Annette, that's what they want us to feel. That we are just isolated nutjobs and they are having a ball. It isn't true. Let's all stick together and beat these monsters.
Annette, that's what they want us to feel. That we are just isolated nutjobs and they are having a ball. It isn't true. Let's all stick together and beat these monsters.
As long as they control the money flow, it will be an uphill battle, because they can create mass democide with a flick of the switch. At the moment, WW3 on TV and an artificially-created famine are in the works (with the ensuing food riots and martial law).
Annette, that's what they want us to feel. That we are just isolated nutjobs and they are having a ball. It isn't true. Let's all stick together and beat these monsters.
As long as they control the money flow, it will be an uphill battle, because they can create mass democide with a flick of the switch. At the moment, WW3 on TV and an artificially-created famine are in the works (with the ensuing food riots and martial law).