To be totally honest with every single one of you if every single person had prepared and had food water and medicine for themselves and had created alliances with all their neighbors and had regular meetings to solve all problems of survival and control and power in their area we would all be so powerful that they couldn't touch us! But many people decided to just complain or give up and give away their power so it might be harder now to accomplish that but still not impossible!

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President Trump said he is taking us out of the who

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Maybe big Pharma wants to create an American health Authority that they can more fully manipulate.

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And as soon as Trump figures out how he was misled and manipulated concerning the so-called pandemic and the vaccines, more heads are going to roll. Unless big Pharma has already cut a deal with him that was too good to refuse.

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From where I sit, WHO is done. No way for the other countries to make up for the shortfall, so either it drastically cuts back its operations or, more likely, other countries like Germany and the UK will withdraw rather than sync money into the failed operation.

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So, dummy question here, if the U.S. has pulled out of WHO, why would there be any realistic probability that the U.S. would sign a WHO treaty?

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It takes 12 months for the withdrawal to be complete. We were hoping that the clock would start back when Trump first removed us from the UN and then 6 months after he submitted the required request he had the election stolen from him. So it looks as if the 12 month clock starts Jan. 2025

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You're saying we need to wait for the withdrawal to be complete before we can decide not to sign the so-called treaty? It seems to me the will is there to have nothing to do with WHO, whether it's withdrawal from participation, refusing to pay them billions of dollars, or supporting their vile schemes. But what do I know?

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No. The US can refuse to sign the agreement but if the majority of other countries sign on then it will be passed BUT the US can opt out of the agreement. A lot of the poor countries will sign on because they have been promised all kinds of money from the richer nations....the US for one. It takes 12 months to actually officially be out of the WHO. There are already several other countries that are talking about leaving the WHO. Argentina, Malaysia, Italy and several more. The sad part is the Amendments to the IHR and this Pandemic Agreement was spear headed by the Biden Administration. Trump's EO to remove us from the WHO also declined for the US to participate in the Pandemic Agreement and the Amendments to the IHR. They are also looking at all agreements and treaties that the US is involved with so there may be other things we pull out from under. Our President needs to pull the plug on the UN/WEF and all affiliate agencies. This gang serves no useful purpose.

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James......do you know who is representing the US at this meeting??Is it Tressa Rae Finnerty?/

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"Now time grows short. History will not allow the people of Shem additional centuries, or even decades, to come to their senses and realize what is going on. Just as they have been victims of massacres and genocides for centuries, the people of Shem now face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and finally. a goal they hope to achieve by the end of the millenium."

The Curse of Canaan

Eustace Mullins 1987

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Tedros is a war criminal and is a wanted man in Ethiopia for crimes against his own people as a terrorist. They will use anyone to push their agenda unfortunately the people are aware of this bullshit and they will all be heading to Geneva to hunt these criminals down for execution. So Anything these people push is only going to affect them as we all now know all the bull shit they're pushing.

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Tedros is owned by the CCP and the WHO is controlled by the CCP.

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Don't be too distressed. Be informed but not crushed. The devil wants to cause us fear and distress. Don't allow him. Look Forward. Look Up. GOD IS GOOD. God is Greater than all the evil! "Thou will keep in perfect peace the mind stayed on Thee." Keep close to The One God. Our Savior, Shepherd and Friend.

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Bunch of freaks start with a faulty premise:

It is the responsibility of the INDIVIDUAL to care for his health.

Government power mongers need to bug off

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Burn it to the ground and execute tedros and bill gates

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If only every country exited the WHO!




Hell with the hypochondria germaphobia fear hysteria monkeyshines driving us all ape! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT BEFORE WE ALL GO BANANAS!

SERIOUSLY FOLKS! KEEP FIGHTING! Can't say this often enough! The WHO/UN/WEF are totally criminal entities that must be litigated and dismantled off the face of the earth and its upper level employees tried and jailed. Nothing THE WORLD HELL ORGANIZATION does has any legitimacy.

EQUITY is Orwellian doublespeak for equal ENSLAVEMENT of us proles under the technocratic parasitical malevolent rule by control freak, power-mad psychos. The word EQUITY makes my blood boil whenever I hear it now that I understand its true meaning.

A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.

The world needs a lot more rejections of the UN/WHO's nefarious schemes.

Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.

Can't say this often enough!

It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections were/are a huge part of their arsenal!

KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!

Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.

Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living! virustruth.net

JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.


The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!

Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!

The terrible senators, horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.




Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

Bless and thank you for doing what you do.

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A great summation!

Hell no! to all their twisted crap!


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Hi James, as you know i live in Norway, but I have some issues with WHO and their "fantastic" world wide healthcare! So you guys in america are supposed to believe these morons who holds the 13th meeting on the same issue? All i can say is why don't your goverment ban that organization and all it stands for? They are hipocrites the whole bunch! Corrupt so bad and funded by Bill Gates our most perverted massmurder in modern times!

Why holding more meetings? Close them all down! They have earned enough on poor peoples money and they have killed enough children with the vaccines THEY said was safe!

Close them down! Arrest and jail them!


Bjørn Leif-oscar Liptovari

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No compliance!

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This is disturbing. Trump won't let it affect the US. Without the US their plans are null. If they're still going through with this global takeover, then they are planning on the US still becoming part of it. Which means...

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