There is order within chaos; it’s up to each of us to find it.

COP 29 vs. Global Climate Intelligence Group: The ‘climate emergency’ is over.


COP 29 vs. Illegal UFO secrecy: The Lost Century of free energy strategies ... documentary.


2024 Oct Famine by Design: 'How They’re Going to Destroy our Food Supply' includes video clip of 2015 ‘Food Chain Reaction’ exercise where, at 12:30 mins, John Podesta steps up to the podium. John Podesta, former White House Chief of Staff and Chair of Hillary Clinton’s U.S. presidential campaign. https://strongandfreecanada.org/iron-will/famine-by-design-how-theyre-going-to-

2017 Sept Podesta Emails: Abby Martin Exposes John Podesta & Friends https://impiousdigest.com/podesta-emails-abby-martin-exposes-john-podesta-friends/

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Full zombification/vegetabalisation of the people now in full kilter! It's mostly ALL LIES

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What a scam! We can't control the climate changing no matter how much money you throw at it. The climate has been changing since the earth came into existence, will always be changing, until the earth doesn't exist. But the BS of thinking we can do anything to affect the climate changing is insane, and just yet another scare tactic of governments, and apparently wannabe one world governments, to further erode the freedoms the rest of western civilization has left. I sure hope Trump will put a stop to our participation in this crap, and make the list of US dept heads that are involved incorrect, and obsolete. Then we need to work on getting rid of the UN. Stop paying for any of it out of US funding, kick them out of New York, and the US completely exit from the UN.

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Did someone say the sky is falling? Or was that the boy crying "WOLF!" I see the instigators want 1 trillion per year to put Humpty-Dumpty back together? The problem is all the kings horses and all the kings men pushed Mr. Dumpty off the wall, themselves, knowing the irreparable damage which would inevitably result from such an action, with the intent of charging for worthless repairs. Telling people the sky is falling and demanding payment for protection is exactly the argument strongarm organized crime extortionists used in New York and Chicago to steal money from small private business owners during the gangster era of American History. I see strongarm extortionists are moving up in the world.

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Government has become a protection racket, although perhaps it always was.

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The primary duty of the government is to make sure our God given rights are protected and insured. Yes, the government has slyly shifted from protecting the Constitution to protecting the people. But it's not a slight shift, it is, as you say, a protection racket on a glorified scale. Not what the creators of the Constitution intended at all.

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Yes, I was thinking more widely than just the USA and across history.

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Climate is an SNL Skit, they know it and we aren't having it

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Thank you!

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What a wicked waste of money spent on climate change. History proves we have had terrible weather castrophes. You'd have to be thick not to be able to see. Blaming cows for blowing off is absolutely sick everything has wind.

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America has problems that need to be addressed, before getting involved in this phony climate change business. Tell your representatives to focus on America...Our infrastructure and other needs are not being met. Stop sending money elsewhere.

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And the English gov just went full retard by forcing solar farms squeezing out farms . Here we go again ; just like the Dutch two years ago .

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And soon they will be hungry and importing more food than they do now.

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I have long said that the climate change movement was all about money, shifting money, making people rich etc. and this idea simply solidifies my belief. It’s all about money, not the climate .

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You are so right MIck.Everything is money money and more money Utter tripe. When will people ever wake up to fraudulent lies corruption putting blinkers on the masses.

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I’d keep my eye on the Smurf’s and/or proxies here https://html.duckduckgo.com/html?q=azerbijan%20stock%20exchange%3F.

Then see what forex and BTC trades do and if it can raise various trillions desired 💵 money 💰 and cutting derivatives.

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It is great to see James getting into Climate change. THe topic is complex, multidisciplinary. We are however dealing with forecast and therefore always probability scenario. ANd prediction are inextricably conected with biases, as they depend on the value attributed to certain parameters. This should be kept at a level of researchnot tranlsated into public policies and a costly one!

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Hey Paola, we need to chat!

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fully agree!

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Climate Change, what a HOAX! The Climate will always change. They can't even give a 7-day forecast without changing it, and they still don't get it right! Summer is HOT and Winter is COLD...period. Look up the CCC (Copenhagen Consensus Center). This has spilled over in all of our colleges. Science not based on FACTS but CONsensus. They are highly involved in pushing this 'Climate Change' garb. They are the ones behind Carbon Taxes. The Pope came out yesterday and thinks we need to really go after climate change. He's for open borders, yet has a huge closed fenced facility at the Vatican, where no one could get in. It's all (UNAgenda21-2030-2050) about control. Control of the population and population control. These globalists will destroy our Constitution/Bill of Rights completely if this continues. Remember the DFC (International Development Finance Corporation) in Washington is funding all of this crap with our TAX $$$s. Supposedly investing on behalf of the American people. What another HOAX is, is the DFC!

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Good one Virginia!!

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Thank you for feeling the same way 🙏😊 we must fight back or be run over and be enslaved no way no slaves ever freedom truth and real not fake justice for citizens tired of no accountability and passed for wealthy criminals and bad actors

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LMAO What a bag of dickhead criminals.

We need a more diverse and vibrant UN, make it all chimney red and halloween orange.,

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If you think that’s bad . Just look what the British government just sign off on ..

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Of course they will use a pedophile like Podesta to run the show. And what's killing is the bioweopens mrna not air pollution. These bastards never stop

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