I'm doing my bit to ensure the public are aware! If 'LIABILITY' for vax makers was reinstated as a basic requirement for public safety, Covid & DEADLY VAX would disappear overnight! Vax makers were 'LIABLE' until 1976 when they negotiated (with President Ford) a 'TEMPORARY' relaxation of their moral responsibilities related to an 'Exp…
I'm doing my bit to ensure the public are aware! If 'LIABILITY' for vax makers was reinstated as a basic requirement for public safety, Covid & DEADLY VAX would disappear overnight! Vax makers were 'LIABLE' until 1976 when they negotiated (with President Ford) a 'TEMPORARY' relaxation of their moral responsibilities related to an 'Experimental' Swine Flu injection which also became a deadly disaster. After 50+ post Vax US DEATHS the 'EXPERIMENT was deemed "Too Dangerous" and abandoned. But somehow 'Temporary' became 'PERMANENT' and a 'LICENCE to KILL' Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed & Ready.
What I am about to say is open to debate and discussion.
Some issues/ideas will find a natural "home" in the International Health Regulations. I encourage everyone to read the 84 page IHR and suggest amendments to any of the Articles
Other issues/ideas are really national/provincial/state/county or local issues and probably should NOT be in the IHR.
On which level do you feel pharmaceutical liability should be addressed?
To answer your question James = Every standard of business ethics (morality), health safety, public wellbeing, human consideration all must come before PROFIT (and de-population). The list of ethics that make 'LIABILITY' essential for drug makers is endless. It's basically Common Sense and Morally correct. No other product is sold without a GUARANTEE? Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and fighting fit!
I'm doing my bit to ensure the public are aware! If 'LIABILITY' for vax makers was reinstated as a basic requirement for public safety, Covid & DEADLY VAX would disappear overnight! Vax makers were 'LIABLE' until 1976 when they negotiated (with President Ford) a 'TEMPORARY' relaxation of their moral responsibilities related to an 'Experimental' Swine Flu injection which also became a deadly disaster. After 50+ post Vax US DEATHS the 'EXPERIMENT was deemed "Too Dangerous" and abandoned. But somehow 'Temporary' became 'PERMANENT' and a 'LICENCE to KILL' Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed & Ready.
Our uniparty system works so well for mega rich.
I'm awaiting Great Catholic Monarch
I have addressed that here:
What I am about to say is open to debate and discussion.
Some issues/ideas will find a natural "home" in the International Health Regulations. I encourage everyone to read the 84 page IHR and suggest amendments to any of the Articles
Other issues/ideas are really national/provincial/state/county or local issues and probably should NOT be in the IHR.
On which level do you feel pharmaceutical liability should be addressed?
International Regulations
National law
To answer your question James = Every standard of business ethics (morality), health safety, public wellbeing, human consideration all must come before PROFIT (and de-population). The list of ethics that make 'LIABILITY' essential for drug makers is endless. It's basically Common Sense and Morally correct. No other product is sold without a GUARANTEE? Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and fighting fit!