I think they first want to kill off the old people. Old people can remember what the world used to be like. Can recognize patterns. Especially those coming of age in the sixties and seventies.

I remember the 1976 swine flu vaccination program. It rolled out fast and they put up vaccine programs in the schools and encouraged us students to go talk our parents into the vaccines. My mom said no. And that was that. Short time later people started reporting about being injured. They pulled the vax from the market. All these liabilities shields came after 1976 swine flu vaccine.

Plus, they want the young people to forget about natural immunity. Old people know about this. It’s how we stayed healthy prior to vaccines. I remember measles parties. Usually when one kid got sick, parents would let all the kids visit that kid so as to knock it out all at once and build immunity.

Folks, everything coming from our government is a lie. Food pyramid is a lie. Turn it upside down. Food pyramid will have you eating like a cow and a pig, not like a human should. Statin drugs big fat lie!

They really are trying kill us, especially the old people with memories.

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Old people also have pensions, collect social security, use medicare. All things they dont want to pay for. Im not gonna like my husband being anywhere near the hospital once hes retired because of that pension. Would have been much safer to just have a savings and nothing else. Who knew?

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When Trump was announcing Operation Warp Speed (OWS), Mike Pompeo was next on stage and he announced, “This is a LIVE EXERCISE.”

Trump, almost off stage turned and said, barely in reach of the mic, “Why didn’t you tell us?” But he continues to defend the CV-19 vaxxes and OWS. I can’t trust him.

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But he put RFK Jr in charge of Health, so I think he's going to stop the mRNA vaccines. Trump knew he should've listened to him instead of Fauci, although I haven't heard him admit it. But by appointing RFK Jr, I think it says it.

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I guess the most important question is: Why would they do this to us? What is their motivation? Is it simply an effort to reduce the population, or is there something even more sinister behind their scheme?

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Thank you! My eyes wide open now after the death of my son, Rich. I haven't trusted the government since 2008. I've had my fair share of dealing with the media. I investigated 6 school cancer clusters. ALL were from wireless exposures. I wouldn't have a child in any school at this point!

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Thank you James, nice work. This is nothing new. The medical/hospital system is military and was started under the Navy and is ran by the Medical Masons, or the Cult of Asclepius. When you check yourself into a hospital, you are checking into an enemy encampment. Doctors are licensed to kill.

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OMG Roguski... you've done it again. TOO MUCH INFORMATION... INFORMATION OVERLOAD.

The point is simple. The US Military calls weapons it orders 'Countermeasures'. It orders a Tank... it's a countermeasure. The DoD ordered millions of doses of the Pfizer mRNA gene therapy called 'Vaccines'. It ordered them as 'countermeasures'. Then, all the HHS secretary had to do was approve them for use, because they MIGHT be effective.

This what happened.

You are not doing anyone any favors by submitting a ridiculous amount of links. Why not simply state the point and then find a few links to back it up ?

Thanks for your efforts...

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This is a RESOURCE CENTER to enable people to find EVIDENCE to back up their claims, lawsuits or simply support their discussions with people. Most people do not have any idea that this information exists and would not know where to find it.

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Okay then James... why not a synopsis first with a few links and then the links to all the support articles ? Keep up the good work...

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Makes a criminal regime feel safe by effectively killing persons likely to confront sick regime. Safe & effective!

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Nice Timothy. That was poetry.

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Said from the perspective of the controllers, quackcines are safe for us to recommend/admimister because we waived any liability (from harm) for ourselves, and quackcines are effective at harming/maiming/killing the gen. pop., so we can have re-wild our hunting grounds.

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I mean if humans have steered dogs from wolves to sausage dogs and wild beasts into the cows and pigs we know today then why is it so hard to imagine a dominant human group steering the population into wage-slavery combined with further financial extraction through medical malfeasance?

Stock and domestic.

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dogs did not come from wolves

That was an assumption now proven wrong

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I should never trust wikipedia. Thanks.

Heres the link anyway


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Thumbnail Green, I like the way you think. Nice and concise.

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We do our best Tony. Its crazy out there.

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Yet James fails to list the world's only official COVID inquiry which has fully exposed another far more serious operation carried out with milltary precision. Lockdown. Everyone obessed and distracted by the 'vaccine' outrage whilst all this has been going on!! https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiryclosing

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This RESOURCE CENTER is focused on stopping the mRNA bioweapons. Do you know if the Scottish Inquiry addressed the issue of the "vaccines?"

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The bigger crime is what happened in care homes etc and allowed for the approval of mRNA to begin with. If you truly want to stop the injections you'd be exposing how 'the pandemic' advertised was a fraud and a mass democide event. Eg- if ''COVID'' wasn't killing anyone how can the injections ever be safe and effective and what are they really for?

Dr.Croft addressed the 'vaccines' on the first two days of our inquiry back in July 2023. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/dr-ashley-croftscottish-covid-19?utm_source=publication-search

There has been further testimony of harms/concerns by others. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiry-covid-vaccinations?utm_source=publication-search


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I watched old people in out small town get locked down. I can never unsee what I saw. I saw old people holding up poster boards behind a huge window informing their loved one they were ok. They were not ok. Many died without seeing their family. This happened in rural Bible Belt. Churches closed too. Wtf?

Why did the churches close? And just like that, the armor of god was no more.

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Why does James the ''freedom fighter'' not want to draw attention to what went on in care homes now all confirmed from Scotland?

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You seem to have ignored the main reason Trump created Warpspeed while at the same time recommending the use of hydroxychloroquine and refusing to implement lockdowns or mandate the experimental mRNA technology.

WarpSpeed Stopped The FEMA Camps

This film answers the question everyone has: "Why did Trump release the vaccines?" You will discover how the true agenda of the pandemic was to have ten years of lockdowns, followed by a Great Reset of the entire world. The pandemic was supposed to lead to the New World Order. But it didn't happen. What stopped it?

WATCH THIS INCREDIBLE FILM: https://stopworldcontrol.com/fema/

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Trump will never admit anything

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Thank you for your voice, James!

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If they even claim to need an investigation with all the evidence already out there I will know right away that nothing is gonna be done about any of it. We'll know soon enough.

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In March 2020, I saw on the website below "Covid 19 Vaccines" being exported by the US in 2017 and 2018. A woman reader saw it and posted the information, and I sent emails to my list showing the links. The label was changed from "Covid 19 Vaccines" to "Medical..." something, I forget. I was able to pull up the data, and note the new labels later on. The Search by year function was removed subsequently and access to Search by non-paying members was also removed.

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