Who are in Control of NWO , Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Open Society Foundation, who are in Control of World Banking, Health Organisation , Illegal Immigration, who have control of Health Services, Elections Education, Agriculture, Food and some of the media ? The State of the Nations. Stealing Your Vote = Stealing Your Fundamental Freedoms = Enslavement Trap. How to Check Your Vote www.Sleazeexpo.wordpress.com Understanding the Scale of the situation, when Good People are working together for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, give them encouragement and help to fulfil our Fundamental Freedoms, while exposing those in who are causing the suffering. Go in Peace as Light Awakens the Truth.
Stealing Your Vote = Stealing Your Fundamental Freedoms = Enslavement. Thou Shalt not Steal is One of God's Ten Commandments and Stealing is a Criminal Offence. Thou Shalt not Kill is One of God's Ten Commandments and Genocide is a Criminal Offence. Thou Shalt not Bear False Witness and Fraud is a Criminal Offence. God created Mother Earth which lives and breathes Life, who would want to change what God created ? God is in the recipe of Good.
Evil is in the recipe of the Devil, all countries have the Freedom of Choice to Exit the WHO and EU which is part of the NWO.
When Good People around the World, work for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, many Problems can be Solved, many Cures can be Found. The Magna Carta 1215, The Bill of Rights 1688/89 and 1776 , The Nuremberg Code 1947 and Geneva Protocol. How to Check Your Vote www.Sleazeexpo.wordpress.com Peace and Production , not War, Death and Destruction, go in Peace as Light awakens the Truth.
That was a fantastic video. I caught the last hour, then started it over, then paused it to make dinner! I don't know how any of us are keeping our sanity through this nightmare, but I'm glad you and others are keeping up the fight. I posted in the live chat, about 4 or 5 times for folks to get decals or cards from Zazzle, and said the link was on your page. No one seemed to notice.... I am a solutions oriented person, but so many seem to be waiting for someone else to 'fix' this. Anyway, after getting nowhere with 'authorities', I've pasted a big decal on my rear windshield and I've been leaving 'business' cards at mini marts, doctors offices, etc. I'm hoping someone's eyes will open.... Thank you again, James!
You of course know the government isn’t going to help us. President Trump is hanging out with Elon Musks kid, Elon is a shill, he’s no genius. Strike where it has to help Swiss Bank Authority. The controllers of the world, that’s where the power comes from. Of course they have Hollywood, The elites owning corporations, the fake news, ect,ect,ect. Look at the pyramid, where are the corporations? We suffer for lack of knowledge!
That is why WE need to get the word out. Order a decal for your vehicle and/or cards to leave at offices, mini marts- anywhere we can. Musk's grandfather was a bigwig in the technocracy movement of the 1930's. We are presently moving toward a completely digital world. I'm sure James understands there will be no help, as they inflicted this weapon upon us, but what else is to be done? I have spoken to many and their eyes glaze over. That's why, even though I'm broke, I spent a few bucks for the decal and cards. At least James is compiling a 'paper trail'. He has worked diligently on this. The least the rest of us can do is get that website out there!
Ask Karen Kingston, among others. There was never any mrna in the covid shots. Venoms, yes. Graphene oxide, yes. Dna from other species, yes. Along with a bunch of horrible diseases believed to be sudden pandemics upon the release of certain electric magnetic pulses from the 5G towers, Spectrum, and the newfangled smart meters. No mrna in these, but perhaps in the measles shots?!
The very sad humans responsible for these horrific crimes against humanity must by now, be even more insane, than the "experiment doctors" from WW2 😢😢😢
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/4NWnqxRjgM
Who are in Control of NWO , Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Open Society Foundation, who are in Control of World Banking, Health Organisation , Illegal Immigration, who have control of Health Services, Elections Education, Agriculture, Food and some of the media ? The State of the Nations. Stealing Your Vote = Stealing Your Fundamental Freedoms = Enslavement Trap. How to Check Your Vote www.Sleazeexpo.wordpress.com Understanding the Scale of the situation, when Good People are working together for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, give them encouragement and help to fulfil our Fundamental Freedoms, while exposing those in who are causing the suffering. Go in Peace as Light Awakens the Truth.
Stealing Your Vote = Stealing Your Fundamental Freedoms = Enslavement. Thou Shalt not Steal is One of God's Ten Commandments and Stealing is a Criminal Offence. Thou Shalt not Kill is One of God's Ten Commandments and Genocide is a Criminal Offence. Thou Shalt not Bear False Witness and Fraud is a Criminal Offence. God created Mother Earth which lives and breathes Life, who would want to change what God created ? God is in the recipe of Good.
Evil is in the recipe of the Devil, all countries have the Freedom of Choice to Exit the WHO and EU which is part of the NWO.
When Good People around the World, work for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, many Problems can be Solved, many Cures can be Found. The Magna Carta 1215, The Bill of Rights 1688/89 and 1776 , The Nuremberg Code 1947 and Geneva Protocol. How to Check Your Vote www.Sleazeexpo.wordpress.com Peace and Production , not War, Death and Destruction, go in Peace as Light awakens the Truth.
I wonder how much Kennedy can do much from in there... His hands seem pretty much tied to me.
That was a fantastic video. I caught the last hour, then started it over, then paused it to make dinner! I don't know how any of us are keeping our sanity through this nightmare, but I'm glad you and others are keeping up the fight. I posted in the live chat, about 4 or 5 times for folks to get decals or cards from Zazzle, and said the link was on your page. No one seemed to notice.... I am a solutions oriented person, but so many seem to be waiting for someone else to 'fix' this. Anyway, after getting nowhere with 'authorities', I've pasted a big decal on my rear windshield and I've been leaving 'business' cards at mini marts, doctors offices, etc. I'm hoping someone's eyes will open.... Thank you again, James!
What a fab. Video.
Thank you all for presenting to the world the latest news regarding the most disgusting human experiment ever inflicted in humanity
From.... a dismissed registered nurse in New Zealand
Wow wow!
Will Kory be discussing his role in the George Floyd case?
Pierre Kory... there is someone who does it better than you...Dr JJ Couey..... wondering why he is was not invited on this stream....
The pandemic that wasn't: A wide-ranging discussion with biologist Jonathan Jay Couey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL9Gv2FsA0M
Jonathan Jay Couey's channel Gigaohm Biological: https://gigaohmbiological.com/
You of course know the government isn’t going to help us. President Trump is hanging out with Elon Musks kid, Elon is a shill, he’s no genius. Strike where it has to help Swiss Bank Authority. The controllers of the world, that’s where the power comes from. Of course they have Hollywood, The elites owning corporations, the fake news, ect,ect,ect. Look at the pyramid, where are the corporations? We suffer for lack of knowledge!
That is why WE need to get the word out. Order a decal for your vehicle and/or cards to leave at offices, mini marts- anywhere we can. Musk's grandfather was a bigwig in the technocracy movement of the 1930's. We are presently moving toward a completely digital world. I'm sure James understands there will be no help, as they inflicted this weapon upon us, but what else is to be done? I have spoken to many and their eyes glaze over. That's why, even though I'm broke, I spent a few bucks for the decal and cards. At least James is compiling a 'paper trail'. He has worked diligently on this. The least the rest of us can do is get that website out there!
Ask Karen Kingston, among others. There was never any mrna in the covid shots. Venoms, yes. Graphene oxide, yes. Dna from other species, yes. Along with a bunch of horrible diseases believed to be sudden pandemics upon the release of certain electric magnetic pulses from the 5G towers, Spectrum, and the newfangled smart meters. No mrna in these, but perhaps in the measles shots?!
The very sad humans responsible for these horrific crimes against humanity must by now, be even more insane, than the "experiment doctors" from WW2 😢😢😢
My favorite parts of Covid:
If we just took all of the doctors of medicine and dropped them off in a home …
We would save more lives than they and their tiny minds and their pharmaceutical piles of crap ever will.