I'd like to ACT, is there anything specific to do, beyond sharing? How can I REJECT this?

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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Only thing to do is fight back, what else? Reading about more and more law suits in more and more places, but do they ever win? The ennemy is pretty thick, well prepared and rich, not to forget...but we are the many, neither to forget...!

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Here's my response to Steve Kirsch from Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0: Great No-Virus Debate w/ Dr Andrew Kaufman & Steve Kirsch ft Covid Virus never isolated. 56 Million Gene Sequences made-up in Computer (AI) Simulation. Then, turned into a Synthetic Vaccine in 3 days. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/great-no-virus-debate-w-dr-andrew

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Absolutely! OUT ASAP!

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Can anyone verify...

WHO wants to gillotiene people who refuse next jab?

I know they have the guillotines/ "paper cutters" thanks to Obama.. but I didn't think that's going to come into play so soon

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Jun 14Edited
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Mia, sorry about that. Your right.unfortunatly I have nothing else but that. Iv had it verified from military that they do have gillotienes ..yet all I have is someone telling me that it is on the amendments. I'm still searching for this

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Another League of Nations ‘treaty’ construct that few seem aware of. Note the dates of implementation. >>> Excerpted from: UNIDROIT - Wikipedia

"UNIDROIT (formally, the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law; French: Institut international pour l'unification du droit privé) is an intergovernmental organization whose objective is to harmonize private international law across countries through uniform rules, international conventions, and the production of model laws, sets of principles, guides and guidelines. Established in 1926 as part of the League of Nations, it was reestablished in 1940 following the League's dissolution through a multilateral agreement, the UNIDROIT Statute. As of 2023 UNIDROIT has 65 member states.

UNIDROIT has prepared multiple conventions (treaties), but has also developed soft law instruments. An example are the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts. Distinctly different from the Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) adopted by UNCITRAL, the UNIDROIT Principles do not apply as a matter of law, but only when chosen by the parties as their contractual regime." [End quote] Please read and comprehend the entire text. >>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNIDROIT

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WHO, WEF have slyly moved in to a position that we now need to ask our governments to leave - crazy, they are criminal, corrupt, and the public need to stop obeying governments who have led us to a position that criminals are telling us what to do and what our lives must be. WHAT do governments do to improve our lives? Really! I can't think of ONE thing.

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Who needs to be brought to its knees, we will not listen to them..big pharma is now out of control ..

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John Campbell during COVID used to be on TV telling us all to have the COVID vaccine.

I remember it well.

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he turned coat and has become very wealthy - he was responsible for telling many thousands to get injected, as was recently deceased michael mosley.

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Yes you are so right.

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Just listened to James on John Campbell’s podcast. After following so many people on this issue I really get the sense that James has arrived (with the tremendous work involved) at the crux of the matter. The pieces fall into place and fit perfectly with what we know about big pharma and all the other well connected corporations that rush in to take advantage of every emergency. It’s disaster capitalism at the level of global health level. Exploitation at its finest.

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It’s disaster capitalism at the level of global health level. Exploitation at its finest.

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Ive been screaming about this for at least two years..no one listens..not my political reps no one..i refuse to do anything they say

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I'll buy that for a Dollar. RoboCop reference.

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Yes,we must get out of that cartell !! We must bild something better for the sake of humanity

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Check out Kathryn Watt at Bailiwick News.

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Yes. Katherine Watt has provided the most comprehensive expose' of 'legal' yet unlawful regulatory and agency malfeasance on the internet. Her analyses present valid Lawful argument for any attorney who has the audacity to present before a court of Law. > Evidence to support eventual treason prosecutions of members of Congress, presidents, cabinet secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381 >>> 18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason >>> https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2381

Evidence of Presidential and Congressional treason, 1900-1969 >>> KATHERINE WATT >>> MAY 08, 2024 >>> https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/evidence-of-presidential-and-congressional >>> Thank you for posting.

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Where have you been all my life?

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Heh, heh... Waiting for you to ask the question. Best regards.

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