The figures are clear, have been for years. The problem is if it isn't covered by the lamestream press, most people will have no idea this evidence even exists. And they'll just trot off to the next jab center.

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God bless you for steadfastly telling the truth. May more and more people hear it and vow to tell the truth to protect their fellow human beings from this evil.

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It also, like with the UK's statistician collating team at the 'Office For National Statistics' whom were pressured by Professor Fenton's counter statistical analysis team for 9 months for better readable data using different formula that actually came out worse, depends on exactly what and whose data algebraic formulas you are reading.....

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All this talk about proven numbers of death by vaccine: Are you aware that many death from vaccine are not reported as vaccine death? Doctors and hospitals were not allowed to. My daughter suffered terribly after the booster shot but when she got to the hospital (2022) they put her in the Covid Ward, shoved a ventilator hose down her throat and called it Covid death.

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James Roguski = 1 true warrior

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Thank you for including and reviewing our work in your report.

See also: https://correlation-canada.org/research/

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Thank YOU for all you have done and continue to do!

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Hi James, we need more people seeing my detox info that I learned from Dr. Hildegarde Staninger: https://rumble.com/vuvcju-covid-19-long-haul-and-shot-adverse-effects-you-can-fully-heal.html

And I provided the forensic proof of the heavy metals found in all CV manufactured shots: https://rumble.com/v1jodlh-toxic-substances-found-in-covid-vaccines-without-exception-new-german-study.html


I have helped many people restore their health after 1 or more CV shots. People can recover. They just need to see the info and take action to get their health back because regular doctors do not use forensic toxicity tests to show people the amount of toxins in them and certainly the majority of doctors out there have NO clue on safe detoxification and/or care to provide the info.

We should do a talk about that.

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The other piece is socio-psycho-emotional. That is, the gaslighting, dividing, and destroying the ability to make a living and get food. All of that impacts this physiologic damage, making the shots much more lethal.

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Hi James, I have a suggestion for another article, if it's not already in the works. I suggest an article outlining what people CAN do in regards to their health if they've taken the jabs. I don't want people to feel totally helpless, or worse, after looking at all this evidence.

Suggestions would be: symptoms to be on the look out for, who is at greatest risk for what regarding age, sex etc (an example would be myo/pericarditis in young men), refer them to HowBadisMyBatch.com. Making a list or linking videos of doctors suggesting what blood tests or imaging people can request if they suspect they may have issues. Articles by doctors listing supplements and treatment for long-covid or "long-vax".

Thank YOU and everyone involved in this project. I will be printing and handing out the NotSafeandNotEffective business cards.

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I already do this based on my own intentional poisoning experience: https://rumble.com/c/thepaladina I even have a specific one with the forensic proof we have of heavy metals found in all CV manufactured shots; how people can do proper forensic testing and how to safely detoxify even the nano tech from the body. https://rumble.com/v1jodlh-toxic-substances-found-in-covid-vaccines-without-exception-new-german-study.html I have several detox videos posted on Rumble based on my experience with the symptoms, begging people to detoxify even without proof going back to 2021: https://rumble.com/vuvcju-covid-19-long-haul-and-shot-adverse-effects-you-can-fully-heal.html

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Thank you, I will check these out.

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You are very welcome.

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maybe you'd like this short animi, it's about how to fight and win. I saw it maybe a year ago for the 1st time, it moved me to tears. in the very beginning you'll see the phrase: first seek for the ...

after you've seen the film, what do you think is the word to finish the phrase? I can think of 2 possibilities and can't choose between them untill today - both seem so right. maybe the film can give you some strenght and firmness.

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We can beat a dead horse, they are murdering the people!

Or we can focus on the SOLUTION!!!

Your work is, and has been, so valuable. Thankyou, but we must focus on the living and let the water under the bridge be grieved. Those living are still worthy of supporting.

We MUST, I repeat, must correct our status to the LIVING. This is in regards to the lawful and legal jurisdictions. Once we get out of the wrong definition/status and into the right and correct status, then and ONLY then can we make a difference, have power, activate our VOICE, and claim our living rights back!!

If you want this, then right now you are defined as a USCitizen: which is the wrong status for a living wo/man.

We living beings should have RIGHTS, and we dont as USCitizens! How?


Because the jurisdiction of the sea (maritime) has claimed you as a registered cargo (per the birth certificate) and "lost". You must come to the shore of the land, stand up and claim your rights as a living wo/man, and correct the fraudulent mis-classification of you. You are NOT CARGO!



YOU DESERVE all that is yours to be returned to you.

Its all in the slimy, duplicitous, criminal, sneaky paperwork that you dont even know about. These criminals have continued slavery in the cover of "pretending to be your protectors". The paperwork on you is incorrect!

You and only you can correct it.

Do that here...


And learn the detailed and extensive history that has defrauded and denuded the last 6 generations at that site..

We need to do this for ourselves, our children, the peace we deserve, and for our land and societies.

Correct your status!!!

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So true

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Good investigative work. I took the Pfizer vaccine three times. I will never get another vaccination again. I thank God I’m here today.

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Yes ~!

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Worldwide excess deaths after the administration of these vaccines!!! The simple truth is not being faced....POISON KILLS. The matter in all VAXES is something that does not belong in the human bloodstream. Commercial interests have been promoting lies for generations. Nutrients from wholesome food strengthen the Immune System...not POISONS.

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Hi James, now all the evidences are really stacking up is there any attourny/lawyer legal dude who can take the case to court? I mean, with all this overwhelming evidence there should be room for a grand jury to look in to it all! Pfizers and Modernas ceo's and all the people who made money from the pandemic on the bench! The vaccines was nothing but a big moneygrab! There MUST be consequenses for all of it! People should go to jail for it! What's wrong with the worlds goverments? That vaccine was the beginning of global massmurder! They are still doing it! Bill Gates foundation are the worst of them all!


Bjørn Leif-oscar Liptovari

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This is an awesome and thorough stack👍

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Which should be sent to all DC reps. The swamp creatures.

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Now the Evil Doers are using all tactics against us. More fires, more vaxxes, more censorship and now FOG. Did you see the FOG experiments on X? The person who did the testing wants more people to sign up to collect specimens in various locations.

Thanks for this really great compilation report on the deaths from the vaxxes. I hope that the Evil Doers are removed from Earth and locked up somewhere they cannot hurt anyone any more.

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