hi james no doubt your aware of the public health bill in northern ireland which is plagarised from the treaty

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Yes. I am aware of the "public abuse bill" in Northern Ireland, but I wouldn't say it is plagiarized from the treaty. That is a common misperception. The Pandemic Treaty is not an attack on sovereignty or personal freedoms. The proposed "Pandemic Agreement" is a corrupt business deal and racketeering scam.

"Public Health" bills and Emergency plans in Western Australia, British Colombia, New Zealand are more similar to the fiasco in Northern Ireland.

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Oct 16Liked by James Roguski

Phil Howard

Hi James, thank you for your work. Another old guy here from Canada and not up to speed with the technology BUT totally up to speed with many substacks including yours. Aggressively active here and un-jabbed and will remain that way, so I agree with Warren Scott Human (thread below). Here in Canada you can't believe this 'shit-show' we have lived thru. We'll continue supporting you and what you do!

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Oct 16Liked by James Roguski


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Hi, sounds very Swedish to me! Would you mind post your information to anita.b.soderman@hotmail.com so that I can get in touch and know a bit more of what you are doing. Roguski is awesome in his work against the WHO and I certainly wish we had a few of his kind in Sweden as well....

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Indeed, James is fantastic.

Well, we have some leading skunks posing as anti-WHO activists in Sweden, but I believe most of them work for the mafia infested state and the Swedish COINTELPRO, since they do not cooperate broadly, and do not answer questions, and black out the most important things.

We were recently given a very credible list, from a patriotic insider in that mafia organization who woke up, realized his mistake, and the list was an eye-opener.

I meditated on it, and it makes sense to me, in most cases. They probably follow orders from the corrupted, immoral mafia state.

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You can also send your phone number there if you like. I will not publish it. I phone people from my secret number.

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Nobody trusts Big Pharma now! So, they're out of luck with further attempts to con the population! tell them we're not interested in giving them ANY authority over our health! No means NO!

Before 2019, many of us were trusting of The Establishment, particularly the medical profession. Post 2019, our world was turned upside down when we started to realise we had been 'played' following the deliberate creation and release of Coronavirus, which Fauci had been perfecting for years. Gain of Function used to be referred to as DoD Bio-warfare engineering until Big Pharma realised they could create diseases that might justify expensive 'cures'.

Many of these 'cures' were at best, ineffective - at worse, dangerous or DEADLY! But they persevered and negotiated 'ZERO LIABILITY' with the US Government as a 'contractual condition' for humanity, supposedly, to be 'saved' by these 'Experimental' DEADLY poisons. Financial 'back-handers' will have helped smooth out any opposition.

Zero Liability negates the need to check for SAFETY!

Zero LIABILITY negates the need for Efficacy.

Zero LIABILTY means Quality Control becomes irrelevant.

The enormous profits made from these mRNA poisons enables Big Pharma to incentivise authorities like the FDA, CDC etc, to 'turn a blind eye' when policing quality, contamination, Safety Trials, etc. Rendering Pfizer, Moderna, etc, free to 'mark their own homework'. This means it's all PROFIT without any concern or responsibility for human SAFETY!

Stop taking ALL injected solutions - mRNA renders you Genetically Modified sub-humans.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer by avoiding corrupt and evil pharmacists!

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I am from the UK, I am living with this timebomb as I used to work in the NHS and had daily emails from HR

My husband who is a lefty Woke guardian reader informed me last night he had 3 vaccines on Saturday flu, covid and some other, he is brainwashed.

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Sorry James! I'd love to cooperate, but I'm 80 next birthday and somewhat limited to such technical advancements! Keep up your great mission and I'll do likewise but in my old fashioned way! Best regards! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

We need to eat healthy and Like RFk Or not : getting dyes and other harmful ingredients would but these people out OUT OF BUSINESS! The other even more difficult solution is doctors who want to practice medicine not push it as the only way out to solving health issues .

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I will not comply with any agreement. I alone, will make the decisions pertaining to my health. I alone, will make the decisions as to what I put into my body. No Treaty is necessary. Each country is sovereign, the power is with the people, not governments. They have no mandate to enter into a Treaty without our consent. In the UK, we the people have NOT BEEN consulted. WE DO NOT GIVE CONSENT.

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I would agree but like some people who are blaming the Long-Shoremen for a strike ; quickly forget that lockdowns happened and not many people did anything about . The companies and health centers racked in dollars while everyone else had to ask the Gov for a check to stay afloat.

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Exit the UN WHO WEF and we will be a world better off. It is up to all of us to undertake this operation so we can bring our children up in a world of peace and prosperity, with all those that want nothing more than to kill us all it is up to us to end their reign of lies and deception. This is just the most recent group to attack humanity...although behind the scenes we still have the Council of Rome, Committee of 300, Freemasons, Illuminati, Igigi, Holy Roman Empire, whatever you want to call them. They call themselves elite but we know them as parasites. It's been at least 6,000 years now.

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Go the whole hog, shut the WHO down and send Tedros back to his terror cell in Ethiopia. https://rumble.com/v5iuwvl-why-the-who-should-be-abolished-a-philippines-perspective.html

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Thanks you James as always you do a great job 👏


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Thank you very much!

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Do not sign a treaty. America does not need a pandemic treaty or anything else to do with the WHO, WEF, UN or other globalist entity.

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Please put your thoughts in video format and post the link to your video as a comment.

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The Pandemic Treaty needs to be defeated and scraped and it contains evil intent.

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Please put your thoughts in video format and post the link to your video as a comment.

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PHEIC. Fake. Hmmm...

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