May 4, 2022Liked by James Roguski

Abolish the WHO, yes! But we must also abolish the WEF, the UN, NATO, GAVI, and dismantle Blackrock and Vanguard and the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers!

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I like the idea of dismantling the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Starting with their heads.

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May 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022Liked by James Roguski

Mr. Roguski, I watched you on David Knight yesterday. You talked about President Truman and the USA interring into the WHO but you can't tell us what to do basically in a nutshell, Trump took the USA out of the WHO right? Would that action then cancel out the original agreement that Truman signed in 1948? (Ending that agreement) then the current individual that is in office put us back in with The World Health Organization, so wouldn't that be a NEW AGREEMENT WITH THE WHO? Or will Truman's 1948 agreement still have it's original weight, I don't know.

Just wondering!

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May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022Author

Here is the "Activist Toolbox": http://StopTheWHO.com Trump would have left the WHO more than a year before the end of his term if he really wanted to leave. The U.S. did not leave the WHO. The process was started too late in Trumps term to be completed. It left open the opportunity to stop the process of leaving. We did not leave. We started the process of leaving and did not finish it. Yes, if Trump would have fully left the WHO, I believe that it would have been the bookend that made the Joint Resolution signed by Truman null and void, but that is not what Trump did.

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May 7, 2022Liked by James Roguski

Fewwww- that's awesome to know!! The way everything was put out there, mainstream and independent reporting it sounded like he pulled the USA out of the Paris Accord and the WHO.

Thank You for the answer, and good luck, stay safe, and thanks for finding this and all that you've done and are doing to help us and the world.

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May 4, 2022Liked by James Roguski

Thank you. Finally someone names, asserts, the Dream that is bigger than their distortion of Life. Love is stronger than death. I am with you and will tell all my friends.

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May 5, 2022Liked by James Roguski

be free...SEEK TRUTH....1111

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Thanks for helping to save Womanity if we can Sir

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Hi James, well they ARE feeling the heat from us. Case in point--my Twitter Account was permanently suspended within hours of me posting everything I could from DontYouDare.Info. They do feel threatened. 11 years of work, gone...you know how it is. I will get on some other social media and keep spreading truth. NOBODY WILL SILENCE ME.

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Start a page here. Join JP Sears "locals". There are many places to shout from.

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Dear fellow humans, we are under attack… we have been injected with a WEAPON, not a “vaccine”… the deadly pathogens can be released via 5g, the info is becoming known but slowly… there are camps and round up crews trained and paid for ALREADY, and of course, the next “vaccine”, it’s already been prepared!! We are seeing all of the preparations hidden in plain sight and the propaganda has been relentlessly inundating all channels… WE ARE UNDER ATTACK, forget sovereignty! Forget laws, forget the world as we know it!! This has been in motion on a worldwide scale for years but without a doubt, WAVE ONE of the attack has been the “vaccine”… it’s a bioweapon, and even the unvaxxed have had their immune systems depleted relentlessly, shedding, other things such as Chem trails, exposure to a full blown assualt in our bodies ability to fight off the margrave DEADLY virus and the response teams have already been paid for and trained… this is real and this is an IMMEDIATE THREAT to Humanity!!

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There is NOTHING that can "override" the Constitution legally. PERIOD. No treaty can override it. That is bull crap that is being spread around. The founding fathers didn't put it together so that some treaty could over ride it. That is nonsense. You have to take the treaty clause out of context to come to that conclusion.

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this rejected reject is the great reject and it's affiliates of doom

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