On top of that, apparently pension funds in the US and Europe have been raided and those drawing the remaining funds have to be removed.

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It says; "alleged deaths. 500. Alleged deaths. " yeah like we can even believe that number. I wonder to this day if any basic healthy persons ever would have died of it, (the first fresh brand new modified covid thing.) Or If it was a virus or bacteria spread, then wouldn't most persons have lived, IF they simply had been given the right teatment? Yes.

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Thank you. Very helpful to have all those references in one place.

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This merger happened a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

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New York, Feb. 2. Dr. W. B. Clark, a well-known physician, insists that vaccination is the cause of cancer. He says:

“A cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. Cancer, I believe, is a disease of cell life, a disturbance of its equilibrium, manifested by the rapid growth of cells and the consequent building up of a tumor. I have had to do with at least 200 cases of cancer, and here declare that I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.

“The way vaccination causes cancer is like this: It takes 21 years to make a man and but four to make a cow, the former being of slow cell growth and the latter rapid. To put the rapid-growing cells, or protoplasm, of a diseased animal (in a condition of virulent infectious activity) into the slow-growing cells of man, is to disturb the equilibrium of cell life and create that disparity, disarrangement and disorganization which, when the season for cancer comes late in life, results in cancer, if not tuberculosis earlier.”

The Pueblo Sun, Volume 5, Number 133, February 2, 1909.


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How interesting! And so long ago!

But how dreadful. How awful.

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Right! and there's stuff even older. Is there anything worse than tragedy? i think this qualifies. (i hit the like but nothing happened).

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Fantastic overview of the multitudes of documentation produced by real heroes.

Though, as much as this has been overwhelmingly rolled out by the psychopathic owner's of the US and West, via primarily the US's owned political swamp and militarily owned Deep State, it is the included "Whatever is in the biochemical weapons bearing Pfizer and other pharma labels, is there because US SecDefs and their WHO-BIS handlers ordered it to be there" piece that has led me to conclude that those most directly responsible aren't just in the US or West, but that Russia, China, and all BIS member nations were and are fully in line in implementing the global Kill Box program. Additionally, the fact that they failed at fully rolling out their pre-planned Kill Box/fully digitally track and trace the slaves program, and have since implemented the wars the in Ukraine and Palestine, quite possibly allows for the nuclear option that they probably don't have the greatest desire for implementing, but if necessary will.

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Right on!

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Yes, and see this. Apparently the military and the Gates and Clinton foundations are operating their labs in Africa, which they also use as their testing grounds: https://www.allnewspipeline.com/Russian_Ministry_of_Defense_Warns_Of_Gates.php

Hopefully Trump is listening to the Russians on this.

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I won't be holding my breath with regard to Trump when considering he was the one who implemented OWS and has yet to admit it was a mistake or suggest that it needs to come to an immediate halt.

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Dear James: you work is so outstanding, that I am in awe every time I read the breath and depth of your reporting. Thank you for your continual dedication in bringing the truth to us and enlightening our understanding of so many important issues! You are a treasure!!

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The exposure of the mechanics of depopulation agenda is critical.

However, for many young people and increasingly children, the trans agenda is the critical issue they face.

From my limited experience, the trans agenda is not just advancing due to excessive funding by supporters; school and societal pressure from adherents; and social contagion.

Some young people and even children, are strongly convinced that they are essentially not the gender their physical body defines them to be.

This may be another tragic result of "vaccination" with embryonic matter or fetal tissue, from a baby of the opposite sex.

I have only seen minimal reference to this possibility.

We probably do not have time now to establish the facts, but the matter should still be given top priority for urgent investigation.

Even the possibility of this tragic outcome, is another vital reason to completely ban the production and administration of all "vaccines" NOW.

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Now we all know why Biden Pardoned people like Fauci & Milley!

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It's worth noting that in the USA, "disease management" pumps about $4 trillion/yr into the economy.

"Disease" has replaced war as the world's primary money spinner, the elites need continuing large-scale health crises to keep their Ponzi racketeering going. Pandemics are mammoth business opportunities for the Pharma Cartel and the financiers that control the details and direction of policy.

SARS-COV-2 is an in silico “virus” entirely created on a computer. SARS-COV-2 was/is a hoax. It never existed.

As the “War on Terror” illustrated, these deep events are constructed to exploit as many different lines of acquisition as possible.

The phony “Covid Pandemic” replaced the phony “War on Terror” and another revamped “worldwide crisis” miraculously morphed into a ruling class multi-purpose golden opportunity.

Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of FALSE ATTRIBUTION. Normal seasonal respiratory illnesses were all put under an umbrella with a scary code name and a massive marketing budget.

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society- Blackrock formulated this policy in 2019 (see below)- "Covid-19" was the circuit breaker to put the plan in motion.

Covid-19, The Operation, is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy and consolidate their control.

There is no such thing as “Covid-19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

IMF Chief K Georgieva- "Vaccine policy is economic policy."

The primary objective to the "Covid-19" epidemiological scamdemic portion of the Operation is to normalize a new Pharma market of mRNA gene modifications because the multiple patents of "blockbuster" medicines (patent cliff) are expiring and Pharma ROI has been nosediving for two decades for multiple reasons.

The plan is for the mRNA "vaccine" cash cow to be much bigger than Covid. The plan is to use similar mechanisms against any imagined viral pathogen in existence, get the tech to market and start going down the list with their readily "downloadable" mRNA platforms for these new "diseases" that they perpetually invent.

Suggesting many of Pharma's problems could be sidestepped BARDA's Rick Bright said the following at the Oct 2019 Milken "Furture of Health Summit", “ [If]there were an urgent call for an entity of excitement that is completely disruptive and is not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.”

But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of a novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that to a number of regional centers if not local."

Another significant aspect of the Covid Operation is to sanction and legalize regulatory mechanisms which will allow Pharma to sidestep lengthy and costly clinical trials with this new "Pharma business model" through this "new" delivery system.

The plan is to implement a subscription model for endless mRNA injections and turn us into human pincushions in order to line the pockets of The Pharma Cartel.

"There is a coming tsunami of mRNA medicines." - Melissa J. Moore, Ph.D. Chief Scientific Officer, Moderna

BlackRock Investment Institute- MACRO AND MARKET PERSPECTIVES/AUGUST 2019


The Going Direct Reset


BlackRock Authored the Bailout Plan Before There Was a Crisis – Now It’s Been Hired by three Central Banks to Implement the Plan


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Excellent summary of the "Covid Pandemic" following all other phony wars (of terror!). Great info, thank you, Allen. I really enjoyed your review. I so agree with your analyses!! Anna FN

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darpa madethe jabs

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Can anyone recommend a podcast or movie that would accurately describe what is happening to our elderly relatives. I

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Most nations have been coercing, even forcing people to take harmful vaccines for decades, via fearmongering medical propaganda and lies.

Are independent "national governments" responsible for this?

Or is a covert operation coercing/forcing "national governments" to comply?

No national health authority worldwide has responsibly investigated "vaccines".

No national health authority worldwide has identified the undeniable dangers of "vaccines" and acted decisively to protect their populations.

Instead the carpet has been consistently nailed down securely!

Clear adverse events are denied, minimalised, or claimed as acceptable risk/benefit outcomes.

Now that populations are soundly indoctrinated in the belief that all "vaccines" are "safe and effective", the ultimate mRNA vaccine is released to cure every illness and disease, real or imagined!

The mRNA "vaccines" can be miraculously produced at warp speed, in brand new "laboratories" being constructed at warp speed and popping up like mushrooms in "cooperating nations" worldwide.

The theory is that the masses will buy the narrative.

SPEED IS ESSENTIAL though - before too many people wake up.

Thank you James for continuing to ring the warning bells loudly and clearly.

Sadly many warning bells have been tolling unheeded worldwide for a long time.

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If a wolf tells me he is a vegetarian, and I believe him, ...

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