Seychelles is right in the pocket of the WHO We were in Cyprus! Yup!🇸🇨

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Please note that Kaos = Control "They" are causing these issues all over the world to make us turn on each other. If you understand the Prophesies properly and the history of why the Romans slaughtered innocent people it is because they were following the true Commandments. The Catholic Church changed God's rule and thus changed the 7th Day Sabbath (4th Commandment) by replacing the 2nd commandment, which our Lord states clearly that we should "not make nor bow down to any "Graven Images". Even our Calanders currently show Monday as being the first day of the week!

The Pope's "Laudato Si" states that the "Mother, Catholic Church systems are combining State with Church by interfering. Their opinions connecting Climate Changes "Quote" from the Jerusalem Post Sept24, 2023 "There is no higher fulfillment of the Jewish mission than to honor and save the majesty of God's creation and to do so as individuals and as part of a global Jewish collective with Israel as our national platform... Because of Shabbat observance in Israel, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by a third - and are nearly zero on Yom Kippur". See www.jpost.com/environment-and-climate-change/article-760321. So you see that because on the one hand they agree the Saturday rest is doing good for our "climate" so they will endeavor to push the "Sun"worship, Sun day (which goes against God's true commandment) "Remember the Sabbath and keep IT holy with the Jewish connection but turning the "daughters" Protestant churches to a Sunday rest. This disrespectful sacrifice of God's Law into man's law through Church and State which will become mandated (wait and see) to effect our weather patterns?? BS yeh, right then King Charlie will pursue accordingly. These laws will connect to 15mins cities, control of the population through electronic IT methods of money handling etc etc. Sunday will be forced onto the populus to rest and not the true Sabbath Saturday to work, just as in the Egyptian times and this is why Moses was sent to save "our people". PS I am not a Dew but interested in the history of how all these historical connections are being repeated to this day. Eg. Constatine adapted the citizens to their "gods" through community control (in those days) so as to keep the peace. Then later Romans slaughtered millions for the sake of control and blamed God-fearing disciplined families to drop their belief in Jesus and hale Ceasor. Please understand that if you are involved in the "Protest-ant" church belief ask yourself why did they "Protest" against the "Mother" Church, because they knew the truth! Read Matthew 24 - The warning of false Gods......

Civil wars will comes if we don't reject these Religious compromises. You will see how "Bowing down" to false gods is the beginning of "you will have nothing and be happy"! We will not be able to buy or sell ! To feed our families will be difficult, it is happening all over the world with false flag events.

Pray that you can be brave through JC by being self sufficient with food and throwing away the surveillance phones! Demand a stop to the bs "climate change" and save our Countries asap. SIMPLE !!

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So where is the “desperation”?

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‘Our end will be your hunger’: Quebec farmers mobilize to defend their future

Quebec farmers are calling for stronger government support and recognition of the importance of their work. 'We want to try to be as environmentally friendly as possible. But it takes resources, and often we don't have as much,' said one farmer.

By Alexandra Lavoie March 19, 2024 News Analysis

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On March 15, 2024, the region of La Malbaie, Quebec, witnessed an unprecedented day of mobilization by Quebec farmers, who are grappling with increasing challenges in the agricultural sector. Tensions and concerns reached a peak today with a remarkable demonstration.

Some of their slogans were: "Our end will be your hunger" and "Our Future Is Being Able to Feed You."


A slow roll of farmers displaying their slogans: "Your hunger will be our hunger" and "Our future is being able to feed you.'"

More to come at https://t.co/jpizCiOXoc pic.twitter.com/dnIsdTV29f

— Alexandra Lavoie (@ThevoiceAlexa) March 15, 2024

At the heart of this mobilization is a passionate call to the government and the public, as highlighted by one farmer during an interview: "It's to raise awareness among the government and the population about the important issues happening in the agricultural sector."

The challenges facing Quebec farmers are not unique to the region; they are felt across Quebec and beyond. As another farmer emphasized, "There are monetary issues... But what we want from the government is for them to listen to us."

Farmers express concern about the decreasing agricultural incomes, a phenomenon that threatens the long-term viability of the sector. "We all know for years that things haven't been going well in agriculture... And I think that's enough," stated one farmer.


Happening now, a convoy of tractors and farmers are slowly moving down to la Malbaie to shed a light on the green energy regulations that is hurting the agricultural industry in Quebec.https://t.co/RtWcy1NZIZ pic.twitter.com/hV8yiUraiF

— Alexandra Lavoie (@ThevoiceAlexa) March 15, 2024

Environmental challenges and bureaucratic regulations also represent major obstacles. One farmer pointed out: "All the environmental standards to reach the Agenda 2050, these are all things that are being added."

Quebec farmers are calling for stronger government support and recognition of the importance of their work. "We want to try to be as environmentally friendly as possible... But it takes resources, and often we don't have as much," said another farmer.

Despite the challenges, farmers remain determined to defend their future and ensure Quebec's food security. Their message is clear: Listen to us, support us, and together, we can build a sustainable future for Quebec agriculture.


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This is what Pfizer wanted kept under wraps for 75 years: the 'safe and effective vaccine' with 9 pages of side effects.



Join: GITMO TV 🇺🇸

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WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS JAMES? Michael Yon on the Darién Gap: A Gateway for Population Invasion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kviI-IJAaZo

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Published 23rd May 2022:

Today, 2,668 billionaires — 573 more than in 2020 — own $12.7 trillion, an increase of $3.78 trillion.


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GOD bless you JR - Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves. Guard & protect humanity. This is Spiritual warfare, grateful to be on the side of our Creator ...

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This list of mindless, non ethical losers was solicited by Gates and Tedros in exchange for freedom from their vaxes, smart cities, and bug burgers.

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Look up Ken Caldeira; mentor to Bill Gates (he now works for Gates) spraying in the skies for ‘many reasons’ has been going on for e.g. climate change purposes (weaponisation included) for 75 years and Pathogens over 50 years! All the ‘weather forecast entities’ across the planet have gag orders on them. What they are doing around our planet as well is concerning. Where is Elon getting his money from hummmmmm!?!?!

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This is because the WEF is in charge. Obama Care was via the UN/WEF. None of these bills are being read. Since when has the WEF been our government???? The 'Frog in the boiling water.' Happened for many decades without the American public's consent. Time to stand up to this corruption!

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Yada, yada, yada... Article III, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution:

Clause 1 Cases or Controversies

"The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority;—to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public ministers and Consuls;—to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction;—to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party;—to Controversies between two or more States;—between a State and Citizens of another State;—between Citizens of different States;—between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects."

Complete text: https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/article-3/section-2/clause-1/

I couldn't care less what happens in Europe and elsewhere...

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Whatever "Treaty" they sign, applies to the Sign-ors ONLY. They have no authority over the non-participants.

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Correct. The treaty is a paper tiger. As with all United Nations "treaties", this piece of shit is simply a contractual agreement related to trade. Interpreting these as if binding on the general populace, is fear mongering bullshit. If you're not a signatory, the agreement does not pertain to your Lawful interests, period.

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Never mind smelling the desperation, we sure as hell can smell bullshit every time they open their lying mouthes!

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🤣🤣🤣 ….. but very true!!!

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Well looking through the list of signees they are all 'Establishment' figures in the control of the global moneymen and money-women, generally known as the Globalists, even I would say the Nobel Peace Laureates except for one. Therefore this is no surprise and basically people who would rather feather their financial caps and do not give a damn for humanity and what happens to it....really sad people really and some of them will be sick people in the mind (utterly like the globalists) who will do whatever it takes to get their 30 pieces of silver...I can only think of two words...'Pure Evil'.

I have warned a few 'personally' who are on the list by email of their misguided judgement and why, telling them the hard facts of the of the amended IHR and what it means for humanity...will they heed this warning, it remains to be seen, but when you are dealing with collaborators usually in the same mind it is hard to say, but it will prove their status with their Globalist friends and paymasters...

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See Ex Police Sargent Gary Waterman on YouTube…. You will understand…. This is the coordinated corruption (back to JE included) illegal: government taxes fraud child trafficking, non pandemic… it goes on…. Many are beginning to step down from major positions as internationally. Gary is in hiding but has irrefutable evidence recorded and distributed for his own safety.

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I agree with all below. THe insanity of the WHO actions are open to everybody to watch. If not, some big is in the way, like a heap of money.

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Why? All they want are humans murdered and the language doesn't mean anything. They will say and do whatever they want to achieve that objective no matter what treaties, laws, rules and mandates they create. Is there anywhere in the world to protest this nonsense? A court or similar? No.

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