The Proposed Amendments to The International Health Regulations
These proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) seek to remove respect for your dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms. NOW is the time to take action to stop this.
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CLICK HERE to download the proposed amendments to the IHR (46 pages)
CLICK HERE to download the proposed amendments (original nations’ submissions - 197 pages)
CLICK HERE to download the existing International Health Regulations (84 pages)
Please listen to the audio below…
The proposed changes to the first principle in Article 3 of the International Health Regulations pretty much says it all. If adopted, they would strike out the following text:
“with the full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons”
Below is a screenshot of the proposed amendment:
The International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC) has been meeting in secret over the past two months. Despite their secrecy, it can be deduced that they were working to compile proposed amendments that had been submitted from 16 countries into a single document.
As an alternative to the authoritarian overreach of the document below, I STRONGLY SUGGEST that readers visit to see what our delegates should have proposed.
EVERYONE is invited to read the proposed amendments and share their opinions and analysis in the comment section below this article. Scroll down the page to read the proposed amendments.
Please watch the videos below…
CLICK HERE to participate in our DAILY 40 MINUTE ZOOM MEETING:
Many people have been clicking on the ZOOM link at all hours of the day. I suspect that they were just checking the link. Please join us at the times listed below depending upon the time zone where you live. The meetings start promptly at the scheduled time and and run for only 40 minutes. See you there !
4am Perth, Australia
6am Brisbane or Darwin Australia
7am Sydney, Adelaide or Hobart Australia
9am New Zealand
NOON Pacific
1pm Mountain
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YES, YOU can take all of the actions listed below over, and over, and over, and over…
ACTION 1: Scroll further down in this article and read the proposed amendments to the IHR. Feel free to comment and I encourage you to record your opinions on video and post the links in the comment section.
ACTION 2: Share this website and flyer far and wide. Especially, share this information with members of the alternative media.
ACTION 3: Share this information on Twitter and other social media sites.
Keep it Short and Simple
ACTION 4: Email and Call Every Member of the United States Congress.
ACTION 5: Email and Call Every Member of the United States Congress.
ACTION 6: Email your Congressional Representative and Senators.
CLICK HERE to send an email to your Congressional Representative and Senators. (You may add a personal message to this pre-written email)
ACTION 7: Email and Call Your United States Congressional Representative and Senators AT THEIR LOCAL OFFICES.
Most people and most email systems only contact the Washington DC offices of their Congressional Representatives and Senators. Most people forget to contact their Representative’s and Senator’s local/district offices. Use the link below to find the websites of your Reps and Senators and then find the page on their website that lists their local offices. Most Reps and Senators have multiple local offices located throughout their district or throughout the state.
Use the email template below that and feel free to edit it however you want in order to send it directly to your Representative and Senators AT THEIR LOCAL OFFICES.
SAMPLE EMAIL: Copy the sample email below and edit it however you wish.
Dear Representative/Senator:
This email is to bring your attention to the secret negotiations being conducted by the World Health Organization regarding proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations as well as the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”
This is absolutely unbelievable, but the proposed amendments actually strike out the words “with the full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons.”
In addition, the proposed amendments would violate every American’s unalienable right to privacy by instituting a digital global health certificate that would give access to each individual’s private health records.
Demand 1:
There has been no official public discussion and no way for the will of We the People to be heard in this process. I demand that you work to STOP the United States participation in the negotiations regarding the proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations. The information that you need to know and investigate is below:
Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR)
International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC)
CONTACT: Mr. Colin McIff is a Vice-Chair of the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations and is an executive in the Department of Global Affairs in the Department of Health and Human Services. | | 202-205-8943
Demand 2:
The WHO has completely ignored over 33,000 written public comments calling for them to stop these negotiations. I demand that you work to STOP the United States participation in the negotiations regarding the Conceptual Zero Draft of the proposed Pandemic Treaty.
CONTACT: Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto was named to be the United State Negotiator for the Pandemic Accord by Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
Twitter: @AMBHamamoto | | 202-545-4883
Demand 3:
The United States needs to stop providing financial support to the World Health Organization. I strongly urge you to support the following legislation:
H.R. 419 - No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act
Demand 4:
Continued U.S. membership in the WHO represents the greatest threat to national sovereignty we have ever faced. The United States also needs to completely sever our ties to this corrupt organization and withdraw from the World Health Organization. The World Health Organization’s blatant ongoing attempts to craft two (2) “legally binding” documents in order to gain nearly unlimited power, authority and money at the expense of national and personal sovereignty and autonomy only has power over the United States because we continue to make the mistake of being a member of the WHO. These regulations will have no power over the United States once we end U.S. participation in these negotiations and rescind our adoption of the IHR amendments
H.R. 7931 - WHO Withdrawal Act
Detailed procedure to leave the WHO:
I will not stand for the loss of my unalienable rights and freedoms.
It is imperative that you work to expose and stop the current negotiations and it is also imperative for you to lead an effort to remove the United States from the WHO.
As my representative, you are sworn to protect my interests, which include protecting the Constitution of the United States. Our participation in WHO’s IHR and Pandemic Treaty negotiations and our membership in WHO and the UN work directly against those interests. You must exert every effort possible to end the negotiations and #ExitTheWHO to prevent this egregious POWER GRAB.
Please provide me with a specific response to my letter, not a generic one.
Yours in health and freedom,
ACTION 8: Contact Colin McIff.
Colin McIff is a member of the United States delegation to the World Health Organization. He is also a Vice-Chair of the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR). He is also a Deputy Director, Office of Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services.
Twitter: @CLMcIff | | 202-205-8943

ACTION 9: Contact Lawrence Oglethorpe Gostin.
Lawrence Oglethorpe Gostin is a member of the International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC). He does not represent the United States, but yet he is participating in the negotiations as a member of the IHRRC. These negotiations are completely confidential.
Contact Mr. Gostin to share your opinion regarding the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. Ask him why there are no plans to accept public comment in the process of amending the IHR.
Twitter: @LawrenceGostin | | 202-662-9373
ACTION 10: Sign the Petition to Stop the IHR Amendments.
ACTION 11: Sign the Petition to Stop the Treaty.
ACTION 12: Sign the Petition to Exit The WHO (United States).
ACTION 13: Sign the Petition to Exit The WHO (Global).
ACTION 14: Contact Members of Parliament and Other Government Officials (CANADA).
CLICK HERE to send an email to all the members of Parliament and various other Canadian government officials.
CLICK HERE to download the proposed amendments to the IHR.
CLICK HERE to download the existing International Health Regulations IHR)
Below is a summary of the amendments related to “Health Certificates.” [Thanks Mrs. H.]
The words equitable, equity, inclusivity, pandemic,
Please visit to review dozens of other terms that the WHO refuses to properly define.
Please visit to review what the United States delegation to the World Health Organization should have proposed as an amendment to the International Health Regulations.
Please visit to see what the United States delegation to the WHO should have proposed as an amendment to Article 3 of the International Health Regulations.
There are no proposed amendments to Article 14.
There are no proposed amendments to Articles 20, 21 or 22.
There are no proposed amendments to Articles 25 and 26.
There are no proposed amendments to Articles 29 and 30.
There are no proposed amendments to Articles 32, 33 and 34.
There are no proposed amendments to Articles 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41.
There are no proposed amendments to Articles 46 and 47.
There are no proposed amendments to Articles 50, 51, and 52.
There are no proposed amendments to Article 55.
There are no proposed amendments to Articles 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 and 66.
There are no proposed amendments to Annex 5.
There are no proposed amendments to Annex 7.
There are no proposed amendments to Annex 9.
I have been sounding the alarm about the amendments to the International Health Regulations for many months…
CLICK HERE to download the proposed amendments to the IHR.
CLICK HERE to download the existing International Health Regulations IHR)
CLICK HERE to tell Congress to #ExitTheWHO
CLICK HERE to visit
CLICK HERE to visit
CLICK HERE to visit
International Health Regulations (IHR)
Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR)
International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC)
by James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
Thank you for shining a spotlight on this!
I saw you on with Maria Zeee and I took action. I made my Congresswoman aware of the IHR amendments, the verbiage they struck out in Article 3, and how this could override American sovereignty. I was very respectful and made this an America thing. NOT a Republican/Democrat thing. Thank you for your due diligence on this incredibly important topic.