I have -- is a great summary of this huge crime, thanks! But too few of the masses that need to know about this will take the time to watch video without something much shorter, and easier to wrap their heads around, to prime their pumps.
No problem getting people like me to watch it because I’m interested enough to have read/watched info…
I have -- is a great summary of this huge crime, thanks! But too few of the masses that need to know about this will take the time to watch video without something much shorter, and easier to wrap their heads around, to prime their pumps.
No problem getting people like me to watch it because I’m interested enough to have read/watched info from most of its sources for many hours over the last few years. But most of the people we need to reach have other priorities.
To me, the fact that all mRNA is unsafe is much easier to prove, and it offers real-world protection since all vaccines are being converted to mRNA, so best to prime people’s pumps with this to motivate them to see video on bioweapon part.
Any MD pushing mRNA is either ignorant or complicit given that the immunology basics presented by Bhakdi can be confirmed by the info in Chapter-1 of the med-school textbook, “Roitt's Essential Immunology”. A free pdf can be found online.
Need a “meme guru” to come up with a one-pager to wake up and motivate folks to dig deeper using videos and sites like yours. Churches should be helping to wake people up, but they aren’t. Appreciate your efforts, please keep them up!
For what it’s worth, here is a summary of the fundamental flaws in all mRNA uses, as noted by Bhakdi, Yeadon, and others.
* When a cell is infected by mRNA, it is tricked into making foreign, non-self-proteins, which essentially marks this mRNA-infected cell for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2 in body), if antibodies are present (as they would be ~2 weeks after 1st shot).
* Thus, mRNA causes the body to attack itself, making all things with mRNA unsafe:
___* Blood vessels are damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks, which then enable damage to surrounding organs
___* Above mechanisms explain, at a high-level, sudden death and most other mRNA injuries
I have -- is a great summary of this huge crime, thanks! But too few of the masses that need to know about this will take the time to watch video without something much shorter, and easier to wrap their heads around, to prime their pumps.
No problem getting people like me to watch it because I’m interested enough to have read/watched info from most of its sources for many hours over the last few years. But most of the people we need to reach have other priorities.
To me, the fact that all mRNA is unsafe is much easier to prove, and it offers real-world protection since all vaccines are being converted to mRNA, so best to prime people’s pumps with this to motivate them to see video on bioweapon part.
Any MD pushing mRNA is either ignorant or complicit given that the immunology basics presented by Bhakdi can be confirmed by the info in Chapter-1 of the med-school textbook, “Roitt's Essential Immunology”. A free pdf can be found online.
Need a “meme guru” to come up with a one-pager to wake up and motivate folks to dig deeper using videos and sites like yours. Churches should be helping to wake people up, but they aren’t. Appreciate your efforts, please keep them up!
For what it’s worth, here is a summary of the fundamental flaws in all mRNA uses, as noted by Bhakdi, Yeadon, and others.
* When a cell is infected by mRNA, it is tricked into making foreign, non-self-proteins, which essentially marks this mRNA-infected cell for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2 in body), if antibodies are present (as they would be ~2 weeks after 1st shot).
* Thus, mRNA causes the body to attack itself, making all things with mRNA unsafe:
___* Blood vessels are damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks, which then enable damage to surrounding organs
___* Above mechanisms explain, at a high-level, sudden death and most other mRNA injuries