There were quite a lot of mistakes and misrepresentations presented during this "debate."

By focusing on sovereignty and ignoring the fraud, the Members of Parliament have fallen right into an obvious trap. They failed to ask, let alone demand, an answer to the fundamental question that was posed by the petition - a vote by Parliament was NOT held because the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office failed to submit the 2022 amendments to Parliament for 21 days as required by law.

Here is the transcript...


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Mostly whilst listening to this I was screaming NO, NO, NO!!!!! Especially when one of them said he thought they were all in agreement in not wishing to exit the WHO! But the one thing that really sickens me is the fact that these idiots keep referring to “covid” like it was an actual thing! And that one dude whose wife works for the slaughter house commonly known as the NHS really pissed me if with his praise of them! They’re all murdering bastards to deserve to hang!

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It's just as well we, the people, decided on November the 30th that the CORRUPT World Health Organisation is now redundant, obsolete and therefor terminated from all opinions, decisions and interference of international health matters.

The World Health Organisation no longer exists .

We, the people, have spoken!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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I feel Mr John Redwood did a subtle (too subtle) effort to bring up some critical questions. But the situation is too urgent now to be cautious when speaking up.

I miss the voices of the young people about what is about to happen.

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Here is the speech by MP Philip Davies. He does mention that these matters should be put to Parliament - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4BjVEV0dnU&t=88s

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Here is the speech by MP Andrew Bridgen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9rRbVycNQk

The Petition statement on the failure to present to Parliament the 2022 Amendments for a vote, is not mentioned. However, there was a lot said that is highly relevant. My take on this is that the "genie is out of the bottle". The main motive is clearly stated - to reduce sovereign nations to vassal states of the WHO under unelected and unaccountable representatives.

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Deb, I think you are right. The only open question is whether this is for the benefit of mankind or not. My gut feeling is that it isn't but at the same time we must admit that nations aren't currently making a very good job of their 'sovereignty'

Perhaps a world government is what might be needed to save us from ourselves.

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Totally disagree with your acquiescence to a world government. Who is this world government going to be accountable to and answerable to? We already have an overreaching WH in Washington DC and our elections are selections. We hopefully still have the Constitution to rein them in. But a world government.. that’s like a distant government beyond the reach of regular people like you and I.

So you believe a non-elected, unaccountable world government is the solution for the world? Once they have that kind of power do you ever think “they “, the unelected, unaccountable transnational so-called” world government” will willingly give up power? So wrong and so Not right! Freedom once lost is very difficult to regain! Is this the legacy you want for this country and for posterity?

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Jumping the gun a bit aren't you? I haven't said that I believe a world government is the solution.

I even said that my gut feeling is that it isn't, if you would take the time to read.

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Hi Jim, got it.

I understand what you are driving at. It’s just that part where you said “ Perhaps a world government is what might be needed to save us from ourselves” made me cringe or even just entertaining that thought, to me, is a cringe.

History, as Deb pointed out, is replete of records of immense sorrow and horrific persecution under the rule of despots or tyrants. We must not forget.

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Oh, you do realise maybe that all the lunacy over lockdowns, masking, caught breaking said rules, corruption being revealed left, right and centre, plus openly lying by governments is actually the play book for us all to throw up our hands and say enough?! The solution is already here and it is the globalists controlling every nation via banksters who instigate phoney pandemics, proxy wars, control energy etc. Red Sea, Suez Canal now shut off because of merchant ships being attacked so more price hikes, shortages coming. We are just SIMS in their world SIM CITY game! And we are the carbon they want to eliminate and they started off their game by eliminating as many as they could whose output less than input, pensioners and disabled.

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History shows that the centralization of Power leads to tyranny, be it Ancient Rome, the Church in the Middle Ages, or 20th Century despots. There are many examples of it. "Absolute Power corrupts absolutely".

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So true! Power corrupts and to centralize that power leads to tyranny because power intoxicates.

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There is a massive release of "pleasure chemicals" in the brain. The "intoxication" what they get hooked on.

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Johnson is the WEF puppet responsible for signing the UK up this WHO crap

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We in the UK should demand that these useless sacks of shite in gvmt resign they are dragging us to hell God damn them. Thank you James for all that you are doing to draw attention to this massive power grab by the 'World Holocaust Organisation'. Most people are unaware of this and the fact that they are deliberately trying to keep it quiet is ominous. I can see people being taken from their homes and put into quaranteen, in NY and Australia the authorities already have that power.Maria Zeee went through all the documents and what she revealed is truly shocking and disturbing. Heaven help all of us these maniacs hate humanity.

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Best Wishes for the New Year and Merry Christmas ! Special Thanks to James for all his dedicated hard work. We Are Going to See Better Days Soon. Enlightenment is Light. The Light starts as a small sliver that cuts through the shroud of Darkness and Expands. It is Expanding.

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Hi m R!

Strange that you have a similar opinion to Californians that I do! In my opinion, they almost seem to be 'foreign' to other Americans, perhaps even 'Aliens' to planet Earth?

Since the early 70's I even found their music and dress sense a little Alien. = Hippies & Flower-Power?

They are so far LEFT and WOKE they're meeting themselves on the way back!

The planet will hopefully return to normality after we remove those that mean us harm (New World Order).

Mick from Hooe (UK) Ageing Mod from 60's London! Unjabbed and still going strong!

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I watched it. It was well done and great info laid out. It was poorly attended. That’s what the elite do, they merely ignore the opposition and go about doing what they want. I plan to listen again, take notes, and send another letter to my

legislators. For what it’s worth…

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Merry Christmas Everyone -


Snicklink Parody: WEF [World Enslavement Forum] Head Klaus Schwab Announces "Vaxxmas Hits '23"




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The debate leaves questions unanswered, not least the seemingly unsustainable situation of apparently "retaining sovereignty" whilst simultaneously "doing as we're told". You can't have it both ways, which makes me sense we're being bamboozled by semantic chicanery

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Yes, and this was clearly stated in MP Bridgen's speech. I have posted his You Tube speech address above.

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"bamboozled by semantic chicanery"

Well said!

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Hey how about a US debate. Not sure how a UK debate will help us here. It's good that they are taking care of the UK. But we need too debate our own affairs

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James, according to Dr. Meryll Nass and to James Corbett, the WHO's house of caras is already collapsing:


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MAYBE, just maybe you'll understand that the World already has 'driven off' the proverbial cliff. Without The Creator, Savior, King at the helm of MAN's greed, hatred of Man and GOD are bringing us all to The End fast! 99% of ALL Biblical Prophecies is now apparent. HIS Return to judge The World is Soon Coming. Man really believes he's God Incarnate. Bless you and thank you.

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I have an interview today from 11am-12pm ET but will tune in as soon as it is over. Thanks for the info.

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Get ready for the latest World Economic Forum-sponsored UK political debate that will conclude it's time to resign our sovereignty to the New World Order in the form of the WHO Treaty!

It's just as well that the people have already spoken and declared the CORRUPT WHO defunct and therefore terminated as of November 2023. The CORRUPT World Health Organisation NO LONGER EXISTS!

Are there still people that don't yet realise these DEADLY injections, called 'VACCINES', are at best useless, at worst DEADLY?

Haven't they realised why Big Pharma demand ZERO LIABILITY for their deadly 'CURES'?

There can't be many left who haven't cottoned on to the devastation and misery these injections are causing?

Most of us now realise it was a WEF (New World Order) planned DEPOPULATING CULL from the start.

There's no helping some blinkered idiots who keep topping up with poison because "it's FREE"!!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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I don’t know what world you live in but in Commiefornia, most of the people I know (family and friends) refuse to know what you declare about that fake vaccine. In fact, I had a brother text me to tell me he wanted to get his booster but didn’t know how as it was unavailable in his town. What relatives I persist in desperately trying to inform, about these poison injections, ignore me. ‘Friends’ have cancelled cultured me. Lol. I don’t know if Commiefornia’s unique that way or not.

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👍A really great analysis. You really nipped it😀I may use it👍

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Thanks for the compliment TexBritta.

No problem using anything I conjure up each day that I see the world getting destroyed more by the 'self-named Elitists'..

We must keep spreading their peace - even, if we are in a lull before they, can launch the next Scamdemic or worldwide catastrophe.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I started joining dots in February 2020.

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Truth is James. We both know that the herd doesnt care or want to know. And we both know for sure that the globalist do not wait for our input because we are objectively powerless.

You know more about this topic that just about everyone but David Bell, and I understand this is the switch that flips us from democracy to fuedalism.

But the herd is powerless because they do not make the decision makers accountable. Until that happens, nothing changes. Not one government player has paid the price for the crimes they commit.

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