Well, yet Trump gave $500 BILLION to AI, mRNA VACCINE (against cancer) and digital health.

Remember: before this new Stargate, Trump created Operation Wasp Speed and urged millions to vaccinate.

I'm sorry, but you trust was misplaced :)

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Yesterday Trump agreed to mrna vaccines being produced in the USA by 3 men who raised 500 billion dollars to do this in the US...this was the greatest disappointment if his new promises...this and his A1 will not be good for the human race...how can we stop this?

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James, Agree mRNA “technology must be removed from the market IMMEDIATELY” because its use is stupid and criminal, but too few understand that the main reason for this, which does not go away even if all poison and bioweapon parts are removed, is that all cells which have made proteins per mRNA instructions will be violently attacked by body’s immune system, designed to destroy all cells that have made non-self-proteins (like those from mRNA).

Details of this most basic mRNA flaw are clearly explained in 00:55-29:00 of this video https://rumble.com/v1p3855-friday-roundtable-worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m.d.-sucharit-b.html. Please share this critical info with readers.

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PLEASE watch the first video here...


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I have -- is a great summary of this huge crime, thanks! But too few of the masses that need to know about this will take the time to watch video without something much shorter, and easier to wrap their heads around, to prime their pumps.

No problem getting people like me to watch it because I’m interested enough to have read/watched info from most of its sources for many hours over the last few years. But most of the people we need to reach have other priorities.

To me, the fact that all mRNA is unsafe is much easier to prove, and it offers real-world protection since all vaccines are being converted to mRNA, so best to prime people’s pumps with this to motivate them to see video on bioweapon part.

Any MD pushing mRNA is either ignorant or complicit given that the immunology basics presented by Bhakdi can be confirmed by the info in Chapter-1 of the med-school textbook, “Roitt's Essential Immunology”. A free pdf can be found online.

Need a “meme guru” to come up with a one-pager to wake up and motivate folks to dig deeper using videos and sites like yours. Churches should be helping to wake people up, but they aren’t. Appreciate your efforts, please keep them up!

For what it’s worth, here is a summary of the fundamental flaws in all mRNA uses, as noted by Bhakdi, Yeadon, and others.

* When a cell is infected by mRNA, it is tricked into making foreign, non-self-proteins, which essentially marks this mRNA-infected cell for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2 in body), if antibodies are present (as they would be ~2 weeks after 1st shot).

* Thus, mRNA causes the body to attack itself, making all things with mRNA unsafe:

___* Blood vessels are damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks, which then enable damage to surrounding organs

___* Above mechanisms explain, at a high-level, sudden death and most other mRNA injuries

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And we need to push back on this $500 billion Project "Stargate" AI-driven mRNA plan as well... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/trump-introduces-500-billion-ai-infrastructure

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and trump announced AI detecting very early cancer - and a vaccine...........................

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5 years blabbing about it till yr blue in the face.....fck them....for the 'nth time, if they don't know now they never will.....really James, enough! Best I can do to help is hand out mirrors to everyone, I've got mine....

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Rebel News


WE CAUGHT HIM! Watch what happened when




spotted Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, on the street in Davos today.

We finally asked him all the questions the mainstream media refuses to ask.

Story: http://rebelne.ws/3IZvjbo

SUPPORT: http://WEFreports.com


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We have to get the WHO, NIH, CDC, FDA, WEF, UN and any globalist pos politicians the fu k out of our lives!!! Who's with me? Not WHO, but who!

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IT's a TRANSFECTION.... they know it and have known for a while... it was used on lab rats for a long time... it's not a new technology.... we have been duped on so many things.... Dr JJ Couey has been speaking out about this for the last few years......" Stop TRANSFECTION in healthy humans. RNA cannot pandemic. LEARN BIOLOGY NOW!"


This recent interview is excellent...... https://stream.gigaohm.bio/w/dHHGWeK1sPPZvQmpwmrTsm

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Dr. Anthony Fauci's quest to inoculate children with needless, immune-suppressing, heart-damaging vaccines is a repeat of his own history. A 2004 documentary film, “Guinea Pig Kids” shines a light on the cruel and inhumane medical experiments that took place on underprivileged, minority children in the early 1990s. These inhumane medical experiments were conducted on presumably HIV-infected children at the Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC) in New York City. The children were primarily black or Hispanic and were taken from drug-addicted mothers.


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I recall a couple of different doctors from the 90's (maybe even late 80's) essentially calling Fraudci a despicable fraud. I believe it was in regards to his role with AIDS and making stuff up.

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You would be correct, but he was hand picked by Collins and Gates and they are both well connected to the government, especially the CIA... Gates has done many chemical experiments on people for the CIA..

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Just saw that HHS gave 1/2 billion to Moderna for 'bird flu' vax! I'm going to get some magnets- slap them on cars at Tractor Supply, or wherever I'm at.

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Hi James. Well the first shit to go are all those so called 5G towers around the world! Project Blue beam! We know it's a neurologic weapon! And then there is WHO who should be dismantled and them all arrested for crimes against humanity! Pfizer and Moderna should also be held accountable for this vaccine! And especially those who stood up and told us to take the vaccine no matter what!

Because this vaccine is the best example on how they corrupted steals our money for their own gain. Sacrifices all those people knowing the vaccine is a hoax! Just for money! The personal greed is so obviously! And who did it benefit the most?

All they put in that vaccine got nothing to do with any flu or respatory desieces!

They must be held accountable all of them!


Bjørn Leif-oscar Liptovari

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We need to get this poison that the WHO has demanded we take, off the shelves of every drug shop, every chemist shop, every medical clinic, and anywhere else the POISON IS AVAIABLE. ITS THE Covid-19 MRNA vaccine poison we are chatting about.GET RID OF IT FOR EVER.

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CRISPR Technology

A Gene Editing tool used in plants, animals and HUMANS.

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Every day of the week I spend at least 8 hours daily on my laptop sending out information that hopefully will benefit people and wake them up to the TRUTH. I'm reaching many people with information that took me a lifetime to uncover. If the entire MEDICAl INDUSTRY would go under ..and honest research were done and valid teachings were provided...we would even be healthier than we were before COMMERCIALISM took hold. Wouldn't it be GREAT if Americans would be at the TOP AGAIN mentally and physically.; instead of in 47th place. Many know the truth, which is very simple: The right natural unprocessed foods...; and only putting health creating food in one's mouth...nothing else. Our Creator made it very simple and mankind has lived for eons of time without the Church of Modern medicine, as Dr. Robert Mendelsohn called it, in his book Confessions of a Medical Heretic.

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Thank you for your singlemindedness, passion and energy. You are a bright light in a dark world.

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