Love Andrew Brigden, bless him

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Realisation of ones self's participation of self orchestration of the lack of knowing how the mind has not been used as the individualised perfect instrument it can be ;most of us have been playing the same tunes over and over because it is familiar comfort , when things get shaken up each either flies or fails to and so move on out of body by way of infinite nuances of how the instrument was not kept fully in its function ......I know because I'm living in between flying and falling it affects the mind and body on many planes of experience/ perception. This is my experience of perceiving the matter.

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It is the mRNA shots. Proven through the trials they made with animals over the last 10 years or so. They ALL died within the 2-3 years after they were jabbed. No immune system left to repel other diseases. F. Fake chi, Gate$$$, Turdo, Tamo'shi*ter, etc.

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Agreed! American children have been receiving a multitude of these IQ lowering vaccines for the last sixty years...it is no wonder so many have lost their ability to think. What else can we expect, when vaccines have health-damaging toxins in them like aluminum, mercury, fluoride, etc. Why weren't doctors taught information, such as, nutrition and the results from injecting toxic matter in to the human body? The main reason, in 1910 J.D. Rockefeller took over the medical system and eliminated all modalities, which could contribute to health...He had his patented petroleum-based medicines to sell.

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The Psychotic Global Predators Plan is continuing and we must speak the Truth while we still can. New Hampshire's State Slogan says it best: "Live Free or Die". Many are awakening to the Truth-Thanks to Courageous Heroes like James Roguski, Dr. McCullough and John Leake .

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As governments do what they do best, talk and debate. in the end we have many pages entered into public record with no action taken or no conclusion reached. The only thing accomplished being the affirmation of their own importance by creating piles of paper. thus patting themselves upon their collective backs agreeing upon a raise in wages for themselves at doing such a remarkable job.-------------------I, Grampa

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This Debate was far better attended than the earlier one on the same topic. ATTENDANCE IS GOING UP. AND IT WILL CONTINUE TO GO UP AND UP AND UP. Believe me, this is being very carefully noted. The Elephant in the room stinks and is now too big to ignore. If they have nothing to hide, then why not release the requested Data ???

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Who stated that anyhow?

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Some are not debates. We are quite busy behind the scenes making sure these arrests occur as they all are and publicly

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No kidding. Check my substack and watch training conferences and you can learn how. Simple email infact of two documents.

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Unfortunately, the whole problem starts with lack of integrity and ethics in world leaders whose faith is centered on the acquisition of money and power. In almost every industry today money appears to be the driving force. The Medical Industry, the Food Industry, Electronic Industry, Vitamin Industry, etc. and others...making money at any cost supercedes everything. Most industries do not do extensive honest research and keep products off the market, which are harming buyers. Their focus is: money first. Scientists today are paid to do research to find more potential products CV has brought a great deal of awareness to Big Pharma and its more than Trillion Dollar profit selling death, but governments world wide have contributed to this .

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At least people are starting to pay attention now. Thank you, James!

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The Truth!!! I believe many Americans have awakened because of this CV fiasco. i think many have bcome aware that Big Brother government is far more interested in its own financial interests than ours. For 40 years I have known how the AMA, Food Industry and government agencies (FDA, USDA, CDC, etc. have cooperated to our detriment with the MSM spewing out propaganda to keep people unaware of what really is going on.

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About 1/3 of the Public is what I would call "wilfully ignorant" - they do not want to know. There is too much "Wokesime".

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The jab?

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Thank you so much James for sharing the video of Andrew Bridgen 🙏🙏🙏

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Important information by David Martin.


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we know the jab that contains M.R.N.AN. the truth is being told however if you want to kill you will not listen

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