I would love to take action but can’t find the british or uk delegate, also how do i access the email template? David

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I cannot find the link for the United States to exit the WHO? I have tried everything.

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Bless you James for all you do. A leader, a changemaker. A true GEM!!! Thank you. We are beyond grateful for you.

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How and where can we vote against this!

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I trust you, give me the action I can take

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You say take action but I have been looking here to share so it is easy for people TO take action. Im out of time now but a red and white poster "take Action" should lead to a concrete action people can take! People are time poor. Great background info if someone does have time to dive deep, but where is the 3 minute action you want people to take please?

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Received your website on Daystar.com/Joni TableTalk at 4:00am(PT) today, March 28/23.

Re-airs @ 8:30pm & 2:00am(ET),

5:30pm & 11:00pm(PT) Canada needs/Thanks you! (As does this 81yr old.)

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Disaster capitalism - the gift that keeps on giving to the greedy and unscrupulous. Covid was the cherry on the top of the slag-heap. Where there is muck there is brass.


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Because communism has worked so well in past? Never killed anyone I guess? Really. Got to dig deeper than that.

EVERY system of government can and will go corrupt as long as the people allow immoral people do lead. We didn't properly weed out the corruption as it happened. Instead we sat on the side lines. Too comfy in our own lives. Now we have a shit world.

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The most relevant UK person to contact appears to be Steve Barclay MP, the current Secretary of State for Health. The previous one, Sajid Javid, who was there in May 2022 has either resigned or been sacked ... can't remember which, but good riddance to bad rubbish.

Anway, best to send your views via your MP. UK MPs are obliged to deal with letters or e-mails from constituents and pass them onto the government. DHSC bureaucrats or ministers aren't obliged to deal with direct approaches and may not bother to reply.

I think they have a bloody cheek, signing the UK up to diktats from unelected bureaucrats which may develop into medical fascism, i.e. mandatory injections. It is only three years since the UK left the EU. The arguments for the UK leaving the EU included, I quote, being subject to the whims of 'unelected bureaucrats'.

The WHO is worse than the EU ... it is more remote and has even less democracy. In 2009 there was a proven conspiracy in WHO featuring swine flu scaremongering and the Pandremix vaccine. That one was uncovered, so can't be denied.

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James I wonder if you can help me get into zoom meetings. Unfortunately I have a condition that sometimes the simplest things are impossible while complex things I fly through it. Any suggestions on setting up to not miss a meeting and at first like auto connect to zoom? If you can't help that's OK.

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Please use this site to send letters to your politicians to Pull out of the W.HO and not have any admendments to the International Health Regulations and to demand the murderous shots STOP.W We ONLY HAVE UNTIL MAY TO STOP THE W.H.O CRIMINALS


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I've been calling via your website with CA politiicians numbers and did use it to sent the letter. I am getting various repsonses. Representative Kevin Miller's office just hung up on me. I did get a letter back from Darrel Isa here: Thank you for contacting me to share your concerns regarding Biden Administration proposed amendment at the World Health Organization (WHO). I appreciate hearing your views on this issue.

Like you, I’m deeply concerned about the Biden Administration conceding to a global institution that does not share the same national interests or values of the United States. Over the course of the COVID-19 Pandemic the WHO has shown itself to be an untrustworthy organization. The WHO has shielded the Chinese Communist Party from accountability and given in to their efforts to manipulate the facts surrounding the Pandemic. The American taxpayer should not be forced to financially underwrite or comply with the policies of a compromised WHO.

Moreover, the United States should not allow any country or institution to decide our fate as a Nation. I will continue to work to ensure our national interests are protected and that our nation does not succumb to the control of others.

Again, thank you for contacting me regarding this matter. Please feel free to reach out again by visiting https://issa.house.gov/. If you would like to learn more about how I am working for you in Washington, D.C., and California, please visit my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/congressmandarrellissa, and my Twitter page at https://twitter.com/repdarrellissa.


Darrell Issa

Member of Congress

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This treaty is not imminent. It is a draft of a proposed treaty. It won’t be voted on for another year and the Senate must still approve by a 2/3 majority. It is not enforceable or binding and cannot supersede the Constitution. The SCOTUS has previously made it clear that a treaty like this is subject to the Constitution. Many treaties sent to the Senate for passage are tabled and not even voted on. Even the WHO’s own constitution says that treaties are limited by each country’s Constitution. Let’s try to be cautious and not over react..we much know our rights and not get sucked into the narrative that is scaring everyone or when a real crisis occurs no one will listen like with the unConstitutional vaccine mandates. Everyone thought they had no choice..

I get my information from lawyer Robert Barnes on Locals. He’s brilliant and knows what he is talking about.

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Please read my latest article...


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Please realize that the focus is upon the amendments. Anyone who is talking about the treaty and not the amendments, is missing at least half of the story.


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I am on a Board committee of a new organization just forming and Attorney Dr. Francis Boyle is our advising member, He wrote the Congressional Legislation to end gain of function research that was never ended. He stated and explained in detail that the way the treaty is written by legal expert who know exactly what they are doing, the Treaty is imminent. Very and will go into effect in May immedidately and usurp the Constitution violating all our rights and mandating injections, even forcibly. The ONLY way to stop it is to pull out of the W.H.O and stop all funding to it. That was the only good thing Trump did was to pull out of the WHO. ""Boyle said he questioned the legality of the above documents, citing for instance the fact that “the proposed WHO treaty violates the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties,” which was ratified in 1969, and which Boyle described as “the international law of treaties for every state in the world.”

Boyle explained the difference between the latest pandemic treaty and IHR proposals. “The WHO treaty would set up a separate international organization, whereas the proposed regulations would work within the context of the WHO we have today.”

However, he said, “Having read through both of them, it’s a distinction without a difference.” He explained:

“Either one or both will set up a worldwide totalitarian medical and scientific police state under the control of Tedros and the WHO, which are basically a front organization for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Tony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, the biowarfare industry and the Chinese Communist government that pays a good chunk of their bills.

“Either they’ll get the regulations or they’ll get the treaty, but both are existentially dangerous. These are truly dangerous, existentially dangerous and insidious documents.”

Boyle, who has written extensively on international law and argued cases on behalf of Palestine and Bosnia in the International Court of Justice, told The Defender he has “never read treaties and draft international organizations that are so completely totalitarian as the IHR regulations and the WHO treaty,” adding:

“Either one or both will set up a totalitarian medical and scientific police state that will be beyond the control of national, state and local government authorities.

“Both the IHR regulations and the WHO treaty, as far as I can tell from reading them, are specifically designed to circumvent national, state and local government authorities when it comes to pandemics, the treatment for pandemics and also including in there, vaccines.”

Talks for both the proposed pandemic treaty and the proposed IHR amendments appear to follow a similar timeline, in order to be submitted for consideration during the WHO’s World Health Assembly May 21-30.

“It’s clear to me they are preparing both the regulations and the treaty for adoption by the World Health Assembly in May of 2023,” Boyle said. “That’s where we stand right now as I see it.”

According to the WHO, the International Negotiating Body (INB) working on the Pandemic Treaty will present a “progress report” at the May meeting, with a view toward presenting its “final outcome” to the 77th World Health Assembly in May 2024.


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Is there any validity to this information from PolitiFact? My post from Epoch Times about the WHO treaty was flagged by Facebook for being "false" and took people to this link. If anyone has any information about this claim, please let me know.


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There is a lot of inaccurate reporting going on out their. Most everyone is conflating the details of the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations with the details of the proposed "Pandemic Treaty." https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/dont-fall-for-the-decoy

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Yes it is true, We have until May to pull out of the W.H.O and stop funding it. I am on a Board for a new non profit with 5 other attorneys including Attorney Dr. Francis Boyle who wrote the Congressional Legislation to end gain of function research. He knows more than anyone else , he stated and explained in detail to us last night on our Zoom call that the only way to stop this treaty that usurps our Constitution is to pull out of the W.H.O. Neither Senate nor Congress can stop it. So please take the time like I am today and call all your reps in your state and demand they not amend the International Health Regs, Pull out of the W.H.O and end the biowweapon shots murdering so many being managed by our DOD.

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Cheri. Please feel free to call me directly anytime.

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