"There is no natural virus.”

Dr. Judy Mikovits: Since 1980, all viruses are bioweapons that have been created in laboratories – The Expose





Judy A. Mikovits, PhD


The Real Dr. Judy


It's always been infection by injection!

April 13, 2024|Bioweapon, Blood, Books, Education, Evidence, Immunity, Solutions, Stew Peters, Truth, Vaccine

Clip on Rumble - Bitchute - Brighteon - Odysee

"They've been following the same game plan since 1986. And we need to make sure it never happens again, not another shot. It's black and white. 

The jabs have always killed some vulnerable population:

- targeted blacks

- targeted gays

- targeted Hispanics

- targeted doctors and nurses, you know, killed my colleagues! 

It's all in our book Ending Plague, and this is what Gates told you. This is in Plandemicseries.com. you know, fear is the virus. And when we wake up and realize

If we can all hear us finally, never get another shot and you will live, WELL! You will thrive in this Babylon as we are now!"

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 09/19/2023

Full Interview: https://rumble.com/v3j43pc-south-africa-forced-to-reveal-pfizer-covid-contract-they-knew-shots-could-c.html

It's always been infection by injection!

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James, God bless the Faith in your Heart

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Seeing is believing, thank you sir !!

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If you are a US CITIZEN, you are legally an emplyee of the Federal Government and you must follow the rules of your employer. So if your employer mandates a vax, you MUST TAKE IT, or suffer repercusions.

Now you are saying, Im not an employee of the government!!!

If you are a US CITIZEN, you are not American, you are a foreigner and only reside here as an employee of the USGovt, which is a British Corporation.

Read the definition of "Resident" in Blacks Law Dictionary....

You will see Im correct.



and correct your status so you cant be mandated.

Become a returned American...

Go to


And join us to shrink the over fat foreign subcontractor to OUR LAWFUL GOVERNMENT FOR AND BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!

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Dear James,

Fully endorse this latest effort of yours, from the other side of the planet. Thank you!

BUT allow me to point out respectfully that the reference/comparison with Palestine is out of place, and to a non-American or a 'third world' observer, diminishes the potency of your otherwise very potent message. I would advise that it be simply removed, for it adds nothing to your message.

The jabs and Palestine can't be compared - in both cases the violence is extreme and utterly unjustified in human terms, in both cases it has caused, still causes, tremendous suffering, in both cases it is 'depopulation' for ulterior motives, but they're not the same war. If there is an element of comparison, then the proportion of Palestinians killed, made invalid, orphaned... in relation to the whole Palestinian population seems to me to be rather larger than the (also large) proportion of those killed, made invalid, orphaned due to the injections in relation to the world population or the USA population.

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Have you viewed the microscopic slides of the cellular destruction from autopsies. The visual shows complete cellular devastation.

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Really. Millions upon Millions dead or disabled all over the world. Not just the US. You have no idea but you will

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James, I will restack and share, and write my own. I wan you to heed this carefully. these other people on jere. look at them. what an ego tistical useless bunch . only one offered to simply share your clearly humanitarian effort . 50% of them were just useless prick with opinions, as always. they don't deserve, saving.

now why is it they are all so useless?

why do you write "what kind of people are we" only to see that really, what kind of pathetic people are they?

this has really got me pissed off, this morning.

and you also wrote ",nobody knows what cellular warfare is going on".

excuse me, but I do . just because everybody else can't learn basics . doesn't mean I didn't . Dr bhkadi didn't.

tell me what happened last time when 800 people showed up to give their opinions when you asked and most of them couldn't even follow basic instructions.

what is Wrong with these people, and how do they deserve saving from hell?

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I welcome the opportunity to talk. Call me anytime. 310-619-3055

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cool. I appreciate that. 99.99% of everyone else, is the opposite. especially experts. they are terrified to talk.

are you happy doing streamyard interviews? for science. not closed doors conversations.

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James.. there isn't many if any with the diligent purpose that you alone with your persistent endeavours have done in these last years in an effort to stop these horrors from continuing.

The details of evidence you have put together is massive, Trump will surely be reached by this I believe; though confronting it needs to be shown.

I come from Down Under & the murdering continues to this day, corruption at its best.

Thank you for all you have done & continue to do.

God bless you

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Heartbreaking 💔

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Heartbreaking 💔

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If only DJT and his merry band of technocrats WERE actually intent on fulfilling the declared slogan(s) -- the MAGA & MAHA and putting America first. They're already proving (for example Day 2 AI tied to a myriad of personalized "mrna" "vaccines" for the cancer that the initial CVD jabs are causing on a massive scale) that the same man who superintended the nightmare of Operation Warp Speed (to transfer the entirety of what was fictitiously billed as a health crisis - that was a global psyop rehearsed multiple times prior to the staged event - to the Department of Defense for the manufacture, distribution and administration of "Bioweapons Countermeasures protoype" injections-humans being the target "pathogen" being countered) is now helming a myriad of radical executive order transformations to virtually every aspect of the government, industry and the health, well-being and economic stability of the nation and the affected world governing apparatus which they're in the process of formalizing for total domination. These are the new "soldiers" of the trojan horse that has been wheeled into our midst, with the approval and urging and now mindless cheering and blind support of the weary, beleaguered and completely bamboozled populous who think they've finally "voted" their way into someone else taking their individual agency and minds and acting honorably on their behalf to represent the injustices done the the application of the appropriate remedies owed, but whom in fact is hellbent on completing the hatchet job-in-process, at an accelerated pace. There is no "benefit of the doubt" when the record of history screams caution and the need for absolute evidence for any and everything undertaken by the man, the cabinet, the collaborative corporation accomplices, etc. BEFORE steps are taken or changes are implemented. The rhetoric and the actions do not sync up for a reason -- they have an agenda and its being pursued without the consent and appropriate due process and as quickly as possible to enable "success" -- and as usual the populous is paying the dearest of prices for the actions their "selected representatives" are taking. That so many continue to ignore the characters in the cast, their resumes, past activities, and declared intentions for the present and the attendant actions being taken and how well they align with the agenda and objectives of the globalist parasite class of psychopathic totalitarians seeking to garner all the resources, wealth and power and to forge ahead viewing the populous as collateral damage and so many useless and outdated drains on society. We the people have for too long abdicated and willingly surrendered our individual power to those who take it, and more and give nothing back but heartache, betrayal and murder....and not slavery of a bio-digital, all-consuming machine-based new "god" that they are all anxious to install as regent over the earth. This is the time to gather all hands and to reassess before the final act has been played and we are stuck in the panopticon that is already partially constructed in our minds. The synthetic, cyber world that is encroaching has no place for humanity and is rapidly taking the globe by storm and by the blind indulgence of those who have simply allowed it to occur, without even a whimper.

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Would have been better to provide a link for all those horrible photos I still had to scroll past to get to the bottom to the email.

Trump is up against such a big evil cartel that he may not be able to stop it without a threat to his life. Think about all those whistleblowers, previous people in power and anyone else who tried to stop the evil, many are killed, shut out, shut down or just disappear. People will stop it buy not taking the poison. Unfortunatley people still have too much fear. We need to keep spreading the truth and help people overcome their fear to stop lining up for the poison and stop taking their kids to get the poison. Of course the first step was to stop any mandates and I think Trump is working on it. We hope to get the same in Australia, sadly health are workers are still having to get poison in most states.

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Trump will never stop enforcing the MRNA. He makes too much money from Big Pharma as we seen the first time around. Now it's the cancer vaccines he will make money from..

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Well done James.

Pfizer Covid19 Jab Endotoxin also causes Vitiligo, for which there is no cure.

Endotoxin enhanced expression of High mobility group box protein B1 (HMGB1) is found in people suffering this Skin Depigmentation.


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The reality is.....Trump knows all of this.

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We the people need to make sure that he knows the truth and demand that those who have been harmed are given the care they deserve.

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He knows but it doesn’t hurt to keep reminding him

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James you are a true warrior. These dermatology photos are great. Most people don't get to see these things and from my standpoint as a doctor they probably are more moving than the photos of movement disorders.

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Many thanks for all your updates

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It's just a drop in the bucket.

I can't imagine how many people suffered similar problems but their doctor did not submit their info for publication.

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And a lot if doctors and patients alike probably missed the connection if the skin rashes occurred 1 to 2 years later.

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The victims of this will be asked if they would like to Die in the Brand New Death Pods coming to a Town near you.

They have been approved by the UK Government

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