Estado de derecho y, de hecho, sin Estado
de derecho prevalecen la tiranía y la opresión.
Por tanto, es imperativo que usted mismo respete los tratados y las leyes internacionales vigentes.
El artículo 55(2) del RSI exige que el texto de cualquier propuesta de enmienda se comunique al menos
cuatro meses antes de la Asamblea de la Salud en la que se vaya a considerar.[2] Pretender que la
difusión de un borrador inicial en febrero de 2023 cumple este requisito, a pesar de que las
negociaciones seguían en curso, es absurdo. Igualmente irrazonable es la afirmación de que este
requisito sólo se aplica al Director General y a los Estados miembros, y no al grupo de trabajo
designado por ellos, cuando el artículo no hace tal distinción. Ambos argumentos muestran un flagrante
desprecio tanto del espíritu como de la letra de la ley.[3]
Los artículos 8, 10, 11 y 15 del Reglamento Interno de la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud (AMS)
también prohíben los acuerdos apresurados sin la debida diligencia[4]. Además, se ha violado
flagrantemente el requisito del artículo 14 de divulgar plenamente todas las obligaciones, incluidas las
financieras, y se han aplazado detalles cruciales hasta un futuro[5], lo que básicamente obliga a los
Estados miembros a firmar un cheque en blanco.
Además, la adopción precipitada de múltiples instrumentos con requisitos técnicos, administrativos y
financieros que se solapan conducirá inevitablemente a la confusión y podría socavar gravemente losesfuerzos sanitarios mundiales en el futuro. Esto subraya la necesidad crítica de cumplir el requisito
mínimo de cuatro meses.
Además de las preocupaciones sobre el calendario y la notificación, la legitimidad de cualquier acuerdo
depende fundamentalmente de su adhesión a los siguientes principios fundamentales del Estado de
1. Proceso de votación válido: Una votación nominal auténtica con una mayoría de dos
tercios presentes debe estar documentada y disponible para su verificación.[6] Sin esta
prueba cualquier «acuerdo» es nulo.[7]
2. Redacción clara y definitiva: Los términos de cualquier acuerdo deben definirse
explícitamente en el propio documento. Es inaceptable utilizar una redacción abierta que
deje las decisiones cruciales en manos de comités que no rindan cuentas.[8]
3. Negociaciones dirigidas por los miembros: El papel de la organización debe consistir
únicamente en facilitar los debates, no en dictar los resultados. Las negociaciones deben
ser transparentes e inclusivas, adaptándose a las capacidades de todas las delegaciones,
especialmente las de los países más pequeños. Las negociaciones ad hoc y concurrentes
sin la debida notificación o traducción violan los principios del derecho internacional.
Utilizar posibles pandemias como pretexto para violar los principios de la buena gobernanza
erosiona la confianza y socava la cooperación internacional cuando más se necesita.
Proceder a la adopción de nuevas enmiendas al RSI o al tratado sobre pandemias propuesto en la
próxima 77ª Asamblea Mundial de la Salud sería contrario a la ley. En caso de proceder, cualquier
acuerdo resultante sería inmediatamente nulo. Por el contrario, seguir estos principios básicos de buen
gobierno demostrará el compromiso de la OMS con la salud mundial y el Estado de derecho.
Representante Chris Smith
1 UN Charter Preamble: https://www.un.org/es/about-us/un-charter
2 WHO International Health Regulations, Article 55(2):
3 See International Health Regulations: amendments: 17 April 2024 Q&A: https://www.who.int/news-
4 Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly: https://apps.who.int/gb/bd/pdf_files/BD_49th-
5 Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly: https://apps.who.int/gb/bd/pdf_files/BD_49th-
6 Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly: https://apps.who.int/gb/bd/pdf_files/BD_49th-
7 Letter to the WHO from 12 Members of the European Parliament, 28 November, 2023,
8 Revised draft of the negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement, 13 March 2024,
9 WHO: INB Bureau Co-Chair attempts to shut down Africa Group’s benefit sharing proposals: 3 May
2024: https://twn.my/title2/health.info/2024/hi240505.htm; Open Letter to the Director General of the
World Health Organization, Feminists for a People’s Vaccine, 26 April 2024,
Thank you Mr. Roguski for posting this and the site. I have sent my letter to my elected officials and have posted it below (in parenthesis) in case someone else wanted/needed some sort of template. I did include a copy of Congressman Smith's letter but didn't here for obvious reasons. I hope we can get this done for the sake of all of us who are still human. God bless.
(Hello. I will make this short and direct.
I do not want myself, my family nor my friends and co-veterans who live in this free nation to be suddenly placed under the heel of an evil tyrant who's only endeavor is to depopulate as many lives as necessary. I and many others whose lives are in the crosshairs call it murder for that is simply a more specific term for it and I did not see your name on the list of elected officials who signed the Elected Officials Letter to be sent to Dr. Tedros Adhanom ,Ghebreyesus Director-General of the World Health Organization concerning the WHO’s handling of amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the drafting of the pandemic treaty.
U.S. Congressman Chris Smith is leading an initiative calling on elected officials worldwide to demand the World Health Organization (WHO) either cancel or delay the Pandemic Agreement and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). He believes this action is crucial due to the WHO’s failure to meet the four-month notification requirement of Article 55(2) of the IHR and other World Health Assembly rules and I and many others AGREE WITH HIM. I am sending this to you because I and others concerned, did not see your name on the letter as we DID see many elected officials, if not all, from Alabama who are concerned about the U.S.'s social welfare concerning the safety of our country which is made up of our citizenry, not illegal immigrants who have no respect for our laws and neither does this IHR by the WHO.
So in closing, if you do not really value your position nor pride yourself of your few accomplishments then don't bother being involved in raising a standard against this foreign tyrant by joining with us and U.S. Congressman Chris Smith in this endeavor to put the WHO back in its rightful place, the garbage, because by not standing against evil you and others like you will not have a position much longer anyway.
The writing is already on the wall for those with wisdom to see and understand it. Below is a copy of his letter and this is the URL where to find it: https://reviewthewho.org/)