Thanks, James, for all you are doing for the world.

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We the people have spoken! The unelected corrupt World Health Organisation is no longer recognised. Next is the CORRUPTED United Nations. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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My be we should still at best hope for a way out, out of WHO and the UN as the best alternatives for US and for Sweden, for the latter in addition out of the EU!

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Who CARES if they play by their own rules?!

Suppose they say: “We give ourselves the right to mandate injections if we say so on the 9th of May.”

Then they say so on the 9th of May.

We wouldn’t comply because they played by their own rules!

The WHO has NO jurisdiction anywhere in this world. They are UNELECTED UNACCOUNTABLE bureaucrats.

And governments have NO right to cede sovereignty to UNELECTED UNACCOUNTABLE bureaucrats.

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Asking the mafia to play by the rules?

The only rules they understand come out of a machine gun!

Millions are already dead and we are still being shot at daily!

The mafia is playing by the rules - THEIR RULES!

I'm going with Denzel Washington in Equalizer 3!

Sorry James.

Carry on regardless though everyone.

Every drop helps to fill the cup of truth and justice up to overflowing.

Then the mafia is in BIG BIG BIG trouble!

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First, the WHO and the UN shouldn't even exist...

It was established by the Oligarchy exactly for this purpose... Absolute Control and Tyranny...

Second, petitions don't work. They're just ignored by virtually every government... Sign it anyway... lest they say silence is acceptance...

Third, their house of cards is collapsing and they know it. They will become as dangerous as a wounded Grizzly...


Stock up in a remote location and become self reliant...

I have...

May God be with us all...

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Have you ever missed a filing deadline for a "Court" or a Government related filing?

If so, then you'll know what sticklers these pricks can be, about deadlines and compliance with the formalities of rule-making (aka "Laws" aka - PUBLIC POLICY).

Let's feel free to use those same standards against the would-be Technocratic Totalitarian Globalists.

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Thank you James!

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I am deeply concerned that we are getting handed over in May....

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hi folks be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org..block the uns last minute pandemic treaty push..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from any country in the world INCLUDING YOURS....if you sign it be sure to reshare it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same but be very wary of the censorship gestapo on gestapo book

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As ever ….love your work !

Sometimes I feel like you are working in the room next door.

So much for feelings 🧐

Happy Saturday/Friday to all.

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James I am concerned that the constant ( postponement) is adding to the Pavlovian type conditioning that we are subjected to. Kinda like a deadline is close then imminent then ….as we all salivate ( or in this case produce more cortisol) they provide respite. For a short time only.

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Even this headline is lovely. They shall have No ! They shall have Not !

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See you Sooners soon if shit goes really off the rails!

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Just received this outrageous Substack from Political Moonshine....another flipping Exec Order #14122 https://politicalmoonshine.substack.com/p/permanent-tyranny-from-thin-air-biden?publication_id=1169844&post_id=144044232&isFreemail=true&r=18xl84&triedRedirect=true

"PERMANENT TYRANNY FROM THIN AIR: Biden Issues Executive Order 14122 Further Authorizing The Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy

OPPR will unilaterally determine the trajectory of the country if any “pandemic” “emergency” compromises public “safety” and you will have voted for NONE OF THEM outside of the Executive."

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And now it’s important not to react the way they want us to react.

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Wealth, the greed to get it, by murdering billions to clam control over all Gods Creations, and humanity. Time to stop them in there tracks and yes find all if these accountable for their crimes of humanity. Straight to jail, do not pass go To a nose.

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