I don't like my old genes anymore ,so I will order new ones from Amazone .

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The recent developments regarding monkeypox are quite strange: This virus has been around for some time (1958), and I'm not sure how well it follows the known pattern.

This raises questions if there's gain of function research going on.

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The runaway train "now" in all ages is turbo cancers; sadly due to the rollout of the injections in all the highly vaccinated countries. Conventional treatment is not working; patients are just sent home to die. Your best solution "now" is to follow the Wellness Company's protocols and any and all protocols from the Doctors who are speaking out about the genocide in your country of origin.

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check out and read carefully a petition at citizengo.org...break free from un control reject the international health regulations its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours that said dont bother with gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress it..it currently has over 26000 signatures it urgently needs many more

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The critical question facing every body is "Will you consent?" https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/p/challenge-to-who-etc-re-monkeypox

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Thanks James for all your hard work and efforts!

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WHO have lost all trust and respect, never to be regained. All about total control and money.

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If circumstances were not so sad with all the covid deaths and maimed, one would just laugh Tedrous new brilliant draw off. The WHO, stupid and incompetent and illegal as it is, is nevertheless dangerous to our civilization and well being. Rich and important people (?) have had plans for long, a long long time, centuries and might well be questionned as far as origins and goals. Really real humans??

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Life's complicated ain't it Wolfie? I bet you don't like that 'nick-name' either???

It seems you've had to battle with how people address you forever. Mine's a simple Michael, which demonstrates how unimaginative and adventurous Brits were in the 1940's. I like 'Mick' but hate 'Mike'. So I respond to Mick - generally. Unless I upset the Wife! Regards! Mick.

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I'm warning the people on this sub stack. Did research yesterday and found the 'Global Parliament of Mayors.' My mayor belongs to this globalist crap. This is for 'Global Governance.' The WHO is involved with this group as well. Also, the CCC (Copenhagen CONsensus Center). All of the colleges are linked to this and it's all about consensus. I want FACTS not consensus. They are also involved in a lot of this garbage. Parents, take your children out of any public school now. The WEF runs all of these, and this is what you're paying for, so your child can be indoctrinated. The WHO is also tied to the CCC. GPM - Global Parliament of Mayors: https://gsnetworks.org/wp-content/uploads/Global-Parl-of-Mayors.pdf...

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Thanks for the information Virginia, good of you to share this.

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Thanks, and we need to know who the enemy truly is. The WEF... Hope it's not to late to stop this!



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If I am one of the 7 people on the planet to die of WHO's teddy-pox, than so be it.

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What else new? It’s election time! Another scamdemic! Tedros is not even a doctor😂WHO is a joke!

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Of course Desperado Tetros is a Doctor , a witch doctor ,doing voodoo .Tetros is from Africa and most tribes in Africa practice voodoo .

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Stop having sex and stay indoors watching a screen of fear. Sounds like a recipe for health. NOT.

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I haven't had a cold in 30 years but you want me to take an experimental vaccine? This is some of the dumbest $ ever.

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Robert Malone testified that Moderna infringed on Pfizer and that DNA from microbial resistance genes were found in the vials.

The resulting illnesses will likely be purposely misdiagnosed. For example, salmonella causes pneumonia and typhoid fever, but it's also reported as oropouche (gold pouch) virus. If people are/were given microbial resistance genes, they will not work to cure the illness.

People who took it should have already got their genes tested, but then again, duuhhhh. They have absolutely zero worries about being patented, even though they ruled in 2013 that humans can be patented. They don't read patents, and have no idea that there are technologies to cross the BBB and install carbon nanotubes cited within them. Hell, Moderna lists 10 patents under Covid, and one alone has 552 citations. Just covid though.

All of this gives the WHO every indication that, yet another round of lies will work.

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1. So, the "fears" of microbial resistance weren't really fears so much as advanced knowledge?

2. Far as I remember the SCOTUS ruling: They held that human genes cannot be patented, though this was a modified gene and, as a result, it could. However, provided my memory's working right, they didn't allow the person in whom the gene was placed to be owned.

That said, with SCOTUS making all sorts of insane rulings (such as giving the President absolute immunity for actions carried out under matters that involve the executive branch, such as control over the military; and presumptive immunity for others), I have no optimism they won't change that.

Still, double check what I said.

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Here's some good reading:




May want to start with the last.

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The SCOTUS case is Myriad Inc. It was ruled for insertion of synthetic genes. The patents have plenty of them, including Hepatitis A antigens, which would leave near zero indication that they are there, because they are relatively benign and show no cell morphology changes.

The microbial resistance is both advanced and old warnings.

The patents include technology to mimic bacteria, yeast, prions and other pathogens. The genes left in vials are concerning because people will be purposely misdiagnosed and last ditch efforts with antibiotics won't work, if this was done to them.

When I looked at the PRRA insert, my first impression was Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis. I later found that Ralph Baric listed VEEV as a building block for his 2018 coronavirus patent. VEEV is a picornavirus, which is listed in the patents for crossing the BBB. These are now diagnosed as 'viroids' for some reason. Also, a Massachusetts town just did voluntary lockdown for Eastern Equine Encephalitis: another picornavirus. As a note, the vials have a myocarditis warning, and Encephalomyocarditis Virus is a picornavirus.

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You're a prime test subject Juan! ):

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LOL - they've been lab ratting on me for yrs

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Next time I go to the jungle to have sex with a male gorilla I will wear a condom .

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What a prude.

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The, Gates corrupted and therefore obsolete, World Health Organisation has just declared MoneyPox the next International Scamdemic because TWO PEOPLE died from the virus (Supposedly) in July 2024. Less than ONE PERSON per month has died from their, now preferred, disease in each of the preceding 12 months. Gates is by far the biggest financer (Benefactor) of the now obsolete WHO!

Tedros 'the vet' that runs the WHO declared an international EMERGENCY!

No doubt Pfizer, et al, will announce a new mRNA (DEADLY) 'VACCINE' will be ready within a few days???

Just as well we decided the WHO was CORRUPTED by 'Financial investors' (Benefactors) and therefore obsolete in November 2023. They were unelected and so now have ZERO influence in World health matters.

And still Pfizer, Moderna, etc, claim zero LIABILITY for their DEADLY Injections they call "VACCINES".

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer by avoiding corrupt medical influence!

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Amen, aka Right-on, Mate!!


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Thanks Steppen! We've got to keep reminding people just how gullible and stupid they were the last time around. The New World order are still running their merry-go-round and Covid with deadly pretend VAX was just stage one! Regards! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Cool, sincerely. But please just call me Wolf (why I switched my moniker around hoping it would help correct people calling me Steppen, or Stephen, which I do not want to be called), my middle name as if it was my first name, quite common amongst professional people (e.g., M. Scott Peck, M.D.), and what I DO want to be called. My legal name is S. Wolf Britain, listed just that way with U.S. Social Security, and everyone else I must be associated with. I was born and given the last name, Brittain, but I dropped a "t" in a court of law in 2001 trying to remedy people calling me "Brit-tain", but it didn't work, because spelled Britain, with only one "t", they still do it anyway. Would they call Great Britain, "Great Bri-tain"? "...It's the end of the world as we know it, but I (DON'T) feel fine..."! Think of me when next you knock back a pint! (I wish I could come visit ya and knock one back with ya---if I had the money and could travel unvaccinated!) Again, cheers! Oh, oh, I can't leave it at the occult number of 11 lines, so I add, God bless you, my brother!

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How about you change your name to WERWOLF ?

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I would but you can't even spell it correctly.

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Wolfi this is in my own private language ,you have no say over it . Besides wolf hunting is one of my hobbies .

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Life's complicated ain't it Wolfie? I bet you don't like that 'nick-name' either???

It seems you've had to battle with how people address you forever. Mine's a simple Michael, which demonstrates how unimaginative and adventurous Brits were in the 1940's. I like 'Mick' but hate 'Mike'. So I respond to Mick - generally. Unless I upset the Wife! Regards! Unjabbed Mick.

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Yes, please don't call me that.

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OK gotcha! Mick.

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What more can one say but... Here comes more BS from the powers that ought to take a hike to Mars or somewhere equally far away.

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In the meantime the jungle tribes in the Congo ,are busy relocating to the black forest in Germany to escape the monkey pox of the Congo .Refugees come on in

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