Thank you for all your GREAT efforts; illuminating Crimes against Humanity, for seeing Corruption and Evil intent Masquerading as "Care" and " Aid" for the "Good and Welfare of the Public". How many people must suffer from toxic injections, disease and illness stemming from long term use of Pharmaceuticals, GMO foods, toxic pesticides and herbicides, chemtrails and so much more...lets get back to Nature!

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OMG. The very ideas that a few million GMO mosquitoes have just been ( or about to be) released in Hawaii without consent is a monstrous crime against humanity! Who could stop this?

It’s another addition to the long list of criminal experiments done to us

all over the planet? We fight each other when we should be fighting

“Them” !

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does congress know about this - SHOUT IT OUT LOUD

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From Steve Kirsch's Substack - BREAKING: Seven British MPs request comprehensive data transparency from the UK ONS - https://kirschsubstack.com/p/breaking-seven-mps-request-comprehensive

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Did I hear him right? We have bled $1.4 billion from the U.S.? So he admits they stole our taxpayer $$$s!

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You must have heard of the World Council for Health. This is an excellent initiative which has Dr. Tess Lawrie https://twitter.com/lawrie_dr/status/1763258047672078508?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet

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nothing seems to be working....this goes back to 2022....I have signed every possible 'objection' notification and yet the World Horror Option marches on relentlessly.....it seems to me that the only option is to have arrests. There is enough EVIDENCE. In the absence of global TRYBUN^LS (whatever happened to this option....it was all over social media during the lockdowns) which vanished without a trace.....they need to be taken to the ICJ. or there needs to a 'citizens' arrest. But while they are immune to conviction and sentencing nothing will stop them. Given that no matter what they wish to 'declare' I DO NOT CONSENT to having them decide any kind of a health policy....

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Yep!! They are pretending to be Doctors but they are not. They are successful criminals as the mob is. Well organized as a business in crime. They do pay real scientists and real doctors so they give legitimacy to their huge criminal enterprise. A well polished public face adorned with well known figures they were able to draw in and bamboozle with their posh extravaganza. The lavished is to attract amd impress and then the people they attract attract more fancy people....They feel.so.special.they then donate money...they being used while being pampered with high end whores and food and location, private jets. Entertainment you name it. Legal and illegal they have it all.

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Imagine how wonderful the world would be if we didn't have this syndicate running it. The thing is if we didn't have this mod running it, there would be another mob. Try and hear me out here - the fact that we have anyone running our lives is what keeps us like children. It keeps us in a child/parent relationship, being told as adults what we can or cannot do. We look to laws that are written to determine and direct our lives and of course people write those laws so they are the outcome of adults just like us. We cannot grow when we remain in the state of childhood. No adult has the intrinsic justification for ruling another adult or an adult looking to another adult to be ruled by. So the problem is not this particular mob because it would be another mob. Unless we get out of this child/parent relationship and start recognizing that we're adults now and under no one's jurisdiction. Will it change the way we do things - YOU BET. And all for the better. We have to change the way we see each other and the way we behave towards each other, we have to teach it in schools. The idea of a teacher up front dictating who can talk and who can't, when to sit and when to stand is old fashioned and trains children to be obedient little slaves. Then they see heir parents being obedient little slaves too so it is always repeated. . We have to get out of it now, at this juncture in time. We have to be more interactive. We have to learn as adults how to be true adults and not just grown children, so the children will be able to see it demonstrated. We can't just teach the children in schools if we're still acting like children ourselves and obeying other adults. Now with instant communication through the technology we all carry around on us, we can be the masters of our own lives because we can know in two seconds flat, if the vast majority want the same thing hat we do. Currently the vast majority doesn't want to be in the WHO (say) or to drink fluoridated water (say) so why are we doing it? Is it because we believe that what these people in the WHO write on paper have jurisdiction over us? Yes! That's all it is - it's just a belief - and we can believe something else if we choose to. We can believe that the vast majority doesn't want it and that's what we go by rather than the mob determining what is written. Until we claim our personal sovereignty, we will remain like children, threatening the entire world with syndicates that want to destroy everything in their wake, just because they can.

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There are BILLIONS of us and we can defeat these villains if we choose to.

We have to keep talking & writing - explaining to everyone just what tyranny is being plotted behind these closed doors.

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Thank you for standing up against tyranny. May God bless you to wake people up to the dangers we are in for if the WHO gets their way. And hopefully we can get rid of our current government

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All these globalists are goons. May teddy sleep with the fishes.

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"Godfather Ghebreyesus and the WHO Mob | This is organized crime masquerading as an international trade agreement being negotiated by a bunch of goons who are way out of their league."

Hahaha, you nailed it!

And here we have the proof:

1. The Weaponization of Mosquitos: WHO and Gates Inc Announce Plans to Flood Africa with Ultra Dangerous Malaria “Vaccines” - https://www.globalresearch.ca/who-gates-inc-announce-plans-flood-africa-ultra-dangerous-malaria-vaccines/5825189

2. Gene-Edited Mosquitoes: Catastrophe in Brazil, A Gates Foundation Project. Will It Save Lives? - https://www.globalresearch.ca/gene-edited-catastrophe-brazil/5690917

It seems to me that the WHO is destroying itself just as much as ISrahell is destroying itself with the ongoing genocide festival in Gaza, which is also applauded by most brain-dead Westerners.

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I'm always puzzled hearing the (one-sided) claim that Israel is causing genocide in Gaza.... yet HAMAS and their Palestinian supporters shout loudly and openly in our streets ..."from the river to the sea". and say they will not stop until Israel is wiped off the map!

So, isn't it more correct to say that HAMAS is also causing genocide as their goal is to kill ALL Israelis? They believe that they will be rewarded by going to Paradise if they do so.

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Hamas, Hesbollah, ISIS, Al CIAda, Hoothis , you name it, are all controlled by ISrahell. They need these organizations so that they can tell a dumbed-down populace that they are the victims that always only defends itself against an enemy that "will not stop until Israel is wiped off the map". It's Hegalian dialectic. Don't let ISrahell make it such easy to fool everyone.

The objective is: GRRREATER ISRHAHELL, and I mean a much GRRREATER ISRAHELL than just Greater Israel.

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Actually they are destroying us and we've done nothing about it. So they will continue to destroy us not themselves. They will keep going until they have destroyed everything unless we stop them. Don't fool yourself. They already have done immense destruction and everybody has done zip about it. Yet we could have them begging us for mercy.

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The mob needs to be out! The Godfather Ghebreyesus the Goon has no connection...related to the word Health. His connection is to Murder, Incorporated. The actual Mafia were humanitarians compared to the rodent heading the WHO...they had some regard for women and children. Others in the WHO have to be equally as depraved as T.A.G. ...selecting him as the Godfather Director of the WHO (World Hell Organization).

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Thank you James for all your work!

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