They made a vaccine for deer.

How do you vaccinate all of the deer in the woods?


It will spread between the deer very easily

I had people at my house and a few people were just vaccinated

Of course I was sick for a week

It is all lies form the CDC. FDA, WHO, doesnt matter the the name of the govt agency

All lies

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Thank you for this thoughtful compilation. Our unjabbed 10YO has exceptionally high levels of Covid antibodies (2300 U/mL) despite no recent infection & negative nucleocapsid test (tested twice to be certain). We assume exposure to classmates at school led to this result as both parents have low levels. It is discouraging that even the unjabbed can be at risk of the deleterious and long-term effects of excessive spike protein. Thank you for your ongoing vigilance and efforts to enlighten others.

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Shedding? Shedding what? Did they isolate this "virus". I've yet to see the procedure for that. And if they haven't got a pure extracted sample, then how does the PCR test find anything, especially when they multiply samples up 40+ times when 25-30 would be the max allowed. If they were exposing us to whatever "it" is, spiked proteins or whatever, what better way to hide it than say it's shedding. Sorry but I just don't trust the science, not the science they are pushing.

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Your header and follow up: SPOT ON.

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Evidence of the shedding of abject lunacy off of the human spectrum and the infection of others with it very clear to see all around us. What are the authorities doing about it?

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Problem is, it keeps mutating into new variants. Nothing the authorities can do about it.

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It's always interesting to see how people who know absolutely nothing try to impress others with their views and opinions....

https://web.archive.org/web/20210308053257/https://cdn.pfizer.com/pfizercom/2020-11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020.pdf (Pages 67-69)

8.3.5. Exposure During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding, and Occupational Exposure

Exposure to the study intervention under study during pregnancy or breastfeeding and occupational exposure are reportable to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of investigator awareness. Exposure During Pregnancy

An EDP occurs if:

• A female participant is found to be pregnant while receiving or after discontinuing study intervention.

• A male participant who is receiving or has discontinued study intervention exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception.

• A female is found to be pregnant while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy:

• A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact.

by inhalation or skin contact.

• A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.

A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.

HE IS EXPOSED BY INHALATION OR SKIN CONTACT AND THEN HE EXPOSES HIS PARTNER BY INHALATION OR SKIN CONTACT - and of course all those with whom he/she comes into contact - and THAT is NOT a virus, but toxic-chemical substances and nanotechnology, which is smaller than a hair and can of course be excreted by expiration/inhaltion and skin contact!!!!!!

And this phenomenon has always been the case - we can read here:


‼️(through inhalation, ingestion, injection, skin contact etc.)‼️

And one thing should also be clear to everyone, not everyone reacts the same way to chemical substances or nanotech/nanoparticles, quite apart from the fact that there were different batches - and no one can say what, in what batch and how much chemical substances and nanoparticles were ultimately inside!!!

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And I already wrote that in this article in 2023!


And once again - there is NO “mRNA” and NO “spike protein”!!!! What there are, are toxic-chemical substances and nanotechnology/nanoparticles!!!!




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Your podcast discusses viral shedding. That is not what is being discussed in this article. The form of shedding discussed in this article is independent of whether or not viruses exist.

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I have seen no direct evidence of vaccine shedding. I have seen no evidence that mRNA is even in the injections. 20 other vectors could explain people's observations. The fake virus scare, was to get people to roll up their sleeves, to get an injection of who knows what (much of it was saline solution to skew the injury statistics). People were getting sick because they were poisoned, which was the point.

Lots of great people are relying on fraudulent documents spinning in circles and not having the intended effect of stopping the democide program known as vaccination.

You are doing great work; keep it up; I just disagree with this post.

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That’s why that evil Shyte Billy G is making his mosquitoes:(

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Shedding does occur with SOME vaccines, such as some forms of polio virus. Shedding of the modRNA-LNP "vaccines" has never been demonstrated. One would need to using molecular techniques (RT-PCR and ELISA) to detect modRNA, PP-Spike mRNA, and PP-Spike protein in different fluids produced by vaxed and unvaxed individuals who had recovered from COVID19 or never had COVID19. This is a controlled experiment. If PP-Spike mRNA is found in fluids from vaxed individuals and ONLY in vaxed individuals, this would support the hypothesis that shedding occurs.

Notice! It supports the possibility of shedding. An experiment never PROVES anything. It supports it.

Notice! There is NO SCIENTIFIC WAY that anyone can PROVE a negative. So asking Pfizer or Moderna to prove that shedding does not happen is not a reasonable scientific request. All that can be done is show the absence of mRNA or Spike in fluids. But there is always the possibility that they did not do the experiment properly so they missed it.

Come on people! Let's get real here. These vaccines were dangerous! Start demanding that they get blocked forever for the very real human damage that's been done.

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Corinne, I agree with much of what you say. Yes, RT-PCR should be used to determine if residual DNA, PP-Sike modRNA or PP-Spike protein is present in different fluids. These studies have not been done.

I strongly advocate that such testing be done. Consider the working environments and the potential for shedding from people working in clinics, research laboratories and manufacturing facilities that are associated with the hundreds of clinical trials currently testing new "vaccines" for a wide range of diseases.


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These experiments may well have been done but, as is explained, people do not report negative results. The hypothesis for these types of experiments needs to be carefully written. They are searching for evidence of the presence of PP-Spike modRNA or even just PP-Spike mRNA in these fluids. If they find none, one can only say that, to the level of detection of these methods, their finding do not support shedding.

I do not understand why people working in clinics etc. should be tested other than the possibility that they had picked it up on their clothing or skin. This is not shedding! It is working in a contaminated workplace.

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Deagel (CIA) https://web.archive.org/web/20200629112402/http://www.deagel.com/country/forecast.aspx

see page 1 for USA population projected to 99+ million by end of 2025 from 327 million at time of data capture

see page 2 for UK population projected to 14+ million by end of 2025 from 65 million+ at time of data capture

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Shedding is happening....but a very recent video from the People's Voice in cluding a WEF 'insider' says it all and what is coming this year...basically hell on earth...so we have to step up quickly where Deagel (CIA intel operative) has been stating the numbers since 2014 - "WEF Insider Reveals LA Wildfires Were Engineered to Seize Land for 15-Minute Cities" - https://rumble.com/v67mnoy-wef-insider-reveals-la-wildfires-were-engineered-to-seize-land-for-15-minut.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The%20People%27s%20Voice

Deagel - Depopulation in the WEST posted from 2014 and not taken down until 2020 when Covid arrived with NO CHANGES - http://www.deagel.com/country/forecast.aspx?pag=1&sort=GDP&ord=DESC

"CIA 'Heavily Involved' in Creation of Covid mRNA Shots" - https://web.archive.org/web/20240529181139/https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.com/2024/05/cia-heavily-involved-in-creation-of.html

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The science is settled. The vast majority of scientists agree with whomever is funding them. – Anon

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I never took the shot and my blood, under dark field microscopy, looks exactly like someone who has. (Hydrogels). I am an RDH and in the spring of 2021, I noticed, at times, while cleaning teeth, I would suddenly feel nauseous and dizzy. I found it odd and symptoms would fade after 15 minutes or so. I noticed this would continue to occur every now and again, over the next year. I just attributed it to perhaps being tired, although I’ve been tired on many occasions and it’s never resulted in symptoms of nausea nor dizziness. 🙄By Sept 2022, my hair started falling out and 4 weeks later, I was bald. 😩. And I’m still bald. Yes, it’s possible I carry genetic Alopecia but for this to occur, around the age of 60 and in such a short span, I truly feel my immunity had been compromised, as a result from shedding. Many people, when taking time out of their schedule, for their dental cleanings, will combine it with other medical procedures.

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I’ve experienced severe hair loss a few months after my spouse got booster. Not sure if it was related or just a coincidence. After doing my labs for iron and ferritin, I had increased red meats in my diet. It did help with the hair loss. Wanted to share, in case it could help you as well.

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Turn off your breaker at night. Be out of high emf areas as often as possible. Uncle Harrys products do help build mouth health. best from Oregon

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DR SABINE STEBEL (Biologist, Protein Engineer)

SHEDDING study being conducted in Germany, Austria and looks like Switzerland wants to join in also.


Study: Project Scan 2000

IgG as an indicator of spikeopathy and shedding symptoms



Mechanism of Action



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If the FDA is pushing the shedding agenda, then I’m highly skeptical. Contagion has NEVER been proven. Doctors have tried for centuries to prove contagion.

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Shedding is real. it was designed to spread disease. We really should not even be dealing with Pfizer and Moderna. They would not even exist, if our government had not protected them.

The people of the united states should have rights....not criminal organizations,, such as, Pfizer and Moderna, which have been dispensing toxic drugs and vaccines for decades. They should have been put out of business long ago. They have already proven that the end result of their dangerous and defective products have injured and killed multi-millions. They were in serious trouble in the 1980s with many multi-million dollar lawsuits for their defective vaccines, before Congress gave them..NO LIABILITY for injuries or deaths. with the passage of The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.

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