"planning and delivery of mass gathering events" aka quarantine camps; aka concentration camps.

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These "orders" are in place until 2025? So why does that ring a bell. Oh yeah, the deagel.com predictions from 2017 that predicted a massive population drop in the West by 2025.

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For anyone interested and that maybe has a slight comprehensive handle on global events of significance, I suggest the "Committee of 300" .This book by a retired high ranking American official,details what is happening now and what is yet to come. Kicker? It was written in 1991. So truth be told ,the kanundrum we are living now has been in play for a long long time.

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As for the "planning and delivery of mass gathering events".This is simple ,if people cannot gather : 1) Protesting anything becomes difficult : 2) If you severe contact among the populace you reduce the chance of groups coming together with a plan of action and 3) What happens when humans are segregated? Depression,sadness, despair and hopelessness. This is exactly what the globalist scum are prescribing for the masses.

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"planning and delivery of mass gathering events"

I do not know exactly what this means but I can take a guess

Likely this is a means to deflate the impact of mass public demonstrations, by staging mass gathering events to reinforce the propaganda - encourage the believers and discourage the unbelievers.

Likely the puppet masters did not expect the degree of mass public protests against the MSM covid narrative worldwide. They managed to keep the size of the demonstrations out of the MSM, but they were well documented nonetheless by the alternative media. They now know that this is a definite threat to their success because they cannot keep this amount of dissent from the public indefinitely. So they will move to reinforce public assent and lessen the impact of dissent. Chess move.

Mass public gatherings for believers will solidify their beliefs and reinforce their solidarity - they are the majority and many are very anti-dissent. This could be a very powerful anti-dissent strategic move.

It could solidify and ignite negative majority feelings against dissenters. This is necessary for the OWG plan to progress.

These people are pros at manipulating/controlling public opinion by any means - good or evil. Public opinion can be strategically managed to achieve desired goals, by any means regardless, without good intentions or good outcomes for the people concerned.

We know what we are facing. We should not underestimate this strategy. We should we aware of it and counter it as much as possible. By grassroots activism: promoting/supporting the alternative media; undermining the credibility of the MSM; mass public gatherings if possible, productive and relatively safe; otherwise small public/private gatherings; covert/overt distribution of written material; etcetera.

I personally prefer to fight for something, not against something . I prefer to take my stand on the victory ground of freedom - whether I live or die. Those who oppose freedom are the dissenters. I am fighting for freedom and truth. I am not essentially fighting against covid propaganda. Covid is just the latest overt assault on our freedom. It will not be the last.

Our focus on "human rights regardless" may have led us astray, and played a large part in getting us to this place. Perhaps, we need to focus on human responsibilities, not human rights.

Democracy is an active form of government, not passive. If we do not participate actively in our government then we are not acting responsibly. But we will still have to bear the consequences.

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

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There is a seemingly complete disconnect here between the informed and the uninformed - both go from top to bottom. Due largely to MSM propaganda and government complicity, the vast majority seem to be unaware of the real situation.

Grass roots engagement.

Most people with elderly relatives in nursing homes continue to be forced to comply with mandatory testing; masks and restricted visiting. This is outright blackmail. Comply or no access. This is cruel and inhuman treatment with no sound medical, scientific or logical basis. Justified by government 'recommendations" that are not actually legal requirements, that cannot be effectively challenged. Trying may result in being banned from the nursing home. Banned from seeing your own elderly parents! Your relative may also be upset in the process. So we must bow or risk even greater suffering.

Further, our elderly parents continue to be injected repeatedly, without informed consent and without the informed consent of most relatives, who are completely unaware of the danger. Again, there is no way to effectively stop this without generating trouble, and likely more counter- productive suffering.

Yet one major elderly care chain in OZ has ignored the "recommendations" to date and all residents are free to choose whether they are injected or not.

Further, except in some deemed high risk situations, usually due to high numbers of supposedly fake positive tests even without symptoms, most residents/visitors are free to make their own choices.

Figure that out!

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It is interesting to see this complete disconnect between the WHO stance and what is actually happening. In the UK the COVID/Flu vaccines have now been stopped for under 65s.

At what point will this dam break....

And what will happen?

Excess deaths are still not being investigated- I think it is multifactorial (lockdowns, delayed diagnosis and treatment and vaccines). But until we look we won't find.

We also need to look at all harms from vaccines, not just the myocarditis. If we don't act strategically the other harms will be brushed under the carpet.

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It's like there is a complete disconnect between reality and the governing bodies. This is Orwellian as can be.

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The march of totalitarianism in lockstep has the hallmarks of Nazism, communism and fascism stamped all over it.

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With these steps being made public. I am wondering if there will be an emergency that will disrupt the economy and will push forward the digital currency and digital ID?

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Sadly yes.Disease ,war and famine are already lined up and rearing to go.

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So this standing recommendation will end just as the next pando starts, SPARS 2025-2028. They're determined to cull the population. Might have helped their cause if they proved this alleged mystical virus had at least been isolated and purified

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'These standing recommendations are in effect for all States Parties from 9 August 2023 until 30 April 2025.'

Isn't it obvious this timing? Many people are on vacation you see. Our bodies and souls are to be kept in stress you see!

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Nobody knows. This reminds me of Stephen Kings old book, Cell. Or Dean Koontz the Jane Hawk series. Funny how we’re living yesterday’s science fiction, today. Who, knew?

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WHO recomendation is only to enforce its agenda of total control, must be stopped

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Thank-you for your continued work. It is appreciated.

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