I believe that the "powers that be" are actively seeking to "normalize" the implementation of a global digital health certificate via the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.
New follower here. In advance, thank you, James, for keeping on top of this and informing us! God opened my eyes to the WEF, UN, and WHO collusion around the time when George Floyd died, and I grew concerned then that NO ONE was talking about it. Pushback is the only way out of this mess. You are my hero!
In The Who needs to mind their own business they think they're the Gestapo hiding behind their little door of Deceit and evilness but God sees everything
And I always remember what president Trump said if you want a bully's respect you got to push back right back at him so we need to push the Gates of Hell back where they belong because the devil is having a ball but not on my time or my watch people can call me whatever they want or think whatever they want but I speak the truth I care about people and no matter how painful the truth is people need to wake up to the fact people are dying and alarming rates dying unexpectedly ages 25 to 45 never seen so many people just dropping like flies and where is fauci
God gives his children wisdom and discernment when this evil scheme called the corona then changed it to covid-19 and then they added other little branches to this whole lie my spirit was very unsettled 3 years before this planidemic hit the world I had a dream I was looking through a window a big picture window and my mother was standing next to me and I said look at all this destruction in lo and behold God gave me a vision so whatever the who thinks they're going to do we serve An Almighty all powerful God and if we don't turn to him and turn to the world we're going to be lost we're going to be swallowed up so all nations need to realize as well as people that it's one nation under not over under God and that he is Almighty and all powerful in this reason why he allowed this to happen because there's so many lost sheep called his children that are refusing to realize with your pieces I could go on and on and on about this but I'll here for now I always remember the saying my mother used to say oh what a tangle web we weave until we practice to deceive where is fauci how about Gates Sorrows Pelosi Schumer even though Administration now Biden Administration it's all going to come to the top and they're not going to be able to stop it it's already happening and nobody should have gotten these poisonous pokes called the vaccines there was a scientific doctor that took one of the vaccines he was on Daystar and he said he was she never did it see never put people in a panic because they can't see through the tunnel
In 1968 Soviet tanks rolled in Czechoslovakia. After quite some time they stamped out the dissent and the tank commander radioed back to Moscow and said, "Now the situation is normal." Normalization is always the last step in communist subversion. Demoralization, destabilization, crises and finally normalization. The front of the war has changed now though. May the USA never see the new normal.
James, we all think exactly like you...they are pushing first one way, then another, and they will not relent.
Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to prevent this...and you have all our prayers for your success (and the worlds) in preventing this back door One Health Pass/Digital Slavery Badge.
I am not being kind We owe you! Seriously. You have been so brave...your face, your email, everything. I know this is sexist but many hugs and kisses...you are a hero.\
The "normalization" scam is nothing new. They have been "normalizing / justifying" a whole litany of scams for centuries - eugenics, slavery, class system, book burning / banning, getting rid of intellectuals and professionals who don't comply ... And most recently, get your shot, .... About 1/3 of the Public will just go along with it (whatever "it" happens to be). The 1/3 in middle is where we have to educate and inform because they are unlikely to go along with it if we do so. The other 1/3 will not go along with it. The 1/3 in the middle is also somewhat sensitive to cultural shifts. The cultural value placed on "privacy rights" is going to be pitted against "convenience." We need to be ready for this.
The plan is, of course, to deny access to basic services if we do not comply. But I think the window for planned medical tyranny is closing.
I have just received an offer from a British publisher regarding my new novel. One of the main characters is a rebel professor who quotes from the Classics - Ceasar and Cicero. These quips and wise words are as true today as they were in Ancient Rome.
Congrats Deb. i think its the fallacy of modern progressive man that we think we are the first ones to face evil and treachery of immense proportions. Also, progressives choose to believe the nonsense that corrosive evil that spawned nazism and communism could still be alive today, thus the total inability to fathom that there are people who actually want to kill a third of mankind. History and the book of Proverbs assures us human character has not changed.
One of the big problems is that education has been (and was from the beginning), hijacked to further Propaganda. Subjects like Rhetoric and The Socratic Method have to be tucked in with English and Civics. The System is big on vaguely defined topics like "equity" and "sustainability" which are really just buzz words for reducing us to "equal outcomes at a lower economic and intellectual level" rather than "equality of opportunity." As for the book, the Latin quotes helped enormously to hi-light old school values and sharp thinking which still prevailed in the 1920's, despite jingoism. A detailed business proposal should show up next week.
'equity' = communist tactic designed to destroy capitalism. its a tactic of demoralization and to rush everyone to the bottom. yeah maybe it attempts to turn the tables on caucasians, but in general it has nothing to do with equalizing anything. the people of color who are believing in this crap will find themselves used as dupes to destroy this prosperous nation of freedom. what is coming on America is what is happening to both Veneuzuela and South Africa. BLM and Antifa must be shown for what they are, domestic terror operations.
Had it not been for The Civil Rights Movement, America would likely have gone totalitarian a long time ago. The Civil Rights Movement expanded to include All Civil Rights for All People. The marches put Civil Rights insistence literally on the streets. The Elites lost control of The Narrative when this happened (in the late sixties, Martin Luther King 's "I Have a Dream" speech comes to mind). So their tactics changed to turn the Left into the New Propaganda. It is interesting to note that Martin Luther King's teachings on equality and content of character, are being attacked in the school system as "misguided". Critical Race Theory is being pushed. But of course, there is opposition to it also from members of the public and many teachers (for good reason). Look, they are trying to incentivize race baiting in the opposite direction and using pent up anger as a weapon. The problem is that it does not sell, because the Martin Luther King teaching model works and is universal. Please try not to be angry. My grandparents were refugees from WW2. I see it from both sides. Anger is what they want. It creates negative energy which fuels conflict. God's Plan is at work. The Civil Rights Movement is the greatest thing that ever happened. And it was largely "accidental." Martin Luther King was a young preacher who stumbled into the role of leader. His iconic speech was spoken from the Soul and was largely spoken without rehearsal. The whole Battle in the Western World is about Civil Rights, starting with The Magna Carta in 1215. Please read about The Magna Carta and the History behind it.
The MSM is now, finally, starting to say something relevant. The New York Times has just admitted that masks do not work. WE NEED TO WORK FAST. The enemy is Time. We are bang on time with these subcommittees thanks to a lot of very hard work and I believe, God's help.
We are no longer the smelly, nay sayers from the back allies, or worse, "the grandma killing, anti-science" heretics. I think most of the Public will oppose Digital ID. The problem is if they try to impose it. This is where we absolutely need Congress.
The MSM knows that people are getting alternative News , that they know what is happening and that it is therefore losing readers. It can't hide things forever
Here is Canada, the MSM is actually reporting a lot more real news. I also think that some of the MSM was decent and in some cases excellent, before 2020. The staff that did the good stuff is still there. I think they are pushing to get things right again. The signing agreements were only for Covid reporting on "truth". And everyone knows it has all been a hoax.
The Leader of Canada's Official Opposition Party, Pierre Poilievre, who is now polling higher than Trudeau for the job of Prime Minister, is openly saying he will defund the CBC if he gets in. Viewership for the CBC is at an all time low. The private news organization which are also MSM (and are now getting Govt funding) are, however, starting to report real news.
Deb, I hope Poilivere is not a believer and enforcer of the WEF ideology as is Trudeau, Jr. Maybe another party e.g. People's Party might be an option. Personally, I believe no matter who you vote for, a politician always gets in. Signed: almost octogenarian.
THANK YOU James!!! Brave, God Blessed...I am almost afraid to look at all this as I feel SO tiny in the face of all this, in the face of the infiltrated corrupt USA government... and the rest of our citizens who just don’t get it ! My family... to them I am a ‘nut job’....
After what just happened with illness/death from the shot coupled with brainwashing elements involved with the internet, can say their vision is a disaster for humanity.
Thank you so much for going through this document and breaking it down into digestible pieces. I've shared it with everyone I can think of and have hit my knees asking God to give us what we need and not what we deserve given that the present usurper-in-chief can sign on to this trainwreck without any input from Congress.
CRYPTOCURRENCY patent #060606 will be forced during the financial reset. "The cashless mark of the beast"
New follower here. In advance, thank you, James, for keeping on top of this and informing us! God opened my eyes to the WEF, UN, and WHO collusion around the time when George Floyd died, and I grew concerned then that NO ONE was talking about it. Pushback is the only way out of this mess. You are my hero!
Thanks for the kind words!
DeSantis vs Trump: How the Vaccine Controversy Goes
Kozen Sato (Auto translate from Japanese)
Page not found
In The Who needs to mind their own business they think they're the Gestapo hiding behind their little door of Deceit and evilness but God sees everything
And I always remember what president Trump said if you want a bully's respect you got to push back right back at him so we need to push the Gates of Hell back where they belong because the devil is having a ball but not on my time or my watch people can call me whatever they want or think whatever they want but I speak the truth I care about people and no matter how painful the truth is people need to wake up to the fact people are dying and alarming rates dying unexpectedly ages 25 to 45 never seen so many people just dropping like flies and where is fauci
God gives his children wisdom and discernment when this evil scheme called the corona then changed it to covid-19 and then they added other little branches to this whole lie my spirit was very unsettled 3 years before this planidemic hit the world I had a dream I was looking through a window a big picture window and my mother was standing next to me and I said look at all this destruction in lo and behold God gave me a vision so whatever the who thinks they're going to do we serve An Almighty all powerful God and if we don't turn to him and turn to the world we're going to be lost we're going to be swallowed up so all nations need to realize as well as people that it's one nation under not over under God and that he is Almighty and all powerful in this reason why he allowed this to happen because there's so many lost sheep called his children that are refusing to realize with your pieces I could go on and on and on about this but I'll here for now I always remember the saying my mother used to say oh what a tangle web we weave until we practice to deceive where is fauci how about Gates Sorrows Pelosi Schumer even though Administration now Biden Administration it's all going to come to the top and they're not going to be able to stop it it's already happening and nobody should have gotten these poisonous pokes called the vaccines there was a scientific doctor that took one of the vaccines he was on Daystar and he said he was she never did it see never put people in a panic because they can't see through the tunnel
In 1968 Soviet tanks rolled in Czechoslovakia. After quite some time they stamped out the dissent and the tank commander radioed back to Moscow and said, "Now the situation is normal." Normalization is always the last step in communist subversion. Demoralization, destabilization, crises and finally normalization. The front of the war has changed now though. May the USA never see the new normal.
Demoralization, destabilization, (millions coerced, villified, demonized, censored, ghettoized, and murdered), and normalization.
James, we all think exactly like you...they are pushing first one way, then another, and they will not relent.
Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to prevent this...and you have all our prayers for your success (and the worlds) in preventing this back door One Health Pass/Digital Slavery Badge.
Well said Duchess, 💯 with you!
Thank you for your kind words. It is much appreciated.
I am not being kind We owe you! Seriously. You have been so brave...your face, your email, everything. I know this is sexist but many hugs and kisses...you are a hero.\
Thanks. I'm blushing!
The "normalization" scam is nothing new. They have been "normalizing / justifying" a whole litany of scams for centuries - eugenics, slavery, class system, book burning / banning, getting rid of intellectuals and professionals who don't comply ... And most recently, get your shot, .... About 1/3 of the Public will just go along with it (whatever "it" happens to be). The 1/3 in middle is where we have to educate and inform because they are unlikely to go along with it if we do so. The other 1/3 will not go along with it. The 1/3 in the middle is also somewhat sensitive to cultural shifts. The cultural value placed on "privacy rights" is going to be pitted against "convenience." We need to be ready for this.
The plan is, of course, to deny access to basic services if we do not comply. But I think the window for planned medical tyranny is closing.
principiis obsta. finim respice.
Resist the beginnings. Consider the end.
I have just received an offer from a British publisher regarding my new novel. One of the main characters is a rebel professor who quotes from the Classics - Ceasar and Cicero. These quips and wise words are as true today as they were in Ancient Rome.
Congrats Deb. i think its the fallacy of modern progressive man that we think we are the first ones to face evil and treachery of immense proportions. Also, progressives choose to believe the nonsense that corrosive evil that spawned nazism and communism could still be alive today, thus the total inability to fathom that there are people who actually want to kill a third of mankind. History and the book of Proverbs assures us human character has not changed.
One of the big problems is that education has been (and was from the beginning), hijacked to further Propaganda. Subjects like Rhetoric and The Socratic Method have to be tucked in with English and Civics. The System is big on vaguely defined topics like "equity" and "sustainability" which are really just buzz words for reducing us to "equal outcomes at a lower economic and intellectual level" rather than "equality of opportunity." As for the book, the Latin quotes helped enormously to hi-light old school values and sharp thinking which still prevailed in the 1920's, despite jingoism. A detailed business proposal should show up next week.
'equity' = communist tactic designed to destroy capitalism. its a tactic of demoralization and to rush everyone to the bottom. yeah maybe it attempts to turn the tables on caucasians, but in general it has nothing to do with equalizing anything. the people of color who are believing in this crap will find themselves used as dupes to destroy this prosperous nation of freedom. what is coming on America is what is happening to both Veneuzuela and South Africa. BLM and Antifa must be shown for what they are, domestic terror operations.
"Never Again is Now Gone Global" covers how American corporations furnished Hitler with a lot of hardware -
Had it not been for The Civil Rights Movement, America would likely have gone totalitarian a long time ago. The Civil Rights Movement expanded to include All Civil Rights for All People. The marches put Civil Rights insistence literally on the streets. The Elites lost control of The Narrative when this happened (in the late sixties, Martin Luther King 's "I Have a Dream" speech comes to mind). So their tactics changed to turn the Left into the New Propaganda. It is interesting to note that Martin Luther King's teachings on equality and content of character, are being attacked in the school system as "misguided". Critical Race Theory is being pushed. But of course, there is opposition to it also from members of the public and many teachers (for good reason). Look, they are trying to incentivize race baiting in the opposite direction and using pent up anger as a weapon. The problem is that it does not sell, because the Martin Luther King teaching model works and is universal. Please try not to be angry. My grandparents were refugees from WW2. I see it from both sides. Anger is what they want. It creates negative energy which fuels conflict. God's Plan is at work. The Civil Rights Movement is the greatest thing that ever happened. And it was largely "accidental." Martin Luther King was a young preacher who stumbled into the role of leader. His iconic speech was spoken from the Soul and was largely spoken without rehearsal. The whole Battle in the Western World is about Civil Rights, starting with The Magna Carta in 1215. Please read about The Magna Carta and the History behind it.
I agree
Congressional status is critical to shifting the culture in our favour. This status is now here.
First with Sen. Ron Johnson's Round Table on vaxx injuries, and now the new subcommittee -
"House Republicans to investigate COVID jab injuries, development, and mandates"
LifeSite News, journalist Joseph Summers, Feb.23, 2023 - headed by Rep. Rich McCormick
The MSM is now, finally, starting to say something relevant. The New York Times has just admitted that masks do not work. WE NEED TO WORK FAST. The enemy is Time. We are bang on time with these subcommittees thanks to a lot of very hard work and I believe, God's help.
We are no longer the smelly, nay sayers from the back allies, or worse, "the grandma killing, anti-science" heretics. I think most of the Public will oppose Digital ID. The problem is if they try to impose it. This is where we absolutely need Congress.
The MSM knows that people are getting alternative News , that they know what is happening and that it is therefore losing readers. It can't hide things forever
Here is Canada, the MSM is actually reporting a lot more real news. I also think that some of the MSM was decent and in some cases excellent, before 2020. The staff that did the good stuff is still there. I think they are pushing to get things right again. The signing agreements were only for Covid reporting on "truth". And everyone knows it has all been a hoax.
In Australia as in Canada, the MSM is controlled by the same entities; the tax-payer funded CBC, ABC Au also tow the mainstream media line.
The Leader of Canada's Official Opposition Party, Pierre Poilievre, who is now polling higher than Trudeau for the job of Prime Minister, is openly saying he will defund the CBC if he gets in. Viewership for the CBC is at an all time low. The private news organization which are also MSM (and are now getting Govt funding) are, however, starting to report real news.
Deb, I hope Poilivere is not a believer and enforcer of the WEF ideology as is Trudeau, Jr. Maybe another party e.g. People's Party might be an option. Personally, I believe no matter who you vote for, a politician always gets in. Signed: almost octogenarian.
Phenomenal. Thank you. 🙏❤
I’ve contacted everyone I can think of about WHO and their bs....more than once.
THANK YOU James!!! Brave, God Blessed...I am almost afraid to look at all this as I feel SO tiny in the face of all this, in the face of the infiltrated corrupt USA government... and the rest of our citizens who just don’t get it ! My family... to them I am a ‘nut job’....
So, I do what I can and on my knees in prayer...
Thank you for being brave! 🙏❤️
After what just happened with illness/death from the shot coupled with brainwashing elements involved with the internet, can say their vision is a disaster for humanity.
Thank you so much for going through this document and breaking it down into digestible pieces. I've shared it with everyone I can think of and have hit my knees asking God to give us what we need and not what we deserve given that the present usurper-in-chief can sign on to this trainwreck without any input from Congress.
Everyone is invited to participate in my twice daily zoom meetings...
Thank you!
I was just about to ask.