Evidence of Shedding
Shedding is real. We do NOT need to prove that shedding occurs. The FDA needs to require Pfizer and Moderna to do the studies to prove that shedding is NOT happening.
FOR COMPLETE DETAILS: NotSafeAndNotEffective.com
August 2015
The term “shedding” means release of virus or bacteria-based gene therapy (VBGT) products or oncolytic products from the patient through one or all of the following ways: excreta (feces); secreta (urine, saliva, nasopharyngeal fluids etc.); or through the skin (pustules, sores, wounds).
Shedding raises the possibility of transmission of VBGT or oncolytic products3 from treated to untreated individuals (e.g., close contacts and health care professionals). This guidance represents FDA’s current thinking on how and when shedding data should be collected for VBGT and oncolytic products during preclinical and clinical development and how shedding data can be used to assess the potential for transmission to untreated individuals.
Shedding Concerns: "It Looks Like the mRNA is Transferring from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated"
Dr. Byram Bridle On Japan's Dangerous, Extremely Concerning, Self-Amplifying RNA Vaccines
If it was known back in 2013 that mRNA can be measured by PCR analysis of “Exhaled Breath Condensate” for use as a biomarker for lung diseases, then it is absolutely clear that “shedding” is real, and it is measurable.
The FDA has failed to require “vaccine” manufacturers to perform the tests to prove that shedding does NOT occur.
Exosome-enclosed microRNAs in exhaled breath hold potential for biomarker discovery in patients with pulmonary diseases
Highly stable circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) are found in biological fluids and are potential biomarkers. These are often enclosed in small secretory membrane vesicles called exosomes, which permit transfer of miRNA between cells. Exhaled breath condensate (EBC), which can be obtained noninvasively and conveniently and is representative of the airway lining fluid, could be an ideal substrate for discovery of pulmonary disease biomarkers. For the first time, we report that miRNAs can be reliably detected in Exhaled Breath Condensate by using quantitative PCR analysis and are suitable as biomarkers.
The Implications of COVID-19 “Vaccine” Shedding
Download the two PDFs below:
Current state of knowledge on the excretion of mRNA and spike produced by anti-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines
Please watch the video below:
The protocols for the Pfizer clinical trial clearly address the possibility of “shedding.” They just refer to it by the following terms: Exposure during pregnancy (pages 67-69) Exposure During Breastfeeding (page 69) Occupational Exposure (page 69)
Please take the time to download the PDF and read for yourself that Pfizer knew that “exposure” could occur through inhalation, skin contact, sexual intercourse and breastfeeding.
Menstrual Abnormalities Strongly Associated with Proximity to COVID-19 Vaccinated Individuals
Timing Consistency with Shedding Studies:
68.4% of respondents reported symptoms within one week of being near a vaccinated individual, with 48.6% experiencing symptoms within 3 days or the same day, aligning with the FDA’s guidance on vaccine-shedding timelines.
Prolonged Presence of Vaccine Components:
The detection of mRNA fragments and spike protein in vaccinated individuals’ blood for extended periods (up to 187 days) provides evidence of prolonged circulation of potential transmissible components.
Documented Excretion Pathways:
Established pathways for the excretion of lipid nanoparticles and spike protein, including saliva, sweat, breast milk, and potentially exhalation, provide mechanisms for environmental transmission.
Alignment with Previous Studies:
Similar menstrual irregularities, such as heavier bleeding and prolonged cycles, have been documented in vaccinated individuals, reinforcing the relevance of these findings in unvaccinated individuals.
Potential Mechanisms of Action:
The cytotoxic and estrogen-receptor-modulating properties of the spike protein, along with known inflammatory and autoimmune responses to vaccines, offer biologically plausible mechanisms for these observed effects.
The researchers assert that their findings show that materials from the mRNA “vaccines” are passed from one person to another, causing harm in the unvaccinated.
In their paper, the researchers conclude:
“Our findings suggest possible indirect transmission of ingredients or products of the COVID-19 vaccines, presumably through shedding, from people who received one or more of the COVID-19 injections.”
A comprehensive article on shedding:
Dr. Pierre Kory
Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
9-Part Series + 1
“Shedding” Part 1- Shedding of Covid mRNA Vaccine Components and Products From The Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated - Part 1
“Shedding” Part 2 - The Bio-Distribution and Excretion Potential of Covid mRNA Vaccine Products
“Shedding” Part 3 - Can You Absorb Lipid Nanoparticles From Being Exposed To a Vaccinated Person?
“Shedding” Part 4 - Evidence of Placental and Breast Milk Transmission of Covid mRNA Vaccine Components
"Shedding" Part 5 - Evidence of Shedding Causing Illness In Others
“Shedding Part 6- Clinical Case Notes Describing Shedding Phenomena Among Leading Edge Clinic Patients
“Shedding” Part 7 - Shedding Via Sexual Intercourse - Clinical Reports
“Shedding” Part 8 - A Deluge of Clinic Reports Pour In
“Shedding” Part 9 - More and More Clinical Case Descriptions of Shedding Pour In
What We've Learned from Over a Thousand Vaccine Shedding Reports
In this article, we will present everything we currently know about shedding (e.g., the evidence for it, who tends to shed, who is affected by shedding, what symptoms are typically observed after shedding). Much of this has been made possible by the hundreds of individuals who have shared their shedding experiences—if you can, please share your story too.
Unraveling the Mysteries of mRNA Vaccine Shedding
To briefly summarize what we have learned (which is discussed in much more detail in the previous article):
Although it is required by the FDA (and has been done for the other gene therapy products on the market), none of the COVID vaccines were ever tested for shedding.
It has since been demonstrated that vaccine sheds in the breast milk and semen. There is also evidence suggesting but not proving the vaccine sheds in both the sweat and breath. It’s much less clear if it sheds in the stools.
Individuals appear to be affected by being in proximity to a vaccinated person (particularly if they are quite close to them), by touching something a vaccinated person contacted (particularly bed sheets), and for particularly sensitive individuals, being in an area which had previously been densely occupied by shedders (conversely being outdoors, presumably due to airflow, reduces how much a shedder affects someone nearby).
In most (but not all) cases, the effects of shedding will resolve once the affected individual simply stops being in contact with shedders.
The susceptibility to shedding greatly varies person to person (with the majority not being affected by it). Those most sensitive to shedding are the “sensitive patients” (who often also have other conditions like fibromyalgia, Lyme or chemical sensitivities), those who have already been “sensitized” to the spike protein (demonstrated by them having either a vaccine injury or long COVID) and those who have a yet unknown susceptibility to the spike protein (which I believe is due to them being unable to effectively produce antibodies which neutralize the spike protein).
Note: there were also a few cases of pets being affect by shedding which suggests the effects are not necessarily dependent upon a human receptor.Individuals are the most likely to shed immediately after vaccination or boosting (which leads to many sensitive individuals dreading the next boosting campaign). This tendency to shed appears to match the observed blood levels of spike protein which quickly rise following vaccination then drop, but never hit zero. In turn, the most sensitive individuals always notice if someone was vaccinated, while less sensitive individuals only get ill from people who had been recently vaccinated.
Many individuals affected by shedding are able to identify clear reproducible patterns of when they get ill from shedding (e.g., each time they go to church on Sunday they get the same illness on Monday).
Some people shed much more than others (e.g., individuals can frequently identify who at their church always makes them ill). Typically, younger people shed more than older people. Furthermore, sensitive individuals repeatedly notice certain characteristics of shedders (e.g., they have a distinct odor).
The most common effect of shedding is abnormal menstrual bleeding (which can sometimes be very severe and frequently affects post menopausal women). Other common symptoms include nosebleeds, spontaneous bruising, tinnitus, rashes, headaches, reactivation of latent viruses (e.g., shingles), briefly coming down with a covid like illness, sinus issues and muscle pain. Some people experience a cluster of these symptoms while others only experience one or two of them.
Individuals tend to notice an increasing duration of exposure to a shedder will make them feel worse. In turn, numerous readers have noticed that if they ignore their lighter symptoms (which often onset within minutes of a shedding exposure) and do not exit the situation, they will become severely ill for a prolonged period.
Most of the shedding injuries appear to be a consequence of circulatory impairments (e.g., microclotting). I personally believe this is due [to] their adverse effects on the physiologic zeta potential (which once treated appears to fix spike protein injuries) and to a lesser extent activating the cell danger response.
Most of the vaccine shedding symptoms resemble what is seen in other spike protein injuries. However, there are two key differences. First, spontaneous bruising and nosebleeds are unique to shedding (they are not typically seen after long COVID or a vaccine injury). Secondly, the symptoms which emerge from shedding exposures tend to be less severe than the traditional spike protein injuries (e.g., heart issues or strokes are rarer and less severe) and when the severe effects occur (e.g., death), they are typically proceeded by less severe reactions to shedding (but unfortunately the victim continued to expose themselves to shedders).
This suggests that the shedding reactions are being caused by reactions to a lower dose of spike protein—which is congruent with the fact a vaccinated individual will have more spike protein inside them than what is shed into their environment.
Shedding effects are typically either immediate (e.g., nosebleeds, headaches and dizziness), onset in 6-24 hours (e.g., menstrual issues) or gradually show up over time.
Note: none of these are absolutes (e.g., sometimes the nosebleeds take a day to manifest, whereas I found one case where someone had severe menstrual bleeding immediately after a shedding exposure).Two studies have validated the shedding effect is real.
The majority of people do not appear to be affected by shedding.
Evidence for Aerosol Transfer of SARS-CoV-2–Specific Humoral Immunity
Infectious particles can be shared through aerosols and droplets formed as the result of normal respiration.
Respiratory transmission of viral infection is proof that oral/nasal cavity constituents can be communicated through aerosols and/or respiratory droplets.
The simplest interpretation of our results is that 1) aerosol transmission of antibodies (Ab) can occur and that 2) the propensity for this transfer is, unsurprisingly, directly related to the amount of nasal/oral Ab found within those in the population possessing immunity. We have yet to encounter an equally parsimonious interpretation, although admittedly this does not mean one does not exist. The concept of herd immunity is a central tenant of public health vaccination campaigns. Overt blockade of infection as well as a reduction in viral transmission downstream of a breakthrough infection are widely accepted conceptual mechanisms by which vaccination-induced immunity in specific individuals protects nonimmune community members. With this in mind, it stands to reason that aerosol transmission of Abs could also contribute to host protection and represent an entirely unrecognized mechanism by which passive immune protection may be communicated.
Detection and characterisation of extracellular vesicles in exhaled breath condensate and sputum of COPD and severe asthma patients
Micro (mi)RNAs, mostly in a membrane-encapsulated form, have previously been detected in exhaled breath condensate (EBC), a non-invasive technique for collecting aerosol particles generated in the airways [5].
We aimed to investigate whether extracellular vesicles are present and detectable in exhaled breath concentrate and to perform a preliminary comparison of their concentrations in severe asthma, COPD and healthy control subjects. Our results strongly suggest that extracellular vesicles can be isolated from both fluids.
Exosome-enclosed microRNAs in exhaled breath hold potential for biomarker discovery in patients with pulmonary diseases
Highly stable circulating miRNAs are found in biological fluids and are potential biomarkers. These are often enclosed in small secretory membrane vesicles called exosomes, which permit transfer of miRNA between cells. Exhaled breath condensate (EBC), which can be obtained noninvasively and conveniently and is representative of the airway lining fluid, could be an ideal substrate for discovery of pulmonary disease biomarkers. For the first time, we report that miRNAs can be reliably detected in EBC by using quantitative PCR analysis and are suitable as biomarkers.
A European Respiratory Society technical standard: exhaled biomarkers in lung disease
For Exhaled Breath Condensate and for FeNO, official recommendations for standardised procedures are more than 10 years old and there is none for exhaled VOCs and particles.
Transmissible Viral Vaccines
Genetic engineering now enables the design of live viral vaccines that are potentially transmissible. Transmission has the benefit of increasing herd immunity above that achieved by direct vaccination alone.
Self-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseases
Disseminating vaccines are designed to exploit the ability of replicating virus-based vectors to spread through their animal host populations without the need for direct inoculation of every animal. In this strategy, vaccination of a limited number of ‘founder’ animals is used for initial introduction of the vaccine into the target population. As the vaccine is engineered to express target antigens from the EID pathogen of interest, its spread from vaccinated to non-vaccinated animals will result in coordinated spread of EID-specific immunity throughout the targeted animal population.
Optimizing the delivery of self-disseminating vaccines in fluctuating wildlife populations
Zoonotic pathogens spread by wildlife continue to spill into human populations and threaten human lives. A potential way to reduce this threat is by vaccinating wildlife species that harbor pathogens that are infectious to humans. Unfortunately, even in cases where vaccines can be distributed en masse as edible baits, achieving levels of vaccine coverage sufficient for pathogen elimination is rare. Developing vaccines that self-disseminate may help solve this problem by magnifying the impact of limited direct vaccination.
Transmissible vaccines whose dissemination rates vary through time, with applications to wildlife
Transmission is a potential property of live viral vaccines that remains largely unexploited but may lie within the realm of many engineering designs. While likely unacceptable for vaccines of humans, transmission may be highly desirable for vaccines of wildlife, both to protect natural populations and also to limit zoonotic transmissions into humans.
Self-Spreading Animal Vaccines Could Combat Human Pandemics
We already have technology that allows wildlife to pass vaccines among themselves, and developing methods may speed up the process. But critics claim that they risk human infections and criminal misuse.
By Molly Glick June 4, 2021 10:00 AM
It would probably earn you a few nasty looks if you sent an uncovered sneeze or cough toward a fellow commuter, potentially passing on a cold or the common flu. Within certain animal populations, however, researchers hope that species get nice and cozy in order to pass on specific viruses. These aren’t just any viruses, though: They’re engineered to act as pathogen-fighting vaccines that can jump between individual animals. In the future, they could prove helpful in fending off human pandemics by extinguishing viruses in the wild — before they can reach us.
What Are Self-Disseminating Vaccines?
Currently designed strictly for animal populations, these vaccines are meant to spread in their natural environments without the need to directly apply them one-by-one. This could prevent certain pathogens from spilling over into humans — as is the case with potentially lethal viruses like rabies, coronaviruses and Ebola. While the Ebola epidemic received considerable coverage, it isn’t as widely known that rabies causes around 59,000 deaths annually, with 95 percent of cases occurring in Asia and Africa. Overall, about 60 percent of known infectious diseases reach humans by passing through animals first. When it comes to new or emerging diseases, that portion jumps to 75 percent.
To curb these zoonotic pathogens in people, while also preserving the health of wildlife, researchers are currently developing two types of self-spreading vaccines: transferable and transmissible. The former can be applied as a paste to animal fur, which is spread through close-contact behaviors like grooming. (The paste was previously used to disperse poison in bats and reduce species numbers.) The latter, meanwhile, can be applied orally or through a single injection; after that, it spreads indefinitely through breathing, nursing, intercourse or touch. That makes it easier to vaccinate hard-to-reach creatures like black-footed ferrets, which are highly vulnerable to sylvatic plague.
Several self-disseminating candidates use recombinant vector, or viral vector, technology: Scientists harness a non-harmful virus as a vehicle for the one they’re targeting, similar to the recent COVID-19 vaccines from Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca. By inserting some of the targeted virus’ genetic material into the vector, the vaccine can build immunity to the desired pathogen. But any human-oriented shot, recombinant or not, specifically avoids transmission between individuals — despite false rumors that the COVID-19 vaccines “shed” onto others.
For animal populations, though, scientists hope that self-disseminating vaccines safely spread within the intended species. The idea gained traction in the 1990s: Australian researchers proposed self-spreading contraceptive vaccines to keep potentially harmful wildlife populations in check. Scientists in Spain later tested transmissible injections with rabbits to prevent diseases that are common in wild populations. In one 2001 field trial on a Spanish island, the vaccine reached around half of 300 rabbits.
These pioneering studies inspired Scott Nuismer, a computational biologist at the University of Idaho, to sing the technologies’ praises and collaborate with other researchers to develop transmissible vaccines for the hemorrhagic fever-causing Ebola and Lassa viruses.
While these technologies remain in the early lab stages, Nuismer says they may provide a superior alternative to current disease control methods like time-intensive traditional vaccine campaigns or depopulation.
“The beauty of a transmissible vaccine is that, if it works, it can be used in a way that has no negative impact on the [animal] reservoir,” Nuismer says. “In general, it’s a potentially ecologically safe way to eradicate human disease without messing with the ecology of the broader community of animals.”
Compared to transferable vaccines, transmissible ones can theoretically reach more remote populations at a greater speed — and with a lot less manpower. Still, they may present even greater challenges in the long run.
Troubleshooting the Transmissible Shot
Given the spreading nature of transmissible vaccines, they may have the potential to mutate or co-infect with other species-adapted viruses in the wild — potentially reaching humans, as claimed by a February 2021 article published in Nature Ecology & Evolution.
But scientists can avoid this problem by using vectors that are host-specific, or solely capable of infecting a single species, says Megan Griffiths, a Ph.D. student at the University of Glasgow who is spearheading work on transmissible rabies vaccines for vampire bats.
Even if the vaccine stays within the intended creatures, researchers need to make sure that it doesn’t inadvertently cause disease within them as it spreads and evolves. That’s another crucial factor in choosing a vector, says Daniel Streicker, a disease ecologist at the University of Glasgow who leads Griffiths’ lab. His team is currently working on both self-disseminating technologies to tackle rabies in vampire bats. The ideal candidates cause symptomless disease, he says. This is commonly the case with betaherpesviruses and cytomegalovirus, another vector being considered for spreading vaccines.
Still, plenty can happen out in the wild. When a piece of a Lassa virus, for instance, is inserted in a vector and released into wildlife, evolution will most likely respond by wiping out that material and reducing the injection’s effectiveness. “It won’t make it do anything scary, it will just render it back to its wild-type state,” Nuismer says. With that in mind, it'll be a challenge to design vaccines that won’t fizzle out too quickly in animal reservoirs. Finding vectors that still infect animals with immunity to that very virus may help, which is called superinfection; a phenomenon that we obviously try to avoid in humans.
To curtail concerns of a self-spreading vaccine becoming too transmissible, Nuismer suggests one with a reproduction number below one — meaning that each infection generates less than one new infection. Unless evolution intervenes, the vaccine becomes unsustainable and will go “extinct” once it’s no longer being actively introduced into the population.
A Potential Weapon?
Some experts have pointed to another possible unintended consequence: Whether recombinant vector technology could be used to create bioweapons.
This begs the question of whether someone might attempt to forcibly sterilize a population with self-spreading contraceptive shots, or release deadly pathogens to mingle in major cities.
It’s certainly an issue to consider, Streicker notes, but there’s probably more efficient ways to generate bioweapons. “There’s a lot of technology out there which can be misused,” he says. “I don’t think that’s necessarily a reason in and of itself to dismiss technology that could potentially have enormous benefits. We’re talking about potentially eliminating viruses that are killing people from animal populations, with a relatively low investment.”
While it’s important to proceed with extreme caution in developing transmissible jabs, Nuismer says, their spread to additional species presents a more likely threat than criminal applications. A safe path forward will require experiments under “absolutely controlled conditions” to make sure that vaccines can’t reach other species.
How Soon To Expect Them
It isn’t easy to provide a clear timeline for when animal populations around the world may receive self-disseminating vaccines, Streicker says. He sees transferable ones as an intermediate, yet beneficial, step toward their more powerful, yet trickier-to-implement transmissible counterpart. “I think [transferrable vaccines are] going to be able to be applied much earlier and hopefully will set some precedent for making people understand that these things can be safe and effective,” Streicker says.
As of September 2020, around 10 labs were devoting a notable chunk of resources toward self-spreading vaccines.
And the U.S. government is betting big on its potential to wipe out zoonotic diseases: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), a Pentagon-led research lab, has dedicated $9 million to prevent “spillover threats." Part of these funds go to Scott Nusimer and his collaborators (a group called PREEMPT) to test vaccines that might someday stamp out zoonotic pathogens in the wild. The three-and-half year project, which was announced in 2018, aims to “preserve the health of U.S. troops and communities around the world.”
But while these technologies have been decades in the making, plenty of logistical hurdles remain before they can be widely implemented. In the case of the Streicker lab’s transmissible rabies vaccine, Megan Griffiths says that her team still needs to isolate the vector and check that it can’t infect humans. And even if they can create a shot, it’s unclear how long the immunity will last in bats. To answer these questions, the team will likely set an isolated colony for testing this year and begin trying out transferable vaccines first.
Scientifically speaking, the more practical transferable method isn’t too far off, Streicker says, but regulatory hurdles remain. Within roughly a few years, a small-scale pilot study could ensure that the technology is safe before it can be effectively scaled up for broader use. And if transferable vaccines attain government approval, could they lead the way for transmissible ones? “The more we can do to show regulators that these sorts of approaches can be done safely before anything is being released in the wild, I think that will build up confidence,” Streicker says. “The attitudes towards all these things are changing. That’s not just for transmissible vaccines, but also because of new technologies like CRISPR and gene drives for mosquitos.”
As for the question lingering in everyone’s minds, it’s unlikely that self-spreading jabs, pastes or oral doses would ever be available to humans. Though it could be technically feasible, Nuismer says, the concept raises significant issues regarding ethics and consent. Instead, scientists are staying focused on eliminating possible human pathogens from wildlife, as well as addressing particularly harmful animal-specific diseases. Ultimately, the tech could benefit both us and our animal counterparts.
“It’s really hard, if you have a threatened population of wildlife, to protect them against pathogens that might be doing a lot of harm,” he says. “There’s lots of really interesting applications for this technology that aren’t just human pathogens.”
Virus-Vectored Immuno-Contraceptive Vaccines
Immuno-contraception is the use of an animal's immune system to prevent it from fertilizing offspring.
Construction and in vitro characterisation of virus-vectored immuno-contraceptive candidates derived from felid alphaherpesvirus 1
Virus-vectored immunocontraception (VVIC) is an attractive method for cat population management. Virus-vectored immuno-contraceptives could be self-disseminating through horizontal transmission of the VVIC in feral cat populations.
Their potential for use as a population management tool for cats is discussed.
Inactivated Rabies Virus-Vectored Immuno-contraceptive Vaccine in a Thermo-Responsive Hydrogel Induces High and Persistent Antibodies against Rabies, but Insufficient Antibodies against Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone for Contraception
A nonsurgical alternative to spay/neuter is a high priority for animal welfare, but irreversible infertility in one dose has not been achieved. Towards this goal, we developed a rabies virus-vectored immuno-contraceptive vaccine ERA-2GnRH, which protected against rabies virus challenge and induced >80% infertility in mice after three doses in a live, liquid-vaccine formulation.
Selection of antigens for use in a virus-vectored immunocontraceptive vaccine: PH-20 as a case study
The European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) has become the major agricultural and environmental pest species in Australia. Current methods of rabbit control are lethal procedures which are increasingly questioned for their overall efficiency, applicability, specificity, cost and humaneness. New initiatives are required. One such initiative is virus-vectored immunocontraception. In this approach, the lagomorph-specific myxoma virus will be genetically engineered to include genes encoding components of rabbit gametes which can induce an immune response that causes infertility. Central to such a strategy is the ability to identify antigens capable of inducing an immunocontraceptive response. A strategy for identifying such antigens has been described previously. A case study of one sperm antigen, PH-20, is reported here. The issues involved in developing this antigen to the stage where it could be considered as a candidate for insertion into a recombinant myxoma virus with the ultimate goal of testing for immunocontraceptive efficacy are discussed. Techniques for inserting genes into myxoma virus have been described previously. The knowledge gained from research with this particular antigen are broadly applicable to other antigens used for both immunocontraceptive vaccines in general and, specifically, for virus-vectored immunocontraception.
The articles below require an account in order to access them.
We now have the technology to develop vaccines that spread themselves
The Controversial Quest to Make a Contagious Vaccine
Self-disseminating vaccines to suppress zoonoses
We are now poised to begin developing self-disseminating vaccines targeting a wide range of human pathogens, but important decisions remain about how they can be most effectively designed and used to target pathogens with a high risk of spillover and/or emergence.
James Roguski
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The madness of the global cartel is frightening. This is a deliberate plan to make people sick and die early, what the eugenics want. All you can do is build up your own health the best you can.
James, this is great reference. I will be saving it--thank you for your diligence in protecting humanity.