I'm considering emailing those pompous, indignant heathens just to laugh at them! That's one of the worst things you can do to narcissistic scum. They have no power here!

Thanks for all the time & effort to expose the tyranny!

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Don’t they already have multiple “funds” and foundations for revenue streams?

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These Parasites need to be exterminated!!

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D E F U N D & D E S T R O Y….P O S

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Get Thee Behind Me Satan!!! 🙏

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So does FEMA . But I guess they’re too busy with ummm other places.

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FLOCK doz guys. Buggeree, bollickee buttheds.

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Dear James,

I'm very confused by your last email.... You appear to support the WHO. Please clarify.

Thank you.

Sincerly, Annelies Bos

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It's sarcasm with an invitation for people to email the WHO. Give them a piece of your mind.

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Donut be CRAZY. 🤣

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I cannot listen to that psycho twotwobble Gates not for one single second.

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He actually appears quite nervous and uncomfortable. I'd love to have an expert on speech and body language check this out and report their findings.

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RIGHT?!! I cannt even LOOK at his stanky face!!

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This is a shame!

Give them money, make them strong, to impose nonsense to the people of the world!

How to fix such a corrupt organization, run by the darkness, oppressors, ignorant, blind and greedy people?

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs agoAuthor


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Why is bill Gates 'begging for money - for his new 'toy' = The World Health Organisation?

Gates is heavily financially invested in his WHO, so as to dictate policies, Mandates, pretend illnesses and scamdemics in the hope that his organisation can continue to increase his fortune through his Policies that impact humanity. We the people, terminated the CORRUPT WHO.

We, the people also reject the proposed nonsense they call a 'Pact'. We refute all ridiculous suggestions that the 'Pact' will be binding for any of the world's population.

Furthermore, we take this opportunity to remind any remaining members or 'remnants' of Bill Gates's CORRUPT WHO, along with the now CORRUPT and unelected United Nations that we regard these organisations as obsolete and terminated. No longer having influence or authority over any person or any nation on the planet! The WHO & UN are finished.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We live longer to retain our FREEDOM!

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Gates is insane and wants depopulation, he made his money from computer viruses and selling packages to protect your computer, now he is selling jabs to stop your body from so called viruses. WHO and WEF are self appointed corporations that take money from countries for no good reason.

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His insanity coupled with his incredible wealth will backfire on him when he alters the weather and he'll be saying "ooooops! I didn't think it would create the next Ice Age"!

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he's got his bunker (which is a palace underground) and doesn't care at all!!

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I have a dream (call it more a wish 😉)....someone on the building team of the underground bunker was actually a saboteur. So, one day Billy Boy has to go there and shut the door - then when he turns on the taps there's no water, when he goes to his food store, it's all exploded and then when he goes to the bathroom, all the crocodile eggs that the builder left there have hatched and grown huge and they all didn't live happily ever after 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

(apologies - I have a rather weird imagination !!)

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hope you're that saboteur. ;-)

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Oct 15Liked by James Roguski

The inmates are running the asylum.

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Oct 15Liked by James Roguski

What makes my blood absolutely boil, is thinking what GOOD they could actually do with that sort of money. IF they were run by GOOD people, IF they had our interests at heart and IF it were an honest and transparent organisation. Imagine what our world would be like.

I often say to my family, "Don't worry about aliens visiting here, They would take one look at the mess we are making and go straight in the opposite direction" 😋😋

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what jurisdiction does the WHO have over us?? They banded themselves together and somehow take all our money and tell us how to live our lives.

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we are living a nightmare, it is all INSANE, stop listening to these people, stop giving our money to governments who then launder it.

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Let’s hope Donald Trump is elected and he can remove US funding from these people who demonstrate the classic forked tongue. The tell us we must reduce world population and provide the ‘vaccines’ to get rid of millions more. And in the same breath tell us they need funding;

‘to save lives’.

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