RE: Hungary's message to the assembly [Time stamp 12:13 - 13:00]:
Whereas the speech from Spain's delegate sounded like a bunch of fluff, the delegate from Hungary delivered a message that appeared to be worded very carefully. See if you agree.
"We all remember, madam chair, too well, the pandemic of Covid and we have drawn the consequ…
RE: Hungary's message to the assembly [Time stamp 12:13 - 13:00]:
Whereas the speech from Spain's delegate sounded like a bunch of fluff, the delegate from Hungary delivered a message that appeared to be worded very carefully. See if you agree.
"We all remember, madam chair, too well, the pandemic of Covid and we have drawn the consequence. And this consequence reads that the stronger the international cooperation in this regard is, the more successfully we can overcome the challenges. So, therefore, madam chair and your colleagues, it would be really helpful, especially under the current serious challenges, if WHO can remain a platform for professional and pragmatic cooperation to the benefit of all of the people."
Notice the word "remain." Said another way: Hungary would prefer the role of WHO to continue to be the same "platform for professional and pragmatic cooperation..." Notwithstanding the argument that the WHO is ANYTHING but professional or pragmatic. (My editorial insertion)
But it's his closing words where it gets especially interesting:
"And my last sentence, madam chair. If... if we over-politicize the operation of WHO, we put the successful protection of our people against viruses at risk. So, with over-politicization, we put lives of the people at risk and we have to avoid that."
The last sentence which Mr. Hungary draws special attention to by underscoring the fact that it will be his last sentence, while carefully worded, still makes it clear that Hungary does not (necessarily) support a restructuring of WHO's current role on the world stage. Good! We need more of these.
Yes....I listened closely to his statements....agree he carefully worded his thoughts, the message was, Hungary does not support advancing 'politicalization' of WHO by gaining greater arbitrary power over Nation States. His comments about migrating peoples fleeing consequenes of the Pandemic (famine) and Ukraine War also is a signal that Hungary does not support the WHO power grab and Globalists war mongers.
Praying for the destruction of their plans. Confusion in their camp, money disappearing, fights between elite ego know it alls, cell service totally disrupted, and total exposure of their plan so it fails. Thx James for heading up the spear. In the mean time WAKE UP people, you are not sheep. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance- no resting now.
RE: Hungary's message to the assembly [Time stamp 12:13 - 13:00]:
Whereas the speech from Spain's delegate sounded like a bunch of fluff, the delegate from Hungary delivered a message that appeared to be worded very carefully. See if you agree.
"We all remember, madam chair, too well, the pandemic of Covid and we have drawn the consequence. And this consequence reads that the stronger the international cooperation in this regard is, the more successfully we can overcome the challenges. So, therefore, madam chair and your colleagues, it would be really helpful, especially under the current serious challenges, if WHO can remain a platform for professional and pragmatic cooperation to the benefit of all of the people."
Notice the word "remain." Said another way: Hungary would prefer the role of WHO to continue to be the same "platform for professional and pragmatic cooperation..." Notwithstanding the argument that the WHO is ANYTHING but professional or pragmatic. (My editorial insertion)
But it's his closing words where it gets especially interesting:
"And my last sentence, madam chair. If... if we over-politicize the operation of WHO, we put the successful protection of our people against viruses at risk. So, with over-politicization, we put lives of the people at risk and we have to avoid that."
The last sentence which Mr. Hungary draws special attention to by underscoring the fact that it will be his last sentence, while carefully worded, still makes it clear that Hungary does not (necessarily) support a restructuring of WHO's current role on the world stage. Good! We need more of these.
Just my take. I'd be interested to hear others.
Yes....I listened closely to his statements....agree he carefully worded his thoughts, the message was, Hungary does not support advancing 'politicalization' of WHO by gaining greater arbitrary power over Nation States. His comments about migrating peoples fleeing consequenes of the Pandemic (famine) and Ukraine War also is a signal that Hungary does not support the WHO power grab and Globalists war mongers.
A diplomatic way of saying stay the -uck out of our politics.
Praying for the destruction of their plans. Confusion in their camp, money disappearing, fights between elite ego know it alls, cell service totally disrupted, and total exposure of their plan so it fails. Thx James for heading up the spear. In the mean time WAKE UP people, you are not sheep. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance- no resting now.