I recently completed a post on Deadlos for any interested.


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"Psychology proves that the more a person was afraid to be alone, outside the approval of their social group, the more they complied over the last 5 years. This proves that although there's strength in numbers, if everyone in the group will inject poison into themselves, just to maintain social bonds... it's just best to walk away and be alone".

very well said by Jason Christoff, I can only agree.

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here's something for those who understand german:


an event that you don't want to miss: 40 clever heads and beautiful hearts come together and call it an anti-wef, a-wef. they will do the same as wef: a simulation game and discussion panels talking about solutions for the future. the distinctive difference is that they don't hide from public and don't charge 30 000 euro entry. they have nothing to hide. they say: it's not enough to disagree, let's do something real.

you'll see Ernst Wolff❤️, Elsa Mittmannsgruber❤️, Ralf Ludwig❤️do I need to say more? not to forget Martin Sellner❤️

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Hmmmm, I was thinking the treaty was very close to being ratified. Which is why we’re being asked to “look here, not THERE” regarding the drone incursions in the USA & EU.

Thoughts anyone?

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no idea, I sometimes feel like they themselves don't really know what they do and why, so the appearance. we all know how hopeless it is, and has always been, to organise a great number of people for achiving one purpose, think of the minions... it's frustrating. with only one exeption: it's when people fight for something they believe in and something they love. then something leads them into the victory. they still make everything wrong and behave rather comically, but they achieve the purpose all the more.

but on those I wouldn't bet an apple stud.

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Nuremberg 2.0 Daily News December 2024 ft Quad-Demic? Scamdemic planners push Bird-Flu B.S. (Animal to Human) to Quarantine RFK's choice for Milk Policy, Mark McAfee of Raw Farms (NurembergTrials.net) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/nuremberg-20-daily-news-december

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Hi Jim,

I like your summary below the videos: I think a lot of people are at a point where they are having difficulty formulating a course of action with a need for something like this...

Step 1: Do A,B,C

If step 1 works: one of the following should occur

If step 1 fails: This should happen

Step 2: Do D,E,F

If step 1 works: one of the following should occur

If step 1 fails: This should happen

... and so on down the line in order to make it easy to quantify results.

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Thankyou so much for everything you do James you have been a beakon of truth and hope in this very dark time. History will look kindly on you my friend. The world will be forever in your debt. God bless you!

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Would not the whole thing implode if US and UK withdraw? At least the US? The WHO and the whole of the UN have overplayed their hands long ago, no other way than out.

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The globalists should all be in gaol long ago. They have spent decades murdering innocent people to Make themselves wealthier. Our politicians who have not only listened to their lies but bypassed their oaths to serve those who elected them and pay their wages, have endorsed laws without authority and should also be gaoled.

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Here are some acronyms to research:

IEGBBR - International Experts Group for Biosafety

GHSA - Global Health Security Agenda

IFBA - International Federation of Biosafety Association

BSWG - Biosecurity Working Group

GPs - Global Partnerships

WOAH - WHO Guidelines

BWC - Biological Weapons Convention

USAMRIID - US Army Military Research Institute of Infectious Diseases

JEE - Joint External Evaluation / WHO Global Standards

NTIs - Global Health Security Index

"Global Biolabs Initiative" courtesy of the WEF/UN

Just like the wireless, the tentacles go everywhere. I just read a doc from 2023 where there are now 20 new biolabs intended for the U.S. The Pandemic Agreement MUST be STOPPED. Most of the larger colleges are involved in the U.S. There are even groups springing up for High School Students: https://biologybowl.org...

These are just some of the organizations!!!

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This is akin to negotiating access to and financial support for nuclear weapons, for everyone. Except, it's worse. These fools act like they assume the good will of their partners. And they're eager to transfer incredible amounts of wealth in order to "equitably" equip every psychopath and war-lord around the world to attack us, to the sound of thunderous applause, with insidious and invisible pathogens. In the interim, back-channels are opened for any number of state security poachers. And can someone please explain to me the meaning of "'relevant' stakeholders"? Is there a list of irrelevant stakeholders?

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we all, the people, seem to be irrelevant. all except of relevant stakeholders are irrelevant. only those who pay for participating are relevant. it's like how a couple of snotty brats play sitting in a sandpit...

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That woman has no authority to speak on behalf of any country, particularly mine. I speak for the UK and inform you all that the WHO was terminated by the planet when it was found to have been corrupted by enormous financial donations from the insane Bill Gates. Gates 'bought' the WHO to use as his tool for implementing his bizarre theories, which are damaging and destroying our planet. The WHO is no longer a valid representative of humanity and is now redundant. Unjabbed Mick (UK). We'll live longer without interference from the corrupt WHO!

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The way they speak in the videos reminds me of the way catholic priests spoke when we were young. / Here in Europe things change fast. We are all getting sudden high traffic fines - to be paid immediately - for driving a tad bit faster then 50 km (31 miles) an hour. And brand new camera's and 30 km an hour- (which is the speed of bikes) -signs are put up everywhere in villages and cities. The same is happening in the Netherlands and Spain. They are slowly but surely locking us up.

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Interesting that Hamamoto has withdrawn. I wonder what the cover story is for that?

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