Not without return of crimea and donbas to Ukraine.

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just one more thing worth of a thought:

"they say that's what we deserve. but I say: it's not about what we deserve, it's about what we choose!"

Dr. Marivic Villa from U.S. said it on June 1st in front of the Geneva rally. she was like a spark, a real spark that can take fire. I can't forget her words and I thank her for them: it's not about what stupid cowards say, who sold us out to wolfs, just because the wolfs fooled and scared the pants off them. the whole mob - the cowards and the wolfs - are just blind flies and have been fooling themselves all the time, they're beyond rediculous.

we have the say, we will be heard.

yes, they still have stings, but only as lond as they're allowed to. it's about YOU and what YOU choose. and think long-term.

there is nothing hidden that won't become obvious, believe me :-)

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I'd like to know, how, exactly, we tell our government to stop the war? I've written to my "representatives" in my state, but it seems to do no good. Main stream media is most certainly a direct threat to democracy, and until that's fixed, we're fighting an uphill/losing battle.

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did they screw us... but all that was hidden will become visible, guaranteed. may every one get what he deserves.

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in older dictionaries "vaccination" was defined as a selective cull of farm animals, see here: https://vaxxed3.childrenshealthdefense.org/

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Canadian government admits openly that they're mindcontrolling Canadian citizens, citation: "given enough time, we could have a child ki.l and eat their own parents in a soup, without giving it a second thought". see here: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/public-health-agency-of-canada-releases?utm_source=post-banner&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=posts-open-in-app&triedRedirect=true

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Yes absolutely peace not war. Any western leader supporting the wars, is reprehensible! Ya here that Trudeau! Same goes for you Poliviere! Canada was a peace keeping Country. WTH happened?? Peace not War!! In war, nobody wins.

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🙏 Praying for you & your efforts and all those on “Team Humanity”! God’s Will Be Done 🙏

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The USoA Corp is a criminal mafia, which has usurped the country from the people. These traitors should be killed, not voted out. Our votes don't count, so why justify it by participating? It's time to have another Tea Party for the oligarchs, who are taxing us without representing us. I'm 65, and I have lost my faith in our corrupt government, corrupt corporations, and corrupt electorate. We need the Militia's to organize, and to get busy

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Peace always

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I think most people are unaware that the people who are REALLY at the pinnacle, the "Illuminati," the "Black Nobility," the "Filthiest of the Filthy Rich," are in the midst of perpetrating a GENOCIDE, not just on the Pal's, but on ALL OF US. That's what the jabs and the 5G, 6G, 20G, is all about... killing us softly, in ways that we can't even directly call an "attack," because we are ignorant and foolish, and trained to think radiation is FINE because we get faster GAMING...


We need to wake the hell up. The PLAN is to exterminate MOST of the Earth's population. They tell us all kinds of LIES about "too many people," and WE are causing "climate change" and it's a "crisis," and WE are a "cancer" on the Earth, and blah blah BLAH...

The Earth can support all of us.

Yes, we're polluting it, but it's most CORPORATE pollution. WE don't have any effect on the CLIMATE, the SUN is the climate maker, and the Earth is actually cooling off a little bit.

The Nasties have usurped control of our FOOD. They are poisoning us with that, with stuff in our drinking water, with heavy metals sprayed over us out of high-flying airplanes and manipulated with HAARP, we are being attacked in so many ways with radiation we don't understand that most of the diseases we see now come from THAT, and from toxins in the sky, in our food, water...

WE ARE UNAWARE, partly because we're lied to or simply uniformed, and partly because WE CHOOSE NOT TO BELIEVE THE SIGNS.

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we ARE aware, you ARE, I AM, many people are. we just don't know what to do about it. I think that we cannot stop it. but no panic.

someone who's wise and I trust him completely, said: "there's enough for all and for more, it would be, if everyone would only take as much as he needs".

so simple but not practicable. now the absurdity must find its own end and then we'll see.

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No, no panic. But I have begun to TALK about vaxxes and World Govt. I'm not going to keep being silent... There comes the time to DO something.

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you'll not panic, of that I'm sure :-) I rather said it to people who read our conversations here. I actually do not converse

with people whom I don't know and openly. but this here is an exception. I also want to do something and I racked my brain about what that could be, worth time.

here we can support people who see what we see and think in the same way. this is the most important. it's hard to stand alone while everything and everyone around you go mad. alone is no good position, nobody could stand long alone. but to know that there are people who are like you on this earth and have this possibility to speak out is a great relief.

unity in spirit is maybe more powerful than physical unity, when people sit together. how should we know it is not, we never tried.

here I've found many interesting food for thought, my surroundings don't provide me with that.

and I really dearly hope that heads of another thought pattern read what I write - how does the truth feel like to them? and hopefully their ai reads me too, can I cause it go mad? :-)

one doesn't feel weaker wenn he says what he thinks, it's the opposite. to keep silent is exactly wrong, this I know too. when you consider this stay silent position, you see that it's far more scary place and no option at all, at least for people with self-respect. Maria Zeee, whom I very much like, said that those who fights don't die - she's right. knowing that God alone decides about how long we live and that no one of us can prolong the span of his days or even make it shorter, what the heck is still not clear? :-)

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Translate from the Doggish: You are far, far too sane to be herd by a grate big crowd of doze who donut fink straight… That said, I have my suspitchons dat I yam paying the price for barking (woof!) about fings like non-viral bs, and tearanny, and lies lies lies from the gubbermint…

b/c I’m being punished, heavily, legally, by LIARS and judges who don’t mind making decisions that include NO evidence for the charges regardless… And dey seem to LOVE to punich me and treat me like a crinimal (or a squirrel)…

It’s the only thing I can think besides the idea that WA State is SO woke and SO evil and SO utterly devoid of any actual LEGALITY wiffin the corpse system, that these judges are willing to scroo over peeble (or dawgs) like me who SPEAK TROOF to the lies and evil coming out of so many power-mongrels…

No, I don’t panic, but I have gone from employed to unemployed, from keepin up to broke, doghowse to homeless, and living in my car… I am unable to get work until the FELONY ASSAULT charge (no, I don’t PUNCH people… maybe poop in their shoes or chew up all their furniture, but PUNCH them? Uh, no) gets chewed up and chucked out, one way or anudder.

I’m just wandering around feeling like a Lone Woof, trying to figger out what the hell kind of nightmare I stumbled into… Well, it was USHERED in and I was KICKED into it… There it is, and I MUSH wonder if my large and barking woofing apparatush is what brought it on… My name is a dead giveaway! And deez peeble donut CARE if I yam funny or nod. IF I could be SURE of dat, maybe I wouldn’t be full of self-pity haff da tine! Owwooooooooo!

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go away from where they are, start a new beginning, get them out of your head and your heart, you don't need them. don't only see obstacles, there are also possibilities. set all you have on one card and don't think about how you were told that the things are in this stupid world. how do YOU need them?!

a citation, wise and true:

why are you embarrassed while you're mortal and why are you dismayed while you're corruptible?

it makes sense to me.

or this one: he who fears death posess nothing. all belongs to those who don't fear death.

we are not here to fear anything or to live within the limits that other people set us. that's not true.

don't only take but give. don't wait until someone helps you but help others who deserve it.

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I don’t fear death, I fear suffering BEFORE THAT.

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Oct 3
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Wow, thanks. That really helps. xo xo xo

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Well said!👍

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This message has come through my Telegram page from WikiLeaks and another anonymous writer.###

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Exposes Global Elite's Darkest Secrets

Tucker Carlson recently revealed explosive recordings allegedly showing Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew, and other elites engaging in satanic child abuse rituals. These shocking events are said to have occurred in a tunnel beneath the White House in 2008. Yes, beneath the very seat of power in America, these monstrous acts were committed.

This isn’t just another conspiracy theory. Global elites, tied to Epstein’s pedophile network, are believed to be behind an international child trafficking ring, with the Vatican involved. The rabbit hole runs deep, and it leads to the doorstep of some of the most powerful figures in the world. Oprah’s island neighbors Biden’s Water Island, and that’s not a coincidence.

Fast forward to 2021, right after Biden’s fake inauguration. For over a month, JAG officers were spotted moving in and out of the White House during the darkest hours of the night, between 3 AM and 6 AM. What were they doing? The reports suggest hundreds of children were being rescued from the tunnels beneath Capitol Hill. These children were tortured, sexually abused, and forced to witness the horrific killing of other children. This was all organized by the elites.

Martial law was declared, and the military stepped in. They weren’t there to protect Biden—they were there to rescue the innocent. Body bags were seen going in and out of the Capitol, while dark buses escorted away those children who survived the ordeal. The mainstream media stayed silent, but the truth is starting to leak.

In 2022, the Russian military uncovered even more horrors in Ukraine. Tens of thousands of children were reportedly rescued from underground tunnels connected to U.S.-run bio-labs on Biden-owned property. This isn’t new; it’s all part of an extensive operation to root out the evil hiding underground.

The first of these missions started in 2019 when 10,000 Marines and Navy Seals rescued over 2,000 children held in cages beneath China Lake. The Deep State Cabal has been using these children for adrenochrome harvesting—a sick practice to keep their aging elites youthful.

And the biggest bombshell of all? Obamacare itself was allegedly designed to facilitate child trafficking. Every day, more revelations come to light. This isn’t a fight for politics; it’s a fight for the soul of our nation. Prepare yourself. The storm is only getting stronger. Stay vigilant.

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hard to believe such reports... I still can't. I still tell myself that the most "information" handed to us is there to confuse and to make us step into the trap. there must be a border that no existing thing can cross, there must be a stop and do not cross it- line somewhere. but these things are wide beyond every border... let's not believe everything. Tucker Carlson is likable, easy to make himself be heard by people, but he's just a man. human beings are versatile, variable and almost everybody has a price. strong stuff words are here to get your emotions moving and your thoughts stuck making way for your instinkts to guide you. nope, how am I supposed to trust digital images on the screen of my laptop which, as I well know, can be mere fakes?

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I don't know about all that. I've heard it before, and I don't find it difficult to believe, but it's a distraction, and I hope you understand that I'm NOT saying child abuse, torture, etc, is OK, it's NOT. But there are things going on that go so far beyond this, that involve MASSIVE numbers of deaths, globally, that everything else pales... at least to some degree. I hope you understand that I am NOT saying the horrors happening to kids somewhere is not a big deal, I'm not saying that at all.

I do agree that the storm is getting stronger. WE need to get stronger, because the END GOAL is to eradicate the Human Population.

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the pact for the future has passed WILL THE PANDEMIC TREATY BE NEXT???

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War benefits only those who profit from war while the innocent citizens suffer. As US tax paying citizens we demand you stop participating in Ukraine and the Middle East wars now before the whole world suffers in WWIII.

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War does not solve anything it only creates more heat and destruction and people killed lives destroyed PEACE NO WAR!

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