anything happening in Cardiff?

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World-wide Toronto Rally is OFFICIALLY at Christie pits at Bloor and Christie (across the street from the Christie subway station. https://goo.gl/maps/jVLxVqTPg1kfoBqf7 Speakers: Knia Singh, Scarlett Martyn, Greg Hill, Josh Alexander, Patrick McNulty, Cdn Frontline Nurses and Jody Ledgerwood. Starts at NOON Saturday Sept 17.22 .

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Thanks. I deleted the image and replaced it with your information. I really appreciate it.

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How appropriate it is being done on Constitution Day.

Happy Constitution Day All!


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From: Take Action Canada

Sent: September-15-22 9:09 PM

To: Doreen <earthcentral@rogers.com>

Subject: Re: Dispatch Information

No just the one at Christie pits the other one is a false flag

On Sep 15, 2022, at 8:21 PM, Doreen wrote: Are there 2 different rallies? One at Queen’s Park north and the other Christie Pits at Bloor and Christie (across the street from the Christie subway station. https://goo.gl/maps/jVLxVqTPg1kfoBqf7

I am trying to find a link or website to confirm Christie pits.

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Thank so very much. I’m wondering why there is not more US posters.

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Good question.

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FYI: The Toronto, Ontario Queen's Park location is a FALSE FLAG..

The Toronto World Wide Rally is this Saturday Sept 17 at noon sharp. The Rally will be held at Christie Pits at Bloor and Christie (across the street from the Christie subway station. https://goo.gl/maps/jVLxVqTPg1kfoBqf7 We will have entertainment and speakers including:

There will also be a march.

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Please provide any additional info please

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Very surprised Boston doesn’t have one. Probably too left to believe in freedom. Welp

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Waste of time without guns to back it up

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What difference can the audience make in the outcome of a game?

Can the US be saved?


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I agree with almost all of your list, but it can not be achieved without first eliminating the system of legal bribery that has developed in the US due to campaign contributions and dark money used to generate propaganda. You will never get a critical mass of the sheeple to go along with the passive resistance you advocate as long as the financial control of propaganda is not first eliminated.

Therefor, I believe a necessary and sufficient condition to achieve everything on your list is the passage of a 28th Amendment clarifying that:

1. Corporations and other government-chartered entities are not "persons," have no "rights" that government at any level is bound to respect and may be regulated by government, which is the representative only of natural, biological people unaltered by gene therapies or implanted/injected communications devices.

2. Money is not speech, and any monetary expenditure in pursuit of speech may be regulated by government as described in the above paragraph.

Putin accomplished something similar in Russia when he came to power. He told the oligarchs they could keep their ill-gotten gains, which he would dilute through economic growth, as long as they did not attempt to interfere in politics. Mikhail Khodorkovsky defied Putin, attempted to interfere in politics and was prosecuted. Putin made good on economic growth and has been re-elected ever since, even though his Covid vaccines have resulted in an uptick in all cause mortality.

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Thank you James! Shared!

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shared - thank you

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Shared to GETTR! xx

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I Will Be THERE !!! Best Wishes !

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Great timing, James!

Get ready, London!

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If you come across any additional info regarding these events, please share it here in the comments section.

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Hey thanks for all you’ve done so far in writing these substacks - im not “in the loop” and I can’t afford to subscribe to paid but as a freedom loving patriot and veteran I personally

deeply appreciate all efforts to save individual freedom.

Doing NOTHING does nothing

Doing something may accomplish nothing, too... BUT AT LEAST THERE IS THE CHANCE no matter how slim some thing could ‘give’ & new hope could cone of it.

Please don’t listen to the nay sayers... I agree it does look “hopeless”

BUT HOPE IS ETERNAL it’s only 1 of 3 things that are...


We always do at least have prayer 🙏🏼

It took most of my life to learn this but it is still true no matter how difficult the lesson:

Even if we fail?

IT MATTERS ‘HOW’ we fail.

God Bless You, Bruddah

& all the good you do

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Thanks for the kind words. Everything I write is free. Always has been. Donate if you can, but more importantly, read the articles and spread the word. http://JamesRoguski.com

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Shared as a Truth

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Is this event being live streamed?

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There are many events around the world, so I imagine thousands of people will be recording and live streaming their experiences. Since these events are put together independently, there is no central clearing house for all of that "reporting."

If anyone finds interesting and related content, please DO share it here in the comments section.

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Thank you, James

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